PowerShell AST FindAll method take a scriptblock with $args[0] - powershell

I have been working with the PowerShell AST to create some custom rules for PSScriptAnalyzer.
In a lot of the example code for AST, there is one line that I don't understand. Here is an example.
First parse a file, in this case, the current open file in the ISE.
$AbstractSyntaxTree = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::
ParseInput($psISE.CurrentFile.Editor.Text, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)
This makes sense so far. Let's say that we want to look for all the ParameterAst objects. The code that I have seen to do this is below.
$params = $AbstractSyntaxTree.FindAll({$args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst]}, $true)
This line of code is calling FindAll and passing in a scriptblock, that seems to be acting as a filter, so that only ParameterAst objects are returned.
What I don't understand here is how $args[0] fits into this call. How are any parameters actually getting passed into the scriptblock when the FindAll method is invoked?

FindAll method has following signature (from msdn):
public IEnumerable<Ast> FindAll (
Func<Ast,bool> predicate,
bool searchNestedScriptBlocks
So first argument is a delegate that takes Ast as input, and returns bool.
In Powershell you can create such delegate like that:
$delegate = { param($ast) $ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst] }
Or without declaring parameter:
$delegate = { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst] }
FindAll method will then do something like that (pseudocode):
foreach ($node in $allNodes) {
$shouldAdd = & $delegate $node <-- this is how $node gets passed to your delegate
if ($shouldAdd) {
<add the node to the output list>

Think of the scriptblock as an anonymous callback function.
It's really the same thing that happens when you use Where-Object { $someCondition }.
.FindAll finds all the (things) and for each one it calls the function you provided it. It's apparently expecting a [bool] result, and returning the objects that satisfied the conditions present in the callback.
In a function or script or scriptblock in powershell, you can have named parameters that are explicitly defined, or you can reference parameters without declaring them using the $args array, which is what's happening here.
Using a scriptblock as a callback is similar to using it for an event:
Contains an array of the undeclared parameters and/or parameter
values that are passed to a function, script, or script block.
When you create a function, you can declare the parameters by using the
param keyword or by adding a comma-separated list of parameters in
parentheses after the function name.
In an event action, the $Args variable contains objects that represent
the event arguments of the event that is being processed.


How to get validation arguments class provided by a class with PowerSell

I would just like to get the validation arguments provided by an IValidateSetValuesGenerator class similar to a return when we use a bad argument (see example command Sample -Verb 'BadVerb')
Below is an example of code:
class verb : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator
[String[]] GetValidValues()
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Verbs = #()
$VerbsSource = Get-Verb
foreach ($Verb in $VerbsSource)
$Verbs.Add([PSCustomObject]#{'verb' = $Verb.Verb})
return ($Verbs).Verb
function Sample
[ValidateSet([verb], ErrorMessage="Value '{0}' is invalid. Try one of: {1}")]
return $Verb
Sample -Verb 'BadVerb'
Sample -Verb 'Get'
Mathias R. Jessen has provided the crucial pointer:
# PSv5+ syntax:
# Construct (create an instance of) the [verb] class and call its
# .GetValidValues() instance method.
[verb]::new().GetValidValues() # Returns a [string[]] array of valid values.
Your [verb] class implements the [System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator] interface (for use in [ValidateSet] attributes to allow constraining parameter values to a dynamically generated set of valid (permissible) values).
This interface, has a single instance method, .GetValidValues(), which returns the permissible values, and which PowerShell calls behind the scenes during parameter validation.
Therefore, in order to call this method yourself, you need to create an instance of your [verb] class first:
In PowerShell v5+, the best choice is to use the static ::new() method, which is PowerShell's way of exposing public constructors; that is, [verb]::new() is equivalent to new verb() in C#.
In older PowerShell versions you must use the New-Object cmdlet for calling constructors; the equivalent of [verb]::new() is New-Object verb
# PowerShell v5+
# PowerShell v4-, but also works in higher versions.
(New-Object verb).GetValidValues()
Syntax pitfalls:
::new() uses method syntax (as in C#), whereas New-Object, as a cmdlet, uses command syntax,[1] i.e. is invoked like a shell command: no (...) around the list of arguments, whitespace as the argument separator.
The following example - using a constructor with arguments - illustrates the difference:
# PSv5+ ::new() call - method syntax.
# Equivalent of this C# constructor call:
# new Regex("^\w+=.+", RegexOptions.Multiline, new Timespan(1000));
[regex]::new('^\w+=.+', [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Multiline, [timespan]:new(1000))
# Equivalent New-Object call - command syntax,
# using verbose *named* parameter binding.
# Note the following:
# * absence of (...) around the list of arguments as a whole
# * use of whitespace to separate arguments (and also parameter names from their arguments)
# * the need to separate the *constructor* arguments with ","
# as they must be passed as an *array*.
# * the need to enclose [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Multiline individually in (...)
New-Object -TypeName regex -ArgumentList '^\w+=.+', ([System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Multiline)
# Equivalent call using *positional* (unnamed) parameter binding.
New-Object regex '^\w+=.+', ([System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Multiline)
A particular pitfall is when a constructor takes a single argument that is an array or a collection, which with New-Object requires wrapping the array in an aux., transitory array:
$array = 1, 2
# OK: Initialize an ArrayList instance via an array that
# binds as a whole to the `System.Collections.ICollection c`
# constructor parameter.
# $array is interpreted as *multiple* (two separate) arguments.
New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList -ArgumentList $array
# OK
# Need to wrap the array in an aux. transitory array.
New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList -ArgumentList (, $array)
[1] In PowerShell terms, method syntax is parsed in expression mode, whereas command syntax is parsed in argument mode. See the conceptual about_Parsing help topic.
In addition to mklement0's excellent explanation of [Verb]::new(), allow me to provide you with an example of how you could structure the value generator class so that you don't need an instance to generate the values:
class verb : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator
[String[]] GetValidValues()
return [Verb]::GetValidValues()
static [String[]] GetValidValues()
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Verbs = #()
$VerbsSource = Get-Verb
foreach ($Verb in $VerbsSource)
$Verbs.Add([PSCustomObject]#{'verb' = $Verb.Verb})
return ($Verbs).Verb
Now we've moved the actual heavy lifting to a static method, and the instance method (which is what PowerShell is going to call) simply calls the static method.
Now you can get the value list without creating an instance of [verb]:
PS ~> [verb]::GetValidValues()

In powershell is there a difference between having param in a function or putting parameters in the function?

In powershell you can make functions with function name {commands} and make those functions take arguments with this:
function myFunction {
param($var1, $var2)
but you can also accomplish this with
function myFunction($var1, $var2) {}
and they would be the same.
For example, if I made a function func1 be:
function func1 {
param($var1, $var2)
echo "$var1 $var2"
I would call it by using func1 1 2 where $var1 would be equal to 1 and $var2 would be equal to 2.
PS C:\Users\Neko> func1 1 2
1 2
However, if I do the same thing but instead I did the other method of passing arguments to functions:
function func2($var1, $var2) {
echo "$var1 $var2"
I would also call it the same exact way, calling it by using func2 1 2 where $var1 would be equal to 1 and $var2 would be equal to 2 like the previous function.
PS C:\Users\Neko> func2 1 2
1 2
So everything seems the same and constant between the two renditions of the function, so my question is, is there a difference between the two methods of passing arguments to functions or are they both actually the same? Even if it is the most minor of details, or just a parsing difference, I would like to know any differences between the two in functions specifically since param has other uses as well.
UPDATE: The arguments you can do in param like [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] and [String[]] are not unique to param. You can also accomplish this in the other 'non-param' example by doing:
function func2(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, etc)]
$var1, $var2
) {
echo "$var1 $var2"
To complement 7cc's helpful answer:
While the two syntax forms are mostly interchangeable when you define a function's parameters, only the param(...) block syntax works in the following circumstances:
If you want to use a [CmdletBinding()] attribute and its properties to (explicitly) make your function or script an advanced function or script.[1]
If you're writing a script file(*.ps1) or script block ({ ... }): the only way to declare parameters for them is is by placing a param(...) block at the beginning.
Therefore, you may opt to always use the param(...) block syntax, for consistency across function and script parameter definitions.
If a [CmdletBinding(...)]) attribute is used, it must directly precede the param(...) block.
As for:
I would call it by using func1(1)(2)
No, you would call it as follows:
func1 1 2
That is, PowerShell functions are called like shell commands: without parentheses, separated by whitespace; while your invocation happens to work too, the use of (...) around the arguments can change their interpretation:
without the enclosing (...) the arguments are parsed in argument mode, where, notably, strings needn't be quoted
with the enclosing (...), are parsed in expression mode, where strings do need to be quoted.
See this answer for more information.
[1] While you can place a [CmdletBinding(...)] attribute inside the parentheses with the function Foo (...) { ... } syntax without provoking an error, doing so is effectively ignored. Separately, in the absence of an (effective) explicit [CmdletBinding(...)] attribute, with either syntax, if you happen to decorate at least one parameter with a [Parameter()] attribute, you get the default behaviors of an advanced function (e.g., support for automatic common parameters such as -Verbose), because using [Parameter()] implicitly makes a function an advanced one (as if a [CmdletBinding()] attribute - without explicit property values - were in effect). However, if you need an explicit [CmdletBinding(...)] attribute, so as to opt into non-default advanced-function behaviors, via property values such as PositionalBinding=$false or SupportsShouldProcess=$true, use of a param(...) block is your only option.
One thing is that the CmdletBinding attribute requires Param
function Echo-Confirm
# Here
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="High")]
Param ($val=1)
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($val) -eq $true) {
Write-Output "Confirmed $val"
Edit after this comment
The syntax is fine, but CmdletBinding has no effect
Function foo (
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="High")]
) {
# never confirm
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($val) -eq $true) {
Write-Output "always here"
else {
Write-Output "never here"
foo -Confirm
# throws an error
foo: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'confirm'.
From About Functions - Functions with Parameters - Named Parameters:
You can define any number of named parameters. You can include a
default value for named parameters, as described later in this topic.
You can define parameters inside the braces using the Param keyword,
as shown in the following sample syntax:
function <name> {
param ([type]$parameter1[,[type]$parameter2])
<statement list>
You can also define parameters outside the braces without the Param
keyword, as shown in the following sample syntax:
function <name> [([type]$parameter1[,[type]$parameter2])] {
<statement list>
While the first method is preferred, there is no difference between
these two methods.
#mklement0 thanks for helpful explication of the latter (emphasized) statement.
This statement (there is no difference between these two methods) is valid despite of 7cc's improper guesswork.
7cc's answer is right, explained in mklement0's comments below and his updated answer.
In About Functions Advanced Parameters => Attributes of parameters, there are some allusions to the relation of CmdletBinding and Parameter attributes and advanced functions (advanced functions use the CmdletBinding attribute to identify them as functions that act similar to cmdlets):
… if you omit the CmdletBinding attribute, then to be recognized
as an advanced function, the function must include the Parameter
… to be recognized as an advanced function, rather than a simple
function, a function must have either the CmdletBinding attribute
or the Parameter attribute, or both.
I can't comprehend PowerShell inventors' motivation for such (confusing for me) design…

How to change array of PSCustomObject in Powershell

I can modify PSCustomObject property which is Array like:
$a.b.c += "new item"
Is it possible to do it with function? I mean to pass $a.b.c to function and to modify it. Seems that it's not trivial (if possible even): I tried [ref] but without success. Only one way which works for me is to return new value and to assign it, but this involve $a.b.c expression on both sides of function call which makes line long. I tried also:
function AddItem {
$MutObj = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Obj
$MutObj.Add($Value) > $null
but this also does not work, seems that $a.b.c += x is actually change property "c" of $a.b object and I have not $a.b in function scope. Is it achievable even with function and with modification in place in its body?
I think what you are asking is why the object doesn't change in the function.
Powershell handles Function variables as Values which means it creates another variable exactly like the one passed in and changes it in scope of the function. What you want to do is make this by Reference meaning it will mess with the same object passed into the function. This is done by the type [Ref] added to the value passed into the parameter. In this example the magic is handled here Additem -Object ([ref]$JSON) -Value "TEST"
Full script
function AddItem {
$Object.Value += $Value
$JSON = '[["aaa", "bbb"], ["ccc", "ddd"]]' | ConvertFrom-Json
Additem -Object ([ref]$JSON) -Value "TEST"
"0 : $($JSON[0])"
"0 : $($JSON[1])"
"0 : $($JSON[2])"

Strong type checking for non existent file declared in a function parameter

I am writing a PowerShell function that carries out some operation on a file, the path to the file is passed to the function as a parameter. I'm a fan of strong typing and parameter validation so instead of just passing the file path as a System.String I've defined the parameter like so:
Normally I would use Resolve-Path in the calling code to get an object of type System.Management.Automation.PathInfo that I could pass to this parameter however in this case it is legitimate for the file to not yet exist and hence Resolve-Path would throw an error.
Is it possible to instantiate an instance of System.Management.Automation.PathInfo for a none-existent file? If so, how? If not, do you have a suggestion for how I might pass a non-existent file path to a function and still have strong type checking.
Although using the [System.IO.FileInfo] type would probably be the neatest solution in this case (doing something to a file), you might run into problems if you're given a path to a folder, since .Exists returns False in such cases. You'd want to use [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] instead...
Thinking a bit more generally you could use a validation script, esp. one that calls some sort of testing function, for example the following should allow parameters that are either $null or a valid [System.Management.Automation.PathInfo] type.
function Test-Parameter {
if([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PathInfo)) {
return $true
} elseif($PathInfo -is [System.Management.Automation.PathInfo]) {
return $true
} else {
return $false
And then you use this a [ValidateScript({...})] check your parameter meets those (arbitrary) conditions:
function Do-Something {
[ValidateScript({Test-Parameter $_})]

PowerShell function won't return object

I have a simple function that creates a generic List:
function test()
$genericType = [Type] "System.Collections.Generic.List``1"
[type[]] $typedParameters = ,"System.String"
$closedType = $genericType.MakeGenericType($typedParameters)
$a = test
The problem is that $a is always null no matter what I try. If I execute the same code outside of the function it works properly.
IMHO that's pitfall #1. If you return an object from the function that is somehow enumerable (I don't know exactly if implementing IEnumerable is the only case), PowerShell unrolls the object and returns the items in that.
Your newly created list was empty, so nothing was returned. To make it work just use this:
That will make an one item array that gets unrolled and the item (the generic list) is assigned to $a.
Further info
Here is list of similar question that will help you to understand what's going on:
Powershell pitfalls
Avoiding Agnostic Jagged Array Flattening in Powershell
Strange behavior in PowerShell function returning DataSet/DataTable
What determines whether the Powershell pipeline will unroll a collection?
Note: you dont need to declare the function header with parenthesis. If you need to add parameters, the function will look like this:
function test {
param($myParameter, $myParameter2)
function {
[Parameter(Mandatory=true, Position=0)]$myParameter,
... again $myParameter2)
An easier way to work with generics. This does not directly solve the [Activator] approach though
Function test
New-Object "system.collections.generic.list[string]"