How to get vs code's еrror lens in neovim? - plugins

Does anyone know about some kind of neovim plugin/feature, that recreates behaviour from vscode's error lens extension? It is just showing errors on the side of the code. Here's an example:

There's the exact plugin I was looking for: :D


VSCode not showing underline errors

I have tried almost everything which includes cmd+shift+p and on squiggles and all sort of that but still my underline errors are not getting on. Squiggles is not found in the cmd of vs code itself.
How to solve it?
Maybe you can check this issue answer. Might be helpful for you :) If it is or not please let me know, so I can look for other ways to solve it. I'd be pleased to help

VS Code showing "type/arguments" in editor as labels

I just installed VS Code 1.60.0-insider.
At first I thought it was a bug, but now there are type/arguments hinds/labels in the editor:
(predicate:, callbackfn:, etc.)
How is this called and how to disable it? I searched online but couldn't find any information.
Note: they only appear in TypeScript files.
try use this instruction inside of settings.json, this working well for me.
"editor.inlayHints.enabled": false

How to disable "Run|Debug" line in vscode?

I am currently using Flutter with Dart. How do I permanently disable this annoying "Run|Debug" line in vscode?
That Run | Debug is not built-in to vscode. It must be contributed by one of your extensions. These seem like likely culprits:
Dart: Show Main Code Lens
// Whether to show CodeLens actions in the editor for quick running/debugging scripts with main functions.
Dart: Show Test Code Lens
// Whether to show CodeLens actions in the editor for quick running/debugging tests.
In case people get here because there is a Debug or Run in their package.json, that is a separate issue and answer, see|57.9327#62368407
Just disable Enable Code Lens in jest plugin.
It's very annoying! When you write test code, small Debug text shows on top of a test (above it method) when it fails.
During programming, it constantly shows and hides, causing lines of code move up and down a bit. It's terrible experience. Fortunately, easy to disable.
After disabling it, we still have test status feedback:
In VSC settings, search for "Pester Code Lens".
You can disable the first option.
Disable Pester Code Lens
Add this line to your settings:
"editor.codeLens": false,
Or do this in settings:
For Java Extension paste this in your settings.json file
"java.debug.settings.enableRunDebugCodeLens": false
you just open your vs Code Setting -> Text Editor -> Code Lean [Check mark this Box]

How can I show code error in VSCode by hovering over it

Today, I was watching a video tutorial. The tutor did a minor mistake in his code and while he was trying to find out what the mistake was, he hoverd over the code and exactly at the place, where his error was, VSCode popped up with an Error message like this:
Does any one know how can I activate this in my VSCode? Do I need to install an extension?
The setting is called "Editor > Hover: Enabled". You can search for it in the VSCode settings and make sure the box is checked to enable it.
this should be a built in feature but may need enabling it..
more info at

unable to type in Visual Studio Code

people from StackOverflow. I have a very frustrating experience with VS Code. At the moment of starting a new file, a mode starts on the editor that makes me being unable to type anything. Here is a youtube link from me, trying to type something.
Unable to type characters in VScode
Please, tell me, what should I do?
press control+C, then press "i" to get in the "insert" status, you could edit your file now.
It looks like you have the Vim extension, or another extension, installed which is causing this. I see SURROUND INPUT MODE in the status bar which is probably the cause. Look at your extensions and see whether you need to disable or uninstall one, or start Code with --disable-extensions flag to disable them all.
I have been having the same problem caused by a plugin called vim (vim emulation for Visual studio code)...If it can help..
I had the same issue so I look up to Visual Studio Extensions and Disabled Vim extension then I can now edit my code anytime.
I had the same issue which was caused by the vim extension. Just go to extensions and type in vim, if it's installed clicked uninstall then reload/refresh vscode. This worked wonders for me.
Just press "i" on your keyboard, it should work!
You can disable this by starting with the letter i while your file is opened and with the cursor at any point on your file. Tapping i on your keyboard should immediately take you back to insert mode.
Challenge with this: You have to do it for every file before you start typing.
This is probably the VIM extension. You can keep the extension, all you need to do is command + C then i. the i is to get into insert mode.
To completely solve this problem, you may have to uninstall or disable VIM as an extension
Had the same problem. all I had to do was disable the vim extension install in my vscode
Disabling vim plugin in VS code helps.