VS Code - how to disable new line while closing html tags - visual-studio-code

Silly question but it constantly slowing me down,
In VS Code when I create div and press enter , it looks like that:
with new line and cursor in between.
It really doesn't help me in my workflow, since I find myself most of the time using shift+ctrl+arrow to move things around in html files and always deleting this line.
Editor should be a helpful tool, how do I disable this?
I've tried adding:
"html.format.contentUnformatted": "div",
and it doesn't have any effect.


VS Code settings

I would like to change the following VS code behavior but can't find a way to do so:
When the cursor is on some items a box pops up with info about that item. I find this extremely annoying as it often blocks what I'm trying to edit. How to disable the pop up?
I code CSS on a single line, such as:
h1 {something; something; something; } And the next CSS on the next line. No Spaces!
But when I save it VS code automatically reformulates it, putting each something on a new line. This is extremely, extremely annoying! It horribly wastes space, and forces me to scroll down a lot to find something I want to edit. How do I get VS code to stop messing with My Coding Style?
To disable the pop up. Do these necessary changes Disable pop up
To stop the CSS formatting, just see in the extensions if you have downloaded CSS formatter, if so then uninstall it or disable it.

Visual Studio Code keeps adding enters when copy pasting text?

Whenever I copy paste something from in Chrome and paste it into the editor for example into.
It turns into
<p>Copied this text from the web
Is there any way to get around this?

Can't get rid of double cursors on tags in Visual Studio Code

I have this problem just recently whenever I click on one tag, say a <div>, it automatically puts cursors on both the starting <div> and the ending </div> all together.
I have tried re-install vscode itself, deleted settings, un-installed extensions, none of it worked.
Still couldn't find a solution ...
How can I fix this? Thanks in advance.
When I paste classes, because of the double cursors at the divs, it will end up like this:
Search for html.mirrorCursorOnMatchingTag in Settings and uncheck it

Brackets auto tag completion like dreamweaver?

I've just about had as much as I can stand with Brackets, and NPP isn't much better. I'm so used to coding in Dreamweaver that I have become very accustomed to Adobe's auto tag completion - for example -
When I type
div content
misc. stuff
</ (at this point, dreamweaver will complete the </div> tag)
In brackets, as soon as I type
it will automatically turn it into:
with the cursor in the middle, to insert content between the opening and closing tags.
Notepad++ will do neither of the above, unless I go into settings>preferences and turn on tag autocomplete, where it will do the exact same thing as brackets.
I absolutely hate this, I love the way Dreamweaver completes their tags but I don't like Dreamweaver in general. Is there a setting for this type of auto-completion in Brackets or Notepad++ that I may have overlooked? I've spent literally hours looking for a solution to this, everything from editing backets' JSON file to trying different HTML editors to almost throwing my G** D*** laptop against a wall from infuriation.
Is there a setting I can change, or a specific line of code I can add to Brackets' config.json file? If not, if you know of another program that has dreamweaver style tag closing, please please PLEASE let me know, I've been desperately looking for something to replace it!
Thank you very much in advance.
Yes, in Brackets you can get that behavior by adding this line to your preferences JSON file:
"closeTags": {"whenOpening": false, "whenClosing": true, "indentTags": [], "dontCloseTags": []}
To edit your preferences file, choose Debug > Open Preferences File from the menu. If the file is currently blank, be sure to wrap the above line in {}s.
For more details, check out the full list of Brackets preferences.

How do I make Dreamweaver to show me closing tags?

I would like Dreamweaver to show me the opening/closing tag when I select a tag. This functionality is seen in many editors, I know for sure Eclipse has it.
To make things clearer: When I select/highlight a <div> opening tag with my mouse I would like Dreamweaver to select/highlight the </div> closing tag.
My main questions:
Does anybody know what this functionality is called?
Does anybody know how to add this functionality to Dreamweaver?
I've tried searching the Dreamweaver extensions on the Adobe exchange but couldn't find what I'm looking for.
Dreamweaver has two different ways of selecting matching tags, depending on whether you're working with HTML or a scripting language.
To select the matching opening and closing tags of an HTML element, click inside the element, and click the Select Parent Tag button in the Coding toolbar. It's the sixth button from the top (I tried to attach a screenshot, but don't yet have sufficient privileges to do so).
To select matching opening and closing curly braces, brackets, or parentheses, click inside the opening or closing symbol, and click the Balance Braces button on the Coding toolbar (it's immediately below Select Parent Tag). Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+'/Cmd+'.
well I dont know If Im really giving u a solution but if u select a tag, the code editor will show u (at the end of the window) the tag u are on. If u click on the tag information (same place) then the code-editor will highlight the place in btw the choosen-tag
I have to echo the sentiments of Ahmet Sali in saying that its a shame that Dreamweaver does not support the functionality of highlighting the beginning and end tags. This should be very simple. I became accustomed to this feature in Visual Studio and found it very useful.
I think Dreamweaver doest it better than All other Editors.
You just need to see the Small Vertical Toolbar on the Left of the Line-numbers and search for 'Balance Braces' (highlights between { and } AND 'Select Parent Tag' (Highlights all inside parent-element ).
For HTML Tag Highlighting , again , just see the Small Horizontal bar' on the Bottom (also called Status Bar).
Whenever you select a HTML Tag, it automatically creates its Hierarchy in the shape of Small-Buttons. If you just Click on any Tag (or small-button) , then it highlights that Element upto the Matching Element.
I don't think Dreamweaver has this option. The only way is to just go what David Powers says. You would have to click within the braces and click on the symbol. This would highlight the whole text from beginning of the brace to the end. If it doesn't do anything then that means there no ending or beginning. I'm using both dreamweaver and notepad++ and notepad++ does exactly that.