convert Array with DIM2 to list in repa - repa

I have loaded a two dimensional array into a Rep Array with fromList and can apply a Fourier transformation to it (fftd2), but I have difficulties to convert the result back to a list. I clearly do not understand much about Repa but was successful to run one dimensional examples. With 2 dimension I fail:
g88:: Array F DIM2 (Complex Double)
g88 = fromList (Z :. 8 :. 11) grid88
g88f :: Array F DIM2 (Complex Double)
g88f = fft2d g88
g88list :: [Complex Double]
g88list = toList g88f
I get the runtime error:
** Exception: Data.Array.Repa.Eval.Fill.fromList: provide array shape does not match list length
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at ./Data/Array/Repa/Eval/Target.hs:43:15 in repa-
What is the meaning of the error message? The type of
toList :: (Shape sh, Source r e) => Array r sh e -> [e]
does not indicate any other parameter and the input seems to have an appropriate type.
How to get the data back to a list?


Understanding Purescript Type Mismatch Compilor Error

The Problem:
I can't find my way to understand the error in this code:
import Prelude
import Data.Array.ST (STArray, modify, run, thaw, freeze)
mpi :: forall a. Array a -> Array a
mpi array = run do
mutableArray <- thaw array
freeze mutableArray
The error:
Could not match type
with type
STArray h0
while trying to match type Array a2
with type STArray h0 t1
while checking that expression (bind (thaw array)) (\mutableArray ->
freeze mutableArray
has type ST h0 (STArray h0 t1)
in value declaration mpi
where a2 is a rigid type variable
bound at (line 0, column 0 - line 0, column 0)
h0 is a rigid type variable
bound at (line 9, column 17 - line 11, column 22)
t1 is an unknown type
It says t1 is an unknown type, but I'm pretty sure it should be a2. I'm not sure how or where t1 is introduced. thaw should return type ST h (STArray h a) which gets bound to mutableArray :: STArray h a
If I specialize this function, it becomes clearer but no less confusing
mpi :: Array Int -> Array Int
mpi array = run do
mutableArray <- thaw array
freeze mutableArray
I get this error:
Could not match type
with type
STArray h0
while trying to match type Array Int
with type STArray h0 t1
while checking that expression (bind (thaw array)) (\mutableArray ->
freeze mutableArray
has type ST h0 (STArray h0 t1)
in value declaration mpi
where h0 is a rigid type variable
bound at (line 9, column 17 - line 11, column 22)
t1 is an unknown type
If I explicitly type the left-hand side,
mpi :: Array Int -> Array Int
mpi array = run do
(mutableArray :: STArray _ Int) <- thaw array
freeze mutableArray
or write it without do notation:
mpi :: Array Int -> Array Int
mpi array = run $ thaw array >>= freeze
The error doesn't really change. In each case, I have trouble understanding where t1 is introduced.
The Question:
What's wrong with what I've written?
What steps could I be taking with similar problems in the future to debug this on my own?
You're using the wrong version of run.
The one you're using is from Data.Array.ST.
But the one your code assumes is from Control.Monad.ST.
The former takes an ST computation that returns an STArray, and then runs that computation, freezes the resulting array, and returns it as an immutable array.
The latter takes an ST computation that returns something, and then runs that computation and returns the resulting something.
Your do block is returning Array a, but then you're calling, which expects STArray h a, so the types don't match. This is exactly what the error message says: can't match Array a with STArray h a.
Fix option 1: import the other run:
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.ST (run)
import Data.Array.ST (STArray, modify, thaw, freeze)
mpi :: forall a. Array a -> Array a
mpi array = run do
mutableArray <- thaw array
freeze mutableArray
Fix option 2: return the STArray from your do block, don't freeze it:
import Prelude
import Data.Array.ST (STArray, modify, run, thaw, freeze)
mpi :: forall a. Array a -> Array a
mpi array = run do
mutableArray <- thaw array
pure mutableArray

Can I condense this expression by using some `map` or `apply`?

I have this code which I'd like to condense
runFn someFn $ toArray a1 $ toArray a2 $ toArray a3 $ toArray a4
I would envision something like
runFn someFn <$> fmap toArray [a1, a2, a3, a4]
In that case runFn someFn would create a partially applied function that awaits its missing parameters and gets then applied one by one on the elements of the array.
I must admit I dont know if the type system will allow for this.
As it was asked for - here the actual type signatures for this.
However my question is a more general one:
Can I put the parameters of an function into an array if those parameters are of the same type and the partially apply the function array element by array element.
type Numbers = Array Number
foreign import _intersect :: Numbers -> Numbers -> Numbers -> Numbers -> Point2D
data Point2D = Point2D Number Number
toArray :: Point2D -> Numbers
toArray (Point2D x y) = [x, y]
a1 = Point2D 0.5 7.0
a2 = Point2D 3.0 5.1
b1 = Point2D 2.5 9.0
b2 = Point2D 2.1 3.6
intersection :: Numbers -- 2 element Array Number
intersection = _intersect (toArray a1) (toArray a2) (toArray b1) (toArray b2)
If I understand what you're asking here, no you can't. You'd need dependant types to be able to express this, as you'd need some way of ensuring the function arity and array length are equal at the type level.
If we are allowed to change the question slightly, we might be able to achieve what I think you want. The fact that all functions are curried allows us to use type class instance resolution to come up with some tricks that sort of allow us to do things with functions of arbitrary arity. For example:
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Foldable (sum)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (print)
class Convert a b where
convert :: a -> b
data Point2D = Point2D Number Number
type Numbers = Array Number
instance convertId :: Convert a a where
convert = id
instance convertPoint :: Convert Point2D (Array Number) where
convert (Point2D x y) = [x, y]
instance convertChain :: (Convert b a, Convert r r') => Convert (a -> r) (b -> r') where
convert a2r b = convert (a2r (convert b))
f :: Numbers -> Numbers -> Number
f xs ys = sum xs * sum ys
g :: Point2D -> Point2D -> Number
g = convert f
f' :: Numbers -> Numbers -> Numbers -> Numbers -> Number
f' a b c d = f a b + f c d
g' :: Point2D -> Point2D -> Point2D -> Point2D -> Number
g' = convert f'
main =
print $ g'
(Point2D 1.0 2.0)
(Point2D 3.0 4.0)
(Point2D 5.0 6.0)
(Point2D 7.0 8.0)
These techniques have some nice applications. QuickCheck, for example, uses a similar technique to allow you to call quickCheck on functions of any arity, as long as all the arguments have Arbitrary instances. In this specific case, though, I think I would stick to the simpler, more boilerplate-y solution: unrestrained use of type classes can become quite unwieldy, and can produce very confusing error messages.

Purescript - Cannot unify type

I am new to Purescript (as well as Haskell) and I am stuck with a cannot unify error.
Initially I had:
newtype Domain = Domain String
newtype Keyword = Keyword String
type Result = {
domain :: Domain,
occurred :: Boolean,
position :: Number,
quality :: Number
is_min_pos :: Maybe Result -> Maybe Result -> Maybe Result
is_min_pos Nothing Nothing = Nothing
is_min_pos Nothing y = y
is_min_pos x Nothing = x
is_min_pos x y = if y.position < x.position then y else x
This was giving me the error
Cannot unify type
with type
I assumed it was because it was expecting x and y to be of type Maybe Record. So to be explicit I changed the code to, to pattern match by type.
data Result = Result {
domain :: Domain,
occurred :: Boolean,
position :: Number,
quality :: Number
is_min_pos (Result x) (Result y) = if y.position < x.position then y else x
Now I get the error
Cannot unify type
Data.Maybe.Maybe Processor.Result
with type
And this refers to this section
y.position < x.position -- in the first case
and in the second case
Result x -- on the pattern matching side
I am working on it further
type Results = List Result
get_item_with_min_position :: Results -> Maybe Result
--get_item_with_min_position [] = Nothing
get_item_with_min_position results = foldl is_min_pos Nothing results
I am using 'foldl' from Foldable. I am not sure how to pattern match an empty list. If I could, I would change the type signature to
is_min_pos :: Maybe Result -> Result -> Maybe Result
I now get the error
Cannot unify type
with type
It is understandable because in
foldl is_min_pos Nothing results
results is of type List Result
is_min_pos expects Maybe Result
What would be a clean way to solve this?
The Maybe type has two data constructors: Nothing, which you are correctly matching, and Just. If you want to match something of type Maybe a which does contain a value, you should match the Just constructor.
You need to modify the final case as follows:
is_min_pos (Just x) (Just y) = if y.position < x.position
then Just y
else Just x
Here, Just x has the type Maybe Result, which is correct according to the type signature, and so x has type Result, so you can use the .position accessor to read its position property.

simple function to return list of integers

if am trying to write a simple function that list of pair of integers - representing a graph and returns a list of integers : all the nodes in a graph
eg if input is [(1,2) (3,4) (5,6) (1,5)]
o/p should be [1,2,3,4,5,6,1,5]
The function is simply returning list of nodes , in the returning list values may repeat as above.
I wrote the following function
fun listofnodes ((x:int,y:int)::xs) = if xs=nil then [x::y] else [[x::y]#listofnodes(xs)]
stdIn:15.12-15.18 Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch
operator domain: int * int list
operand: int * int
in expression:
x :: y.
I am not able to figure out what is wrong.
first of all you should know what each operator does:
:: puts individual elemtents into an existing list so that: 1::2::3::[] = [1,2,3]
# puts two lists together so that: [1,2] # [3,4] = [1,2,3,4]
you can also use :: to put lists together but then it becomes a list of lists like:
[1,2] :: [3,4] = [[1,2],[3,4]]
so by writing [x::y] you are saying that x and y should become a list inside a list.
and you shouldnt use an if statement to check for the end of the list, instead you can use patterns to do it like this:
fun listofnodes [] = []
| listofnodes ((x,y)::xs) = x :: y :: listofnodes(xs);
the first pattern assures that when we reach the end of the list, when you extract the final tuple your xs is bound to an empty list which it calls itself with, it leaves an empty list to put all the elements into, so that [(1,2) (3,4) (5,6) (1,5)] would evaluate like this:
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 1 :: 5 :: [] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,1,5].
you could also make it like this:
fun listofnodes [] = []
| listofnodes ((x,y)::xs) = [x,y] # listofnodes(xs);
this way you make a small 2 element list out of each tuple, and then merge all these small lists into one big list. you dont really need the empty list at the end, but its the only way of ensuring that the recursion stops at the end of the list and you have to put something on the other side of the equals sign. it evaluates like this:
[1,2] # [3,4] # [5,6] # [1,5] # [] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,1,5].
also you cast your x and y as ints, but you dont really have to. if you dont, it gets the types " ('a * 'a) list -> 'a list " which just means that it works for all input types including ints (as long as the tuple doesnt contain conflicting types, like a char and an int).
im guessing you know this, but in case you dont: what you call pairs, (1,2), is called tuples.

Write this Scala Matrix multiplication in Haskell [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can you overload + in haskell?
Can you implement a Matrix class and an * operator that will work on two matrices?:
scala> val x = Matrix(3, 1,2,3,4,5,6)
x: Matrix =
[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
[4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
scala> x*x.transpose
res0: Matrix =
[14.0, 32.0]
[32.0, 77.0]
and just so people don't say that it's hard, here is the Scala implementation (courtesy of Jonathan Merritt):
class Matrix(els: List[List[Double]]) {
/** elements of the matrix, stored as a list of
its rows */
val elements: List[List[Double]] = els
def nRows: Int = elements.length
def nCols: Int = if (elements.isEmpty) 0
else elements.head.length
/** all rows of the matrix must have the same
number of columns */
require(elements.forall(_.length == nCols))
/* Add to each elem of matrix */
private def addRows(a: List[Double],
b: List[Double]):
List[Double] =
private def subRows(a: List[Double],
b: List[Double]):List[Double] =
def +(other: Matrix): Matrix = {
require((other.nRows == nRows) &&
(other.nCols == nCols))
new Matrix(
List.map2(elements, other.elements)
def -(other: Matrix): Matrix = {
require((other.nRows == nRows) &&
(other.nCols == nCols))
new Matrix(
List.map2(elements, other.elements)
def transpose(): Matrix = new Matrix(List.transpose(elements))
private def dotVectors(a: List[Double],
b: List[Double]): Double = {
val multipliedElements =
(0.0 /: multipliedElements)(_+_)
def *(other: Matrix): Matrix = {
require(nCols == other.nRows)
val t = other.transpose()
new Matrix(
for (row <- elements) yield {
for (otherCol <- t.elements)
yield dotVectors(row, otherCol)
override def toString(): String = {
val rowStrings =
for (row <- elements)
yield row.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
rowStrings.mkString("", "\n", "\n")
/* Matrix constructor from a bunch of numbers */
object Matrix {
def apply(nCols: Int, els: Double*):Matrix = {
def splitRowsWorker(
inList: List[Double],
working: List[List[Double]]):
List[List[Double]] =
if (inList.isEmpty)
else {
val (a, b) = inList.splitAt(nCols)
splitRowsWorker(b, working + a)
def splitRows(inList: List[Double]) =
splitRowsWorker(inList, List[List[Double]]())
val rows: List[List[Double]] =
new Matrix(rows)
EDIT I understood that strictly speaking the answer is No: overloading * is not possible without side-effects of defining also a + and others or special tricks. The numeric-prelude package describes it best:
In some cases, the hierarchy is not finely-grained enough: Operations
that are often defined independently are lumped together. For
instance, in a financial application one might want a type "Dollar",
or in a graphics application one might want a type "Vector". It is
reasonable to add two Vectors or Dollars, but not, in general,
reasonable to multiply them. But the programmer is currently forced to
define a method for '(*)' when she defines a method for '(+)'.
It'll be perfectly safe with a smart constructor and stored dimensions. Of course there are no natural implementations for the operations signum and fromIntegral (or maybe a diagonal matrix would be fine for the latter).
module Matrix (Matrix(),matrix,matrixTranspose) where
import Data.List (transpose)
data Matrix a = Matrix {matrixN :: Int,
matrixM :: Int,
matrixElems :: [[a]]}
deriving (Show, Eq)
matrix :: Int -> Int -> [[a]] -> Matrix a
matrix n m vals
| length vals /= m = error "Wrong number of rows"
| any (/=n) $ map length vals = error "Column length mismatch"
| otherwise = Matrix n m vals
matrixTranspose (Matrix m n vals) = matrix n m (transpose vals)
instance Num a => Num (Matrix a) where
(+) (Matrix m n vals) (Matrix m' n' vals')
| m/=m' = error "Row number mismatch"
| n/=n' = error "Column number mismatch"
| otherwise = Matrix m n (zipWith (zipWith (+)) vals vals')
abs (Matrix m n vals) = Matrix m n (map (map abs) vals)
negate (Matrix m n vals) = Matrix m n (map (map negate) vals)
(*) (Matrix m n vals) (Matrix n' p vals')
| n/=n' = error "Matrix dimension mismatch in multiplication"
| otherwise = let tvals' = transpose vals'
dot x y = sum $ zipWith (*) x y
result = map (\col -> map (dot col) tvals') vals
in Matrix m p result
Test it in ghci:
*Matrix> let a = matrix 3 2 [[1,0,2],[-1,3,1]]
*Matrix> let b = matrix 2 3 [[3,1],[2,1],[1,0]]
*Matrix> a*b
Matrix {matrixN = 3, matrixM = 3, matrixElems = [[5,1],[4,2]]}
Since my Num instance is generic, it even works for complex matrices out of the box:
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> let c = matrix 2 2 [[0:+1,1:+0],[5:+2,4:+3]]
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> let a = matrix 2 2 [[0:+1,1:+0],[5:+2,4:+3]]
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> let b = matrix 2 3 [[3:+0,1],[2,1],[1,0]]
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> a
Matrix {matrixN = 2, matrixM = 2, matrixElems = [[0.0 :+ 1.0,1.0 :+ 0.0],[5.0 :+ 2.0,4.0 :+ 3.0]]}
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> b
Matrix {matrixN = 2, matrixM = 3, matrixElems = [[3.0 :+ 0.0,1.0 :+ 0.0],[2.0 :+ 0.0,1.0 :+ 0.0],[1.0 :+ 0.0,0.0 :+ 0.0]]}
Prelude Data.Complex Matrix> a*b
Matrix {matrixN = 2, matrixM = 3, matrixElems = [[2.0 :+ 3.0,1.0 :+ 1.0],[23.0 :+ 12.0,9.0 :+ 5.0]]}
EDIT: new material
Oh, you want to just override the (*) function without any Num stuff. That's possible to o but you'll have to remember that the Haskell standard library has reserved (*) for use in the Num class.
module Matrix where
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude hiding ((*))
import Data.List (transpose)
class Multiply a where
(*) :: a -> a -> a
data Matrix a = Matrix {matrixN :: Int,
matrixM :: Int,
matrixElems :: [[a]]}
deriving (Show, Eq)
matrix :: Int -> Int -> [[a]] -> Matrix a
matrix n m vals
| length vals /= m = error "Wrong number of rows"
| any (/=n) $ map length vals = error "Column length mismatch"
| otherwise = Matrix n m vals
matrixTranspose (Matrix m n vals) = matrix n m (transpose vals)
instance P.Num a => Multiply (Matrix a) where
(*) (Matrix m n vals) (Matrix n' p vals')
| n/=n' = error "Matrix dimension mismatch in multiplication"
| otherwise = let tvals' = transpose vals'
dot x y = sum $ zipWith (P.*) x y
result = map (\col -> map (dot col) tvals') vals
in Matrix m p result
a = matrix 3 2 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
b = a * matrixTranspose
Testing in ghci:
*Matrix> b
Matrix {matrixN = 3, matrixM = 3, matrixElems = [[14,32],[32,77]]}
There. Now if a third module wants to use both the Matrix version of (*) and the Prelude version of (*) it'll have to of course import one or the other qualified. But that's just business as usual.
I could've done all of this without the Multiply type class but this implementation leaves our new shiny (*) open for extension in other modules.
Alright, there's a lot of confusion about what's happening here floating around, and it's not being helped by the fact that the Haskell term "class" does not line up with the OO term "class" in any meaningful way. So let's try to make a careful answer. This answer starts with Haskell's module system.
In Haskell, when you import a module Foo.Bar, it creates a new set of bindings. For each variable x exported by the module Foo.Bar, you get a new name Foo.Bar.x. In addition, you may:
import qualified or not. If you import qualified, nothing more happens. If you do not, an additional name without the module prefix is defined; in this case, just plain old x is defined.
change the qualification prefix or not. If you import as Alias, then the name Foo.Bar.x is not defined, but the name Alias.x is.
hide certain names. If you hide name foo, then neither the plain name foo nor any qualified name (like or is defined.
Furthermore, names may be multiply defined. For example, if Foo.Bar and Baz.Quux both export the variable x, and I import both modules without qualification, then the name x refers to both Foo.Bar.x and Baz.Quux.x. If the name x is never used in the resulting module, this clash is ignored; otherwise, a compiler error asks you to provide more qualification.
Finally, if none of your imports mention the module Prelude, the following implicit import is added:
import Prelude
This imports the Prelude without qualification, with no additional prefix, and without hiding any names. So it defines "bare" names and names prefixed by Prelude., and nothing more.
Here ends the bare basics you need to understand about the module system. Now let's discuss the bare basics you need to understand about typeclasses.
A typeclass includes a class name, a list of type variables bound by that class, and a collection of variables with type signatures that refer to the bound variables. Here's an example:
class Foo a where
foo :: a -> a -> Int
The class name is Foo, the bound type variable is a, and there is only one variable in the collection, namely foo, with type signature a -> a -> Int. This class declares that some types have a binary operation, named foo, which computes an Int. Any type may later (even in another module) be declared to be an instance of this class: this involves defining the binary operation above, where the bound type variable a is substituted with the type you are creating an instance for. As an example, we might implement this for integers by the instance:
instance Foo Int where
foo a b = (a `mod` 76) * (b + 7)
Here ends the bare basics you need to understand about typeclasses. We may now answer your question. The only reason the question is tricky is because it falls smack dab on the intersection between two name management techniques: modules and typeclasses. Below I discuss what this means for your specific question.
The module Prelude defines a typeclass named Num, which includes in its collection of variables a variable named *. Therefore, we have several options for the name *:
If the type signature we desire happens to follow the pattern a -> a -> a, for some type a, then we may implement the Num typeclass. We therefore extend the Num class with a new instance; the name Prelude.* and any aliases for this name are extended to work for the new type. For matrices, this would look like, for example,
instance Num Matrix where
m * n = {- implementation goes here -}
We may define a different name than *.
m |*| n = {- implementation goes here -}
We may define the name *. Whether this name is defined as part of a new type class or not is immaterial. If we do nothing else, there will then be at least two definitions of *, namely, the one in the current module and the one implicitly imported from the Prelude. We have a variety of ways of dealing with this. The simplest is to explicitly import the Prelude, and ask for the name * not to be defined:
import Prelude hiding ((*))
You might alternately choose to leave the implicit import of Prelude, and use a qualified * everywhere you use it. Other solutions are also possible.
The main point I want you to take away from this is: the name * is in no way special. It is just a name defined by the Prelude, and all of the tools we have available for namespace control are available.
You can implement * as matrix multiplication by defining an instance of Num class for Matrix. But the code won't be type-safe: * (and other arithmetic operations) on matrices as you define them is not total, because of size mismatch or in case of '/' non-existence of inverse matrices.
As for 'the hierarchy is not defined precisely' - there is also Monoid type class, exactly for the cases when only one operation is defined.
There are too many things to be 'added', sometimes in rather exotic ways (think of permutation groups). Haskell designers designed to reserve arithmetical operations for different representations of numbers, and use other names for more exotic cases.