How to write differential equation of a given phase portrait with multiple equilibrium points? - nonlinear-optimization

We are given a phase portrait with multiple equilibrium points. They can be of different nature like, stable/unstable node, focus, center, etc. How do we write a differential equation based on it?


features of segmented regions of the approximation matrix in matlab

I'm using multiresolution approach for segmentation based on wavelet transform and watershed algorithm. To merge the over-segmented regions, i need to calculate the features of each segmented region of the approximation matrix (such as the mean,second and third order central moments). My problem is i don't know how to define each region separately. In other words, i don't success writing these equations with matlab.

Lukas Kanade optical flow: Understanding the math

I found a Matlab implementation of the LKT algorithm here and it is based on the brightness constancy equation.
The algorithm calculates the Image gradients in x and y direction by convolving the image with appropriate 2x2 horizontal and vertical edge gradient operators.
The brightness constancy equation in the classic literature has on its right hand side the difference between two successive frames.
However, in the implementation referred to by the aforementioned link, the right hand side is the difference of convolution.
It_m = conv2(im1,[1,1;1,1]) + conv2(im2,[-1,-1;-1,-1]);
Why couldn't It_m be simply calculated as:
it_m = im1 - im2;
As you mentioned, in theory only pixel by pixel difference is stated for optical flow computation.
However, in practice, all natural (not synthetic) images contain some degree of noise. On the other hand, differentiating is some kind of high pass filter and would stress (high pass) noise ratio to the signal.
Therefore, to avoid artifact caused by noise, usually an image smoothing (or low pass filtering) is carried out prior to any image differentiating (we have such process in edge detection too). The code does exactly this, i.e. apply and moving average filter on the image to reduce noise effect.
It_m = conv2(im1,[1,1;1,1]) + conv2(im2,[-1,-1;-1,-1]);
(Comments converted to an answer.)
In theory, there is nothing wrong with taking a pixel-wise difference:
Im_t = im1-im2;
to compute the time derivative. Using a spatial smoother when computing the time derivative mitigates the effect of noise.
Moreover, looking at the way that code computes spatial (x and y) derivatives:
Ix_m = conv2(im1,[-1 1; -1 1], 'valid');
computing the time derivate with a similar kernel and the valid option ensures the matrices It_x, It_y and Im_t have compatible sizes.
The temporal partial derivative(along t), is connected to the spatial partial derivatives (along x and y).
Think of the video sequence you are analyzing as a volume, spatio-temporal volume. At any given point (x,y,t), if you want to estimate partial derivatives, i.e. estimate the 3D gradient at that point, then you will benefit from having 3 filters that have the same kernel support.
For more theory on why this should be so, look up the topic steerable filters, or better yet look up the fundamental concept of what partial derivative is supposed to be, and how it connects to directional derivatives.
Often, the 2D gradient is estimated first, and then people tend to think of the temporal derivative secondly as independent of the x and y component. This can, and very often do, lead to numerical errors in the final optical flow calculations. The common way to deal with those errors is to do a forward and backward flow estimation, and combine the results in the end.
One way to think of the gradient that you are estimating is that it has a support region that is 3D. The smallest size of such a region should be 2x2x2.
if you do 2D gradients in the first and second image both using only 2x2 filters, then the corresponding FIR filter for the 3D volume is collected by averaging the results of the two filters.
The fact that you should have the same filter support region in 2D is clear to most: thats why the Sobel and Scharr operators look the way they do.
You can see the sort of results you get from having sanely designed differential operators for optical flow in this Matlab toolbox that I made, in part to show this particular point.

MATLAB computer machine learning find best model to merge 3 signals into 1 known outcome

I have ten measurements, containing 4 signals, with a length of 6-8 hours each at a sample rate of 10Hz. (200k-300k samples per measurement)
3 signals are the x-, y- and z-axis of an accelerometer (measuring the acceleration m/s^2). This sensor is positioned on a sphere. The sphere is inflated and deflated. The air-fluctuation in the sphere is the 4th signal.
The accelerometer values, are thus a representation of fluctuation of air in the sphere. If the sensor is positioned on top of the sphere, a good correlation is seen between air fluctuation and Z-axis of the accelerometer. The X- and Y- axis should in a perfect situation be 0, but they are not and contain noise.
I have tried many methods of combining the three signals into one, and comparing that to the air-fluctuation signal. At some points this does give a good outcomes, but when the accelerometer is not moving over one axis, the signal-noise ratio seems to be too high (e.g. when the sensor is at a 45 degree angle).
I am wondering if computer machine learning in Matlab can be used here, to automatically generate a model that makes the best fit: combine the 3 axis signals into one, that best represents the 4th signal. I assume this is what computer machine learning is about?
I can provide the signals in filtered format, the integrated signals, the angle of the sensor at a given time, full signal or just a minute of data, etc.
I have however no idea how to start and which toolbox to use to tackle this problem. Also what signals to feed into the algorithm? at what length (full vs couple of seconds/minutes)
Can you help me getting started on the computer machine learning process, to use 3 signals (and/or formatted versions of them) into one signal that closely matches the fourth signal*.
I'm not asking for full code, but what steps to take to tackle this problem. Like have a look at that toolbox, and function x.

how to solve numerically space time dependent differential equation in matlab

This is a space and time dependant partial differential equation. I have attached the image containing equation and initial and boundary conditions. I wish to get the code to solve this equation numerically using finite volume method.
Also if the first two terms are not there, than one can say parabolic or elliptic equation, here the additional two C_A terms including exponential dependence and the last boundary conditions which is both the functions of time and space makes it complicated.

Rotational mechanical system in Simulink

I'm simulating a shaft system in Simulink, where I have to find the displacement of a mass. I'm not sure how to model this in Simulink because of the shaft and pulley. I'm looking through the documentation and the closest thing I see to a shaft is the wheel and axle block. But the shafts are connected by a flexible shaft, which is similar to a spring. Any ideas?
This is a fairly trivial task when using SimScape, which is especially made to simulate physical systems. You'll find most of the blocks you need ready from the library.
I've used SimScape to create a model of a complete hybrid truck... In Simulink it can be done, but you'll need to build your own differential equations for the task. In your case, the flexible axle could be translated to another block with a spring/damper system inside.
If you haven't got access to SimScape, you may also consider to use .m (matlab) files to write your differential equations. This can then be used as a block in Simulink, varying (only) a few parameters over time.
Take this step by step:
1. Draw a free body diagram, write out equations for all the forces as a function of displacement, velocity and acceleration of every element (including rotation obviously). For instance, you know that force on the box m will be *c*dy/dt* plus whatever the pulley experiences.
2. Sort out the rotation of the rod first. You know that *T=I*d(omega)/dt* if you get rid of the rest of the system. So, do something analogous to the car engine example of MatLab: Divide the input T by I to get the acceleration, integrate it to get velocity and one more time to get rotational displacement.
3. Keep adding bits one by one. First, you know that there will be a moment proportional to k*(theta_1-theta_2) acting. This will oppose the motion of rod 1 and act to create motion of rod 2. Add a new "branch" to your model to get theta_2 same way you got theta_1.
4. Go on including further elements...