I am using the vue-hotel-datepicker6 in Nuxt and it is working fine on localhost, but I faced a problem when I deployed the app on the server, It first time load the calendar properly but after refreshing not load the calendar again.
Similar situation I faced with the vue-mapbox.
I solve it on the server by using Static site generation (aka SSG).
For that, you need to change the target from 'server' to 'static' and don't forget to run yarn generate rather than yarn build.
You can follow these article for using static site generation:
I am trying to use JasperReports integration for the first time. I am using the included Jetty server, Oracle database XE 18c and Windows 7.
I am following the quick start guide https://github.com/daust/JasperReportsIntegration/blob/main/src/doc/github/installation-quickstart.md
I downloaded the zip folder, configuired database access through adding schema credentials in application.properties file as follows...
[datasource:default] type=jdbc
url=jdbc:oracle:thin:#localhost:1521:XEPDB1 username=hr password=hr
this parameter is limiting access to the integration for the specified
list of ip addresses, e.g.:
ipAddressesAllowed=,, if the list is
empty, ALL addresses are allowed.
Then I deployed the jri.war file successfully. Then I started the server successfully as well. But when I tried to test it through http://localhost:8090/, I got the following page, and I do not know if that's the norm or there's something wrong...
I need to know if testing is successful, and what's meant by "context" here?
You deployed the jri.war to the context path /jri, this isn't an error, and is quite normal.
Just access your webapp via http://localhost:8080/jri/
RTCMultiConnection seems using socket.io (node.js) based solution.
How to integrate RTCMultiConnection into ruby-on-rails (or PHP/Python/ASP.NET/MVC/etc.)?
You can setup a separate ipAddress/domain for node.js.
Or you can use same domain however run node.js on a separate port e.g. 9001.
Your PHP/Ruby/Python/ASPX pages can internally use/link that node.js/socket.io server.
Use nohup command to keep running server.js in the background.
Now copy/paste any of the RTCMultiConnection demo in your Ruby/PHP pages.
Make sure that socket.io.js is having a valid URL
<script src="https://your-domain.com:9001/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
Make sure that socketURL property is having valid socket.io server link/reference
connection.socketURL = 'https://your-domain.com:9001/';
Now you can use any demo on your Ruby/PHP/Python/etc. pages.
PS. Chrome requires HTTPs-privileges for audio/video/screen capturing. So please make sure that your domain is having SSL installed.
In a Wildfly 8.1.0.Final we deploy:
our own CRM-webapp (Seam2/JSF1.2)
camunda-webapp 7.3.0
camunda-engine 7.3.0 as a module (shared engine)
custom engine-plugin to enable camunda-engine to use the user/group-store of our CRM
We display camunda tasklist in an iframe inside our CRM.
This setup runs fine so far, but we have to login twice.
So we need SSO, but cannot establish AD/LDAP, like in camunda-sso-jboss example.
I thought of Wildfly's JAAS and SSO capabilities, but i'am not sure, if camunda-webapp supports JAAS-authentication.
I think the security-domain configuration in jboss-web.xml is just generated by a maven archetype and has no effect on the camunda-webapp, is that right? I changed that configuration and it had no effect at all.
Can someone give me a hint, where i should hook into camunda-webapp or if it is possible at all?
Ok, i have a first success.
I changed org.camunda.bpm.webapp.impl.security.auth.Authentications.getFromSession to accept HttpServletRequest as parameter instead of HttpSession (called from AuthenticationFilter.doFilter). If the session contains no Authentications, i try to pull the Principle from the request and if one exists, i log em in silently (copied most from UserAuthenticationResource.doLogin).
Then i have a very simple webapp ("testA") with only one JSP and Basic Authentication. Both camunda-webapp and testA have the same security-domain configured, and the host in the undertow-subsystem has the "single-sign-on"-setting.
Now i can login into /testA, then call /camunda in another tab without further authentication.
The code has to be improved a lot. If everythink works fine, i'll post the details.
If someone thinks this is a wrong approach, please let me know ;-)
I have successfully setup ndbcluster version 7.1.26.
This contains 2 data nodes[NDBD], 2 mysql [MYSQLD] nodes and one management [MGMD] node.
Replication works successfully.
My Web application is deployed in JBoss-5.0.1 and using JNDI for connection resources which are specified in application specific ds.xml file in load balanced url forms e.g. jbdc:mysql:loadbalance:host1:port1,host2:port2/databaseName.
host1 : refers to first mysqld node and port1 refers the port it is running on.
host2 : refers to second mysqld node and port2 refers the port it is running on.
When both of the [MySQLD] nodes are up and running everything works fine and cluster responds well, replicates data, and data retrieval operations also work properly.
But issues are raised when any of the [MySQLD] nodes goes down. Data gets inserted/updated/replicated but the application is unable to retrieve data from cluster and web page remains busy working which means busy retrieving data. As soon as the node which was down goes up it responds properly and application goes forward and shows up data retrieved from cluster.
At JBoss 5.0.1 startup it showed up a NullPointerException in class LoadBalancingConnectionProxy.invoke(LoadBalancingConnectionProxy.java:439). Tell me if the above Exception plays any role in the above explained issues.
If anyone had faced issues like above and if has any solution regarding the issues please let me know.
Thanks and regards.
I have resolved the issue as it was a bug in the connectorJ's version.
As The project I am working on was already using both the buggy jar mysql-connector-java-5.0.8.jar and the jar version in which the issue is already resolved i.e. mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar.
After all the search when I removed the jar mysql-connector-java-5.0.8.jar my issues got resolved.
All that was problematic was that the ConnectorJ/Driver was getting referred from the buggy jar.
The bug id and url which refers to this issue is:
Thanks for considerations.
Are you using different userids and passwords for each of the hosts(host1, host2) specified in the tag ? (Either directly or using tag) ?
After nearly drowning in tears of frustration I have to ask you a question.
My play (2.0.3, scala) application is consuming a wsdl, which works perfectly fine, if I run the dev version of my webservice on localhost, which makes the wsdl-url something like http://localhost:8080/Service/Service?wsdl.
When I try to consume the WSDl from the remote test system server, with an Url like http://testserver.company.net:8084/Service/Service?wsdl, I get:
[WebServiceException: Failed to access the WSDL at: http://testserver.company.net:8084/Service/Service?wsdl. It failed with: Got Server returned HTTP response code: 502 for URL: http://testserver.company.net:8084/Service/Service?wsdl while opening stream from http://testserver.company.net:8084/Service/Service?wsdl.]
My company uses a http proxy for internet use, which is the reason for the 502 error. So I want play to stop using the proxy.
So far I have tried (all together):
deleted proxy from Intenet Explorer
set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dhttp.noProxyHosts="testserver.company.net"
set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dhttp.noProxyHosts="testserver.company.net"
play run -Dhttp.noProxyHosts="testserver.company.net"
None of this worked. Any ideas? How can I stop play from using the HttpProxy?
I found it has someting to do with java Webservices-api / jaxws libraries.
Any ideas?
EDIT 2012-10-17:
It seams to depend on system proxy settings. I still don't know why it didn't work that day although I deleted the whole proxy from IE and restarted everything. Is there any way to make my play app independend from system settings?
play -Dhttp.noProxyHosts="testserver.company.net" run
I noticed a typo in your property, the correct property is http.nonProxyHosts so add and extra n after no.