Can I create Grafana alert with templated datasource? - grafana

I was trying to create an alert in Grafana using templated datasource, as during alert creation it still lets me to go to Alert tab and configure alert conditions, but when I tried to test the alert rule, I received the following error:
Failed to test rule" error="data source not found"
When tried to save dashboard with configured alert:
msg="Failed to save dashboard" error="data source not found"


Is it applicable to authenticate using faceID inside app extension?

I am implementing share app extension and I need to use FaceID before uploading the items. I tried but I got the error below.
[Error Code=-1004 "Caller is not running foreground." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Caller is not running foreground., NSLocalizedDescription=User interaction required.}]

Unable to connect to my repo due to error 422 in Heroku

Im At heroku, I enabled / connected to my org, I can see that the 3rd party access is given and OK but at heroku when I want to search for any repo on that Org I see the following message in a red box on the top right side of the screen:
Item could not be retrieved:
422 - Validation Failed Error summary: message: The listed users and repositories cannot be searched either because the resources do not exist or you do not have permission to view them. resource: Search field: q code: invalid // See:
Any ideas or clues?

Is there way to rerun github action?

Sometimes, Github external actions failed. For example, if connection lost.
Run actions/setup-node#v1
Waiting 15 seconds before trying again
Waiting 18 seconds before trying again
Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
For shell commands the action
exists. This action is useless for me.
Does anybody know step options or Github actions to rerun single Github action in runtime?
To solve this problem we created new action wretry.action that can retries another actions.
The link on Github repository:
The link on marketplace action
The current version is 0.2.4. Action features:
creates wrapper for external action
always has pre and post stages. If external action has pre or post stage, then action run it also
retries actions with defined number of attempts (default is 2)
retries actions with defined delay between attempts (default is 0)
Now, action handles no conditions of external actions. If external action has conditions, then it will be skipped.
The action will be extended in feature. Please, see main page for actual info.

Kubernetes ingress nginx grafana dashboard prometheus data was empty

I just completely setup prometheus and grafana dashboard using this tutorial
I try to query something in prometheus and it was successfully plotting the graph. But when I access my Grafana dashboard with connecting to prometheus data, it returns empty charts like the below pic.
Do I miss something in the step?
Probably, you didn't create datasource in Grafana before the dashboard import. It is not specified in the manual, but dashboard will not work correctly without it.
How to create Data Source in Grafana:
Open Configuration(gear) -> Data Sources
Press "Add data source"
Select Prometheus
Specify Prometheus server URL: (e.g:
Press "Save & Test"
See the confirmation about passed test.
Now, select existing Data Source from the drop-down list during the import of the Nginx Ingress Dashboard from JSON. URL to the dashboard didn't work for me, so I've just copypasted the whole JSON content except two first lines with comments.
For existing dashboard you can change the data source:
Open Dashboards -> Manage
Click on "Nginx Ingress Controller"
Open its settings (gear picture on the top)
Select "JSON Model"
Update all lines with "datasource": "old_data_source_name", to the desired name
Press "Save changes"
Press green "Save" button on the left, under "Settings"
Alternatively, you can edit every element on the dashboard and select the desired data source from the drop-down list. Not very convenient way, so I'd prefer to import dashboard again.
Check that the annotation is applied to the metrics service object: "true".
I was having the same problem as you and this solved it for me. I am using helm to deploy my nginx-ingress. I have the following settings that made this work:
.controller.metrics.enabled: true
.controller.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled: true true

bluemix delivery pipeline fails with server error

I created a new application in a new (empty) space and when I try to deploy it, it fails with this error:
Server error, status code: 400, error code: 210003, message: The host
is taken: IoT-DEMO-POC
You need to use a different route because the host is taken. See
You can get a random route if you run the push command with --random-route
cf push --random-route
You can also open the manifest.yml file and change the host parameter if there is one or the application name. The route needs to be unique.