odoo discuss chats not dispayed between spacific users - chat

I have problem in discuss base module
Some user's chat not displayed When they Sends to a specific users (not all)
I have no customization on base module and users has a same access right


Facebook Connecting Accounts (PSID, ASID)

I need to connect ASID with PSID. My application needs to connect users that comment on a page (message, id, username) with a /me (id, username).
Both are under the same application. I managed to get {user-id}/ids_for_apps to convert the PSID to an ASID, but that only worked after I made the page owned by my business.
I need to get this to work without the whole page ownership thing, because I need it to be automated, because I don't know all the pages/users that will be using the application.
If anyone has any information on this, please help!
Just to clarify:
I have a live streamer oauth my app. Then a viewer oauths my app. I need to identify the viewer oauth with a comment that they leave on the page. When the viewer logs in using my app, it gives them an html control to do things to the stream through chat commands and also on the html controls. Right now, they identify themselves as two different people, because the IDs do not match. I need the html page of the viewer to have an ID that is comparable or the same as an ID from the page comment Both users use my same app. And it's only one page. *
I need to get this to work without the whole page ownership thing
Not possible.
The API may only be used by a business to connect the IDs for that business's app or Page to another app or Page owned by and maintained on behalf of the same business. For example, service providers may not use the API to support multiple customers.
The purpose of this most likely is to limit how much data any one company can gather about users. It would not be good for privacy, if a large “service provider” could match that data across a multitude of 3rd-party owned pages.

Mapping App-Scoped-Ids for apps pulling page posts

We run a platform that acts as a one-stop warehouse of user's interactions with a brand, both through apps (campaigns etc) and through the pages run by the brand. So far, the linking up of facebook users across apps and page-posts was simple - since facebook passed you global facebook ids.
With v2.0 of Graph API, and the migration to app-scoped-id, a brand can still connect the app-scoped-id from various app-authentications through the /ids_for_business api call. When User's log into the app, they are considered authenticated and hence the mapping between app-scoped-ids works.
For posts pulled from the Facebook pages through the API, the "users" are considered non-authenticated, and hence the mappings through /ids_for_business call skip the app_scoped_id listed to page-post-pulling-apps.
Is there a solution to map such users into their app-scoped-ids issued to other apps under the same business account?
Alternatively, is there any other way to reliably map such users across apps and page posts?
Its not currently possible to map a user's ID across multiple apps where the user has not logged into each of the apps you're trying to map across.
The use case for the Business Mapping API it to identify the same use across the multiple apps your business owns - where the user has logged into those apps. For example, identifying which of your business's games the person plays.
The principle here is that a person's information is not aggregateable across apps unless the person has explicitly logged into those apps.

Chat script that allows anonymous visitors to chat with one of registered users

I have a classified ads website where I have users registered through my MySQL database. Now I want to integrate a chat that anonymous visitors can use to chat with the user about the user's ad. For every visitor the user needs one chat room, so maybe a Facebook-Like chat for the user would be nice.
Can somebody tell me if there's a free script out there which has all these features or the most of them ?
We are using https://chatpocket.com, it has android app which inform about new messages, you can have several website on one account. It is free, also for commecial use.

Obtaining an app ID on behalf of my employer

I am a programmer employed by a company to develop a web app owned by that company. We allow users to log in with Twitter. We would like to allow users to log in with Facebook. For this we require tokens to plug in to OAuth 2.
The snag is that so far as I can determine, Facebook require that apps are owned by a Facebook user, and a that Facebook user uniquely identify a natural person. I don’t want to register using my existing Facebook ID; my work identity is not relevant to friends and family, and besides, I will not be an employee of the company indefinitely. I have not found any information yet to indicate I can hand the ownership of the app to another developer, though I assume such a process must logically be required. I could violate the Facebook terms and create a new ID to register the app with, or I could attempt to coach the CEO of the company (who is not a programmer) through the process of registering for an app. This will be complicated by the fact that I can’t even get past step 1 so I can’t rehearse the process.
So my programming question is, is there a way I have not yet discovered that Facebook allows companies to delegate the chore of registering an app? Failing that, has anyone published a route through Facebook’s developer’s maze to get the OAuth keys in the minimum of steps?
You can create the app using your facebook account, initially, then you can create a Facebook Group called something like "My App Admins" - then get anybody who is important in the company to join that Facebook Group (including yourself) Then in the app settings, set that group as an admin of the app. (you can also create seperate groups for insights users, developers and testers)
Anybody in that group will now be an administrator. That way the company can control access to the app by adding or removing people from that group.
It is not an ideal solution. Facebook want to be able to link application developer accounts to real people - this is a way of preventing spamming etc.
Hope this is helpful.

How to display a list of Facebook users registered with my Facebook Connect website

I'm developing a website using Facebook Connect as the only membership/authentication mechanism.
So far authentication and inviting friends work.
Now I'd like to display a list of users registered with my Facebook application. Something like : "There are 1234 members in the AppName community" + a list of profile pictures.
How would I do that ?
Thanks !
This is actually pretty easy to do. After each user connects with your site through Facebook Connect, create an entry for them in some user table (which you're probably already doing). Then when a user logs in simply display the total number from your users table and randomly select 10 user IDs (or whatever number of pictures you want to display) and show them using the FBML <fb:profile_pic> tag http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Fb:profile-pic.
There is some metric information available about your application via the Admin.getMetrics API call. I believe it only provides the number of active users within a certain time period however.
The actual total number of users is difficult to track due to people who remove the application, or might have it installed but blocked. I don't think it's available as a specific property anywhere. The information pages about Facebook apps never show the total number of users, only the monthly active users, which is what Admin.getMetrics() can tell you.