How to get powershell function source with full header - powershell

As seen here this would get the body of test-function
but not the header of test-function with parameters

You'll have to add the missing parts yourself (function <name> { ... }) in order to form a full function definition:
$funcDef = "function test-function { ${function:test-function} }"
If you're given the function name in a variable or you want to avoid repeating the function name:
$funcName = 'test-function'
$funcDef = "function $funcName { $(Get-Content function:$funcName) }"
Note that the function body returned does include parameters, in the form of a param(...) block - even if the original definition used the in-line parameter-declaration form. E.g., both function test-function($foo) { 'foo' } and function test-function { param($foo) 'foo' } result in body param($foo) 'foo' (with variations in whitespace).
${function:test-function} is an instance of namespace variable notation, and therefore only works with literal names.
It returns the body of the specified function as a script block, which when stringified, results in the block's verbatim source code (without the { and } that you use to create a script-block literal.
Get-Content function:test-function is what the namespace variable notation translates into, except that the cmdlet-based enables use of variables in its arguments.


Perform functions default action, unless pipeline input was given?

Lets say I have a function like this:
Function Hello(){
    Write-Host "Hello, World"}
when used on its own it works perfect but I would also like for it to receive pipeline input:
$MyString = "Something Else please"
$MyString | Hello
In the second example, Something Else please should be printed instead of the default value of Hello, World.
I have searched and searched and have turned up empty handed. everything out there keeps mentioning default parameters. I am not looking to use parameters.
Someone please point me in the right direction.
Declare a parameter, and:
assign it a default value.
make it pipeline-binding, and be sure to process each pipeline input object in the function body, namely via a process block
Note: Declaring a parameter pipeline-binding (with [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] below) implicitly makes a function an advanced one, which has (generally beneficial) behavioral implications - see this answer.
function Hello {
$InputObject = 'Hello, World' # default value
process {
# Called for each pipeline input object, or once with the default value.
Write-Host $InputObject
For robustness, it's generally preferable to declare parameters explicitly, as shown above.
The - less desirable - parameter-less, simple-function alternative is the following, which collects all pipeline input up front, as it too implicitly runs in an end block, and uses the automatic $input variable and $MyInvocation.ExpectingInput to detect if pipeline input was provided, as suggested by Santiago Squarzon:
function Hello {
if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) { # input from the pipeline
$input | Write-Host # pass each pipeline input object to Write-Host
} else { # no pipeline input -> use default value
'Hello, World' | Write-Host
As for what you tried in your answer:
By not using a process block, in effect only the last input object from the pipeline is bound to parameter $InputObject, because a function body without (any one of) begin, process and end blocks implicitly runs in an end block, i.e. after all pipeline input has been received.
Generally, there's no good reason to type a parameter [PSObject] or [PSObject[]], given that [psobject] is a usually invisible helper type used behind the scenes.
Not typing a parameter is the same as typing it [object], which is what should be used to accept arguments of any type.
Typing it [array] is the same as typing it [object[]], but note that if you type a pipeline-binding parameter as an array, each individual input object is automatically converted to an array - which slows down processing.
Only if you need to accept multiple values as a single command-line argument (as opposed to via the pipeline) is declaring a parameter as an array warranted - and when you do, you then need to enumerate each bound parameter value in your process block, as it may itself be a true array.
As an aside: That pipeline-binding parameters declared with scalar types only accept multiple values via the pipeline, but not also implicitly as an argument is the subject of GitHub issue #4242
By using this syntax for you function you can create what I think you're after.
Function Hello {
Param (
[String] $MyText = "Hello"
Write-Host "$MyText, World"
"It's A Wonderful" | Hello
Hello, World
It's A Wonderful, World
Here is what I arrived at after #Santiago Squarzon pointed me to the right direction
Function Hello {
Param (
[PSObject[]] $InputObject,
if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
"Data received from pipeline input: '$($InputObject)'"
else {
Write-host "Hello World"

In powershell is there a difference between having param in a function or putting parameters in the function?

In powershell you can make functions with function name {commands} and make those functions take arguments with this:
function myFunction {
param($var1, $var2)
but you can also accomplish this with
function myFunction($var1, $var2) {}
and they would be the same.
For example, if I made a function func1 be:
function func1 {
param($var1, $var2)
echo "$var1 $var2"
I would call it by using func1 1 2 where $var1 would be equal to 1 and $var2 would be equal to 2.
PS C:\Users\Neko> func1 1 2
1 2
However, if I do the same thing but instead I did the other method of passing arguments to functions:
function func2($var1, $var2) {
echo "$var1 $var2"
I would also call it the same exact way, calling it by using func2 1 2 where $var1 would be equal to 1 and $var2 would be equal to 2 like the previous function.
PS C:\Users\Neko> func2 1 2
1 2
So everything seems the same and constant between the two renditions of the function, so my question is, is there a difference between the two methods of passing arguments to functions or are they both actually the same? Even if it is the most minor of details, or just a parsing difference, I would like to know any differences between the two in functions specifically since param has other uses as well.
UPDATE: The arguments you can do in param like [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] and [String[]] are not unique to param. You can also accomplish this in the other 'non-param' example by doing:
function func2(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, etc)]
$var1, $var2
) {
echo "$var1 $var2"
To complement 7cc's helpful answer:
While the two syntax forms are mostly interchangeable when you define a function's parameters, only the param(...) block syntax works in the following circumstances:
If you want to use a [CmdletBinding()] attribute and its properties to (explicitly) make your function or script an advanced function or script.[1]
If you're writing a script file(*.ps1) or script block ({ ... }): the only way to declare parameters for them is is by placing a param(...) block at the beginning.
Therefore, you may opt to always use the param(...) block syntax, for consistency across function and script parameter definitions.
If a [CmdletBinding(...)]) attribute is used, it must directly precede the param(...) block.
As for:
I would call it by using func1(1)(2)
No, you would call it as follows:
func1 1 2
That is, PowerShell functions are called like shell commands: without parentheses, separated by whitespace; while your invocation happens to work too, the use of (...) around the arguments can change their interpretation:
without the enclosing (...) the arguments are parsed in argument mode, where, notably, strings needn't be quoted
with the enclosing (...), are parsed in expression mode, where strings do need to be quoted.
See this answer for more information.
[1] While you can place a [CmdletBinding(...)] attribute inside the parentheses with the function Foo (...) { ... } syntax without provoking an error, doing so is effectively ignored. Separately, in the absence of an (effective) explicit [CmdletBinding(...)] attribute, with either syntax, if you happen to decorate at least one parameter with a [Parameter()] attribute, you get the default behaviors of an advanced function (e.g., support for automatic common parameters such as -Verbose), because using [Parameter()] implicitly makes a function an advanced one (as if a [CmdletBinding()] attribute - without explicit property values - were in effect). However, if you need an explicit [CmdletBinding(...)] attribute, so as to opt into non-default advanced-function behaviors, via property values such as PositionalBinding=$false or SupportsShouldProcess=$true, use of a param(...) block is your only option.
One thing is that the CmdletBinding attribute requires Param
function Echo-Confirm
# Here
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="High")]
Param ($val=1)
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($val) -eq $true) {
Write-Output "Confirmed $val"
Edit after this comment
The syntax is fine, but CmdletBinding has no effect
Function foo (
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="High")]
) {
# never confirm
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($val) -eq $true) {
Write-Output "always here"
else {
Write-Output "never here"
foo -Confirm
# throws an error
foo: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'confirm'.
From About Functions - Functions with Parameters - Named Parameters:
You can define any number of named parameters. You can include a
default value for named parameters, as described later in this topic.
You can define parameters inside the braces using the Param keyword,
as shown in the following sample syntax:
function <name> {
param ([type]$parameter1[,[type]$parameter2])
<statement list>
You can also define parameters outside the braces without the Param
keyword, as shown in the following sample syntax:
function <name> [([type]$parameter1[,[type]$parameter2])] {
<statement list>
While the first method is preferred, there is no difference between
these two methods.
#mklement0 thanks for helpful explication of the latter (emphasized) statement.
This statement (there is no difference between these two methods) is valid despite of 7cc's improper guesswork.
7cc's answer is right, explained in mklement0's comments below and his updated answer.
In About Functions Advanced Parameters => Attributes of parameters, there are some allusions to the relation of CmdletBinding and Parameter attributes and advanced functions (advanced functions use the CmdletBinding attribute to identify them as functions that act similar to cmdlets):
… if you omit the CmdletBinding attribute, then to be recognized
as an advanced function, the function must include the Parameter
… to be recognized as an advanced function, rather than a simple
function, a function must have either the CmdletBinding attribute
or the Parameter attribute, or both.
I can't comprehend PowerShell inventors' motivation for such (confusing for me) design…

How to define the return type / OutputType of a function

Why is the following changing type?
function SomeFunction($SomeParameter){
return $SomeParameter
I guess I need to set a return type, but how?
An example is using:
$NewFolder=Join-Path $CurrentFolder -ChildPath $FolderName
Now $Tmp is an array and not just a path
While this answer explains the behavior you're seeing, here I will attempt to answer the actual question: how to declare the expected output type of a function!
You do so by adding an [OutputType] attribute to the param() block of your function - so the first thing you'll want to do is to skip the C#-style param list and declare a proper param block instead:
function SomeFunction
return $SomeParameter
Now we just need to add the [OutputType] attribute decorator:
function SomeFunction
return $SomeParameter
since we're just returning the parameter argument value as-is in this example, we should play nice and make sure it's actually also a string:
function SomeFunction
return $SomeParameter
Worth noting that [OutputType()] makes no guarantees as to the type of objects emitted during execution, it's simply a way for the author of a function to indicate the intended output type.
Read more about [OutputType] in the about_Functions_OutputTypeAttribute help file
Your issue is per "design". PowerShell will return an array in chunks so that it can be forwarded the PowerShell pipeline.
SomeFunction -SomeParameter #(1,2,3,4) | Where-Object { $_ -gt 2 }
Without this behavior pipelining the output of the function to another function/cmdlet won't be possible.
If you want to return an array you can change to code to:
function SomeFunction($SomeParameter){
# Through the unary operator we can return an array with one entry.
# This entry contains the original array.
Another option would be the use of #() when at the calling side:
function SomeFunction($SomeParameter){
# return to pipelin
$array = #(SomeFunction -SomeParameter 1,2,3,4)
There is also this reddit answer explaining the behavior in more detail.
Hope that helps.

PowerShell AST FindAll method take a scriptblock with $args[0]

I have been working with the PowerShell AST to create some custom rules for PSScriptAnalyzer.
In a lot of the example code for AST, there is one line that I don't understand. Here is an example.
First parse a file, in this case, the current open file in the ISE.
$AbstractSyntaxTree = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::
ParseInput($psISE.CurrentFile.Editor.Text, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)
This makes sense so far. Let's say that we want to look for all the ParameterAst objects. The code that I have seen to do this is below.
$params = $AbstractSyntaxTree.FindAll({$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst]}, $true)
This line of code is calling FindAll and passing in a scriptblock, that seems to be acting as a filter, so that only ParameterAst objects are returned.
What I don't understand here is how $args[0] fits into this call. How are any parameters actually getting passed into the scriptblock when the FindAll method is invoked?
FindAll method has following signature (from msdn):
public IEnumerable<Ast> FindAll (
Func<Ast,bool> predicate,
bool searchNestedScriptBlocks
So first argument is a delegate that takes Ast as input, and returns bool.
In Powershell you can create such delegate like that:
$delegate = { param($ast) $ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst] }
Or without declaring parameter:
$delegate = { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst] }
FindAll method will then do something like that (pseudocode):
foreach ($node in $allNodes) {
$shouldAdd = & $delegate $node <-- this is how $node gets passed to your delegate
if ($shouldAdd) {
<add the node to the output list>
Think of the scriptblock as an anonymous callback function.
It's really the same thing that happens when you use Where-Object { $someCondition }.
.FindAll finds all the (things) and for each one it calls the function you provided it. It's apparently expecting a [bool] result, and returning the objects that satisfied the conditions present in the callback.
In a function or script or scriptblock in powershell, you can have named parameters that are explicitly defined, or you can reference parameters without declaring them using the $args array, which is what's happening here.
Using a scriptblock as a callback is similar to using it for an event:
Contains an array of the undeclared parameters and/or parameter
values that are passed to a function, script, or script block.
When you create a function, you can declare the parameters by using the
param keyword or by adding a comma-separated list of parameters in
parentheses after the function name.
In an event action, the $Args variable contains objects that represent
the event arguments of the event that is being processed.

How does name lookup work in Powershell script blocks?

User cashfoley has posted what appears to be a fairly elegant set of code at codeplex for a "module" called PSClass.
When I dot-source the psclass code into some code of my own, I am able to write code like:
$Animal = New-PSClass Animal {
constructor {
param( $name, $legs )
# ...
method -override ToString {
"A $($this.Class.ClassName) named $($ with $($this.Legs) Legs"
When I tried to create a module out of the PSClass code, however, I started getting errors. The constructor and method names are no longer recognized.
Looking at the actual implementation, what I see is that constructor, method, etc. are actually nested functions inside the New-PSClass function.
Thus, it seems to me that when I dot-source the PSClass.ps1 file, my script-blocks are allowed to contain references to functions nested inside other local functions. But when the PSClass code becomes a module, with the New-PSClass function exported (I tried both using a manifest and using Export-ModuleMember), the names are no longer visible.
Can someone explain to me how the script blocks, scoping rules, and visibility rules for nested functions work together?
Also, kind of separately, is there a better class definition protocol for pure Powershell scripting? (Specifically, one that does not involve "just write it in C# and then do this...")
The variables in your script blocks don't get evaluated until they are executed. If the variables in the script block don't exist in the current scope when the block is executed, the variables won't have any values. Script blocks aren't closures: they don't capture the context at instantiation time.
Remove-variable FooBar
function New-ScriptBlock
$FooBar = 1
$scriptBlock = {
Write-Host "FooBar: $FooBar"
$FooBar = 2
& $scriptBlock # Outputs FooBar: 2 because $FooBar was set to 2 before invocation
return $scriptBlock
function Invoke-ScriptBlock
& $ScriptBlock
$scriptBlock = New-ScriptBlock
& $scriptBlock # Prints nothing since $FooBar doesn't exist in this scope
$FooBar = 3
Invoke-ScriptBlock $scriptBlock # Prints $FooBar: 3 since FooBar set to 3