How can I run a specific SAPUI5 control sample from Demo Kit locally? - sapui5

I am looking up the sample for the sap.m.UploadCollection control. I've downloaded and run the sample package locally using the following commands:
npm install
and then
ui5 serve -o index.html
I get the following error in console when navigating to http://localhost:8080/index.html:
2022-08-15 16:56:35.802600 Failed to load component for container container - ModuleError: Failed to resolve dependencies of 'sap/m/sample/UploadCollection/Page.controller.js'
-> 'sap/m/MessageToast.js': failed to load 'sap/m/MessageToast.js' from ./resources/sap/m/MessageToast.js: script load error
ModuleError: Failed to resolve dependencies of 'sap/m/sample/UploadCollection/Page.controller.js'
If I move the Page.contoller.js to a newly created controller folder and move the Page.view.xml to the newly created view folder, then a different error occurs.
How can the downloaded sample project run locally?

Make sure that the downloaded project has the UI5 Tooling part is correctly configured according to the documentation
In your case, the control sap.m.UploadCollection is deprecated since UI5 1.88. So download one of the sap.m.upload.UploadSet samples instead. When downloaded, see which settings are missing in the ui5.yaml config file. E.g. run the below UI5 Tooling commands to add the missing settings:
ui5 use openui5#latest
ui5 add sap.ui.core sap.m sap.ui.layout sap.ui.unified themelib_sap_fiori_3 themelib_sap_horizon
This will at least allow the application to start.


Error while using node module in SAP UI5 app

The requirement is to use of the node modules in my controller file of a UI5 app. I've installed the module and it resides in my npm_module folder. Based on the below blog, I've added some configurations in my ui5.yaml, yet I get the error pasted below.
Can anyone help me in this regard?
Blog Referred:
Code screenshot
Error: failed to load 'thirdparty/aws-sdk.js' from resources/thirdparty/aws-sdk.js: script load error
Update: The issue was the path mentioned in the controller. I changed it to refer to the dist folder where the actual aws-sdk.js existed. And it resolved the error.

Plugin-helpers not found in wazuh-kibana-app

I have cloned the Wazuh-Kibana-app source code from
I have made some changes in the styling. So, i am making build of the app by running npm run build but i am getting this error
Command "plugin-helpers" not found
I think it is because in package.json file, it gets like that "plugin-helpers": "node ../../scripts/plugin_helpers" as it is getting out of the directory. So how to resolve this issue?
The Wazuh Kibana plugin uses the Kibana plugin_helpers to build a distributable archive of the plugin, information on how to create a Kibana development installation which is capable of building the Wazuh plugin can be found here:
There is also the option of building the Kibana plugin using the wazuh-packages tools as explained here: , however as of right now this only accepts branches from the official Wazuh plugin.
Let me know if you have any more questions!

Writing a custom panel plugin for grafana

So I need to write a custom grafana plugin, that works like a funnel. I decided to try and integrate this funnel. Note that it is supposed to get the data from a mysql Server and use it just as a table and not as time series.
So far I read the grafana documentation and then watched this video. In the video a dataFormat is declared in the plugin.json file, however when I checked other working Plugins I didn't see that part written in the plugin.json. The GitHub repos in the video are also gone. I stumbled upon this one though, so then I copied it in the data/plugin directory. I restarted the Server and it was detected but when I tried making a new Panel I got an error saying that it could not be found. I was planning on starting with this example and then working my way towards integrating the funnel part but I can't seem to get it working. Any ideas where to start?
I have reproduced your problem with the same actions and got same error:
Panel plugin not found: myorgid-simple-panel
Just a guess: there is a dependency section in plugin.json file
"dependencies": {
"grafanaVersion": "6.3.x",
"plugins": []
My Grafana version is v6.2.5. Isn't this plugin template for future Grafana release (master or developement version)?
I had the same problem with simple-react-panel. To solve it, I ran in the simple-react-panel-master directory :
npm i #grafana/toolkit
npm i #grafana/ui
yarn build
and after I restart grafana service

Error occurred while starting the build in Openshift 3

I have been trying to deploy a war file as an OpenShift project. The server used is jboss-webserver30-tomcat8. I have followed the below steps -
Put ROOT.war file under 'deployments' directory in local system.
Upload the changes in github.
Create a new JAVA project in OpenShift 3 and provide the github repository details.
No automatic build or deployment starts. On manually clicking on Start Build button, the below error is displayed:
An error occurred while starting the build. Reason: Error resolving
ImageStreamTag jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift:1.2 in namespace
openshift: unable to find latest tagged image
Please suggest how can I resolve the error.
This is an issue with how the jboss-webserver30-tomcat8-openshift imagestream is defined in the cluster. We are working to correct this, it is not currently importing the correct set of tags and as a result the 1.2 tag was stopped being a valid tag, when it should be.
However the short term solution is change your buildconfig to reference one of the tags that has a valid image reference associated (e.g. 1.3) instead of the 1.2 tag it is currently referencing. Your build should then be able to run.
A (temporarily) unavailable builder image may be related to this platform upgrade that correlates with the time of posting your question.
Generally, the best place to check for any incident reports or scheduled maintenance is the Status Page (Starter | Pro clusters; it's linked in the web console too, in the upper right corner of the interface).
If this does not seem to be related (e.g. you're not on the starter-us-west-2 cluster where the platform upgrade is taking place) or persists after the maintenance is over, I would encourage you to check the open issues, and log a new bug report, if it's not in the list.
Thank you.

Can't get prebuild hooks to work in

I'm keen to use coffeescript within and to do so I am following the details as described at
I've placed my coffeescript.js file in the hooks/prebuild directory as required but the build now fails. I've commented out everything in the coffeescript.js file to ensure it's not the file's contents.
It detects the coffeescript.js file in the prebuild directory as shown in the log output but then it can't find some file. Anyone else have this problem? I'm using version 1.4 of the Trigger Toolkit.
[INFO] Running (node) hook: coffeescript.js
[DEBUG] Running: 'node' '/Users/Will/forge-workspace/alpha-timing/hooks/prebuild/coffeescript.js' 'ios'
[ERROR] [Errno 2] No such file or directory
A slight tangent... but you might want to have a look at
I've recently started using it for building the JS for my app and it works great. It can compile your coffeescript, js, css and more automatically. Comes with a watcher and auto-reload, so when you are developing and testing in browser it's very fast.
We use Node.js to transform the coffeescript into JS at the prebuild stage - it looks like you don't have it installed: go to to grab it.
Note you'll also need coffee-script to run that hook!