VS Code showing "type/arguments" in editor as labels - visual-studio-code

I just installed VS Code 1.60.0-insider.
At first I thought it was a bug, but now there are type/arguments hinds/labels in the editor:
(predicate:, callbackfn:, etc.)
How is this called and how to disable it? I searched online but couldn't find any information.
Note: they only appear in TypeScript files.

try use this instruction inside of settings.json, this working well for me.
"editor.inlayHints.enabled": false


How to hide time of execution in Jupyter cells in Visual Studio Code?

I am following a course on Python and Math. As editor I use Jupyter notebooks in VS Code.
I am not able to eliminate (or hide) the time of execution shown in each cell. I searched in Settings, but did not find the relative option.
Could you help, please?
This now exists in VS Code's 'clickable' settings screen (as opposed to editing the settings.json file.
Search settings for the below, and select 'hidden' from the dropdown.
Just put this parameter in the settings.json:
"notebook.showCellStatusBar": "hidden"
I have the same question.
I only found this enhancement issue on github.
It does seem like they did not think of a option to disable it.
For now just switch back to normal Jupyter notebooks.

How to disable "Run|Debug" line in vscode?

I am currently using Flutter with Dart. How do I permanently disable this annoying "Run|Debug" line in vscode?
That Run | Debug is not built-in to vscode. It must be contributed by one of your extensions. These seem like likely culprits:
Dart: Show Main Code Lens
// Whether to show CodeLens actions in the editor for quick running/debugging scripts with main functions.
Dart: Show Test Code Lens
// Whether to show CodeLens actions in the editor for quick running/debugging tests.
In case people get here because there is a Debug or Run in their package.json, that is a separate issue and answer, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62358131/how-to-disable-debug-from-showing-in-package-json/62368407?r=SearchResults&s=1|57.9327#62368407
Just disable Enable Code Lens in jest plugin.
It's very annoying! When you write test code, small Debug text shows on top of a test (above it method) when it fails.
During programming, it constantly shows and hides, causing lines of code move up and down a bit. It's terrible experience. Fortunately, easy to disable.
After disabling it, we still have test status feedback:
In VSC settings, search for "Pester Code Lens".
You can disable the first option.
Disable Pester Code Lens
Add this line to your settings:
"editor.codeLens": false,
Or do this in settings:
For Java Extension paste this in your settings.json file
"java.debug.settings.enableRunDebugCodeLens": false
you just open your vs Code Setting -> Text Editor -> Code Lean [Check mark this Box]

Visual Studio Code Blue Block

So this started happening all of a sudden? I can't seem to figure out how I might've enabled this nor how to disable it? I've tried ctrl+esc and all that with 0 results. I've also looked into the settings for highlights, code blocks and indents with no luck. Anyone out there know how to remove this setting from VS Code?
Put this line in your settings.json file:
“sqltools.highlightQuery”: false
Save the file and go back to your SQL file. The highlighting should now be gone.
I also had this same setting or configuration happen to me out of no where after doing some visual studio code updates. I also found that this blue block highlighting only seem to occur on SQL like syntax. So I looked through my extensions and I only had 2 related to SQL syntax. I disabled the "SQLTools" extension I had installed and the blue blocks went away:
This extensions official site can be found here:
I haven't looked but may there is a way to disable this setting.

VS code doesn't gray out unused variables

As far as I know it seems this is the setting you enter in your settings.json to enable unused variables & imports that aren't used to appear grayed out.
"editor.showUnused": true,
I do get an underline and if you hover I get an underline and message on hover.
What am I missing?
In my settings.json apparently I commented that the following did the trick.
"javascript.validate.enable": true,
/* this controls having your unused imports or variables to appear grey */
* builtin language features extension solution:
I am adding this just in case someone gets stuck like me. I had the same issue and the following was the problem.
vscode has #builtin extensions. One of them is typescript and javascript language features. If it is disabled the features will not work. So just go to extension and search #builtin typescript and javacsrtipt language feature`, click the cog icon and enable the extension.
September 2020
For me, adding "editor.showUnused": true, in settings.json in the .vscode directory worked.
In my case deno extension was causing the problem. disabling it seems to fix the issue.

VSCode scope line mark detection

I just trying to switch my editor from NetBeans to VSCode, however there is one feature which i missed from NetBeans and seem not exist at VSCode. I am not sure what is the name of the feature, i just call it "Scope mark line". The detail is like picture attached.
My question is, is there any plugins can bring that feature to VSCode? Please let me know if any, thanks in advance.
I also had a hard time searching for this feature, and found this VS Code Extension on the Marketplace: guides which adds various indentation guide lines. This worked for me editing ruby and bash files on osx.
Some of the tags for the extension:
guides indentation indentation guides ruler
From Default indent line guide in Visual Code?
Enable in settings.json:
"editor.renderIndentGuides": true