Googlesheets triggers file is missing - triggers

In Googlesheets I created a simple trigger. By mistake I deleted the file that was automatically created in the Script Editor. I was hoping it would be recreated if I generated a new simple trigger but it hasn't. Can this be fixed? Thanks


Why is a folder named ".dist" automatically created in VS Code?

Everytime I open a folder or create a workspace, VS Code automatically generates a ".dist" folder and it has been bugging me for quite a long time now and I still do not understand why it even exits in the first place.
It does not seem like there is any problem in deleting the folder.
For me, it is just some bloat that automatically generates when said conditions are met.
I would really like to find if there is a setting which I can toggle ON that disables the auto-generation of the ".dist" folder.
This is due to an extension you have installed which makes it to help with compliling or running. Sass/Less/Typescript/Jade/Pug Compile Hero Plugin is probably the extension that does this.

Why is Visual Basic 6 Packaging and Deployment Wizard system freezing with no message why

I have amended an old VB6 program, adding new images and making fairly simple code changes. When I come to creating the CAB file, the P&D Wizard freezes halfway through and gives no reason why. It could be looking for a file, can't find it and is just looping.I have tried checking existence of files but so far have found nothing.
Does anyone have any good ideas? I would be very grateful for help with this. Is there any other way of creating a CAB file?

Unity - Can't add script behaviour CallbackExecutor [duplicate]

Yesterday I updated unity from unity5 to 2018.2.2f1. Unity scripts are not loading after Update 2018.2.2f1.
Once I try to play the Scene the scripts are not loaded and I can't add the script again it gives this error:
Can't add script component 'CubeScript' because the script class
cannot be found. Make sure that there are no compile errors and that
the file name and class name match.
If you still have the old copy of the project, upgrade the Unity project to Unity 2017 first then to 2018.2.2f1.
Here are the few possible reasons you may get this error(Ordered from very likely)
1.Script name does not match class name.
If script name is called MyClass, the class name must be MyClass. This is also case-sensitive. Double check to make sure that this is not the issue. To make sure that's not the issue, copy the class name and paste it as the script name to make sure that this is not the issue.
Note that if you have have multiple classes in one script, the class name that should match with the script name is the class that derives from MonoBehaviour.
2.There is an error in your script. Since this is an upgrade, there is a chance you're using an API that is now deprecated and removed. Open your script with Visual Studio and see if there is an error there then fix it. There is usually a red line under a code that indicates there is an error.
3.Bad import with the Unity importer and its automatic upgrade script.
Things to try:
A.The first thing to do is restart the Unity Editor.
B.Right click on the Project Tab then click "Reimport All"
C.If there is still issue, the only left is deleting the problematic script and creating a new one. There is an easier way to do this if the script is attached to many GameObjects in your scene.
A.Open the script, copy its content into notepad.
B.From the Editor and on the Project tab right click on the script "CubeScript", select "Find References In Scene".
C.Unity will now only show all the GameObjects that has this script attached to them. Delete the old script. Create a new one then copy the content from the notepad to this new script. Now, you can just drag the new script to all the filtered GameObject in the scene. Do this for every script effected. This is a manual work but should fix your issues when completed.
Here, is some reason why that's heaping.
1. Your Script Name And your class name isn't same.
2. May be there is an error in your script.
Here, is the few way to resolve it.
1. Make a same name of script and class in to this script.
2. find there is the error? and try to resolve it.
Posting here for historic purposes and if someone from Google ends up here, I strictly had the same problem (I'm on Windows 10) and here's how I fixed it :
If you click on the Console, you should see a blank error. Don't worry, it's a Editor bug, and you can see the Editor Log by selecting the console's window dropdown and selecting Open Editor Log.
For me, the problem was that "Tools\Roslyn\csc" could not be found, something that Unity uses to compile C# files.
I opened C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2019.2.14f1\Editor\Data\Tools\RoslynScripts\unity_csc.bat and I added ".exe" to the line "%APPLICATION_CONTENTS%\Tools\Roslyn\csc" /shared %*
(This line should now be : "%APPLICATION_CONTENTS%\Tools\Roslyn\csc.exe" /shared %*)
Now it works perfectly.
I'm completely new to Unity and game development, but I found that making the error true by entering an incorrect name, then entering the right one seems to "trick" Unity into fixing its error.
I had the same error show up but for different reasons (in case someone ends up here from google).
I was a beginner and named my file with a space in it. I got the same error after that. Make sure to NOT include spaces in your C# script.
One more thing which might help apart from other answers
Make the class which inherits from the MonoBehaviour the first class in the file. It fixed this issue for me.
Checking the console bugs and fix them is a good way to solve the problems "Can't add script component because the script class cannot be found?", although the bug seems to be irrelevant.
This works for me when I fix a bug in the other script.
for me I found out it was a script that I wasn't using which was linked to the player and other scripts that I deleted.
For me, the problem was that there was an error in another script.
Once I fixed the error, I could FINALLY attach my other scripts onto my gameobjects.
I just had this issue where I had a perfect script, no errors, and the same name as it should be but no matter what it wouldn't let me add it to a gameObject.
There was another script that was completely unrelated but it had an error in that and somehow that prevented me from adding my good new script.
Like some folks already posted here - the issue might be of a different code.
I was trying to add a script that was referenced by another one which had errors - it doesn't tell you that is the reason, although visual studio kinda suggests it by showing you the errors in the open script.
Just delete the bigger (errored) script and start adding to the unity project from the basic ones.
I had this issue where I had a good script, no errors, good name, restarting unity, following a tutorial exactly but still had this issue.
The way I fixed this is just deleting this buggy script file and creating it again. It fixed my problem perfectly! Now I could add the script to my game object with no such errors!
Hope this helps you! Cheers!

How to perform Delta-Build

I am creating an Ant Script that will in essence make a delta-build. Instead of deleting the initial directory and creating a new directory, then updating it will all new contents, the goal is to have the script checks the directory, and update it with only materials it does not have, then updating the label.
Does anybody see a way of accomplishing this? I've researched for hours and can't find anything that can steer in any direction.
These should help get you started.
ant - uptodate task : regenerate only outdated files

Move datamodel to new project

I have re-created my iphone app project from scratch. I added my source and datamodel files into the new project. I have the new project compiling and working.
Now I notice that the app created by my new project is not 'compatible' with my old app. If I have an existing database on the device/simulator, the new app does not recognize the datamodel, it thinks things have changed. I get errors:'Can't merge models with two different entities named 'Event'
How do I properly move my datamodel from old project to new project in a way that everything still works? I have been simply adding in the projectName.xcdatamodelId source files and compiling. Is there something else that I need to do?
At first I thought that this was happening because I had renamed the files to match the new project name, but I have tried without renaming and am seeing the same problem.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
OK, maybe it was the renaming. I cleaned up and rebuilt fresh and it seems to be working again. It looks like the first time I tried the failure messed things up on the existing database. Can anyone confirm that renaming is problematic, or explain how this can be done correctly?