Facebook Connecting Accounts (PSID, ASID) - facebook

I need to connect ASID with PSID. My application needs to connect users that comment on a page (message, id, username) with a /me (id, username).
Both are under the same application. I managed to get {user-id}/ids_for_apps to convert the PSID to an ASID, but that only worked after I made the page owned by my business.
I need to get this to work without the whole page ownership thing, because I need it to be automated, because I don't know all the pages/users that will be using the application.
If anyone has any information on this, please help!
Just to clarify:
I have a live streamer oauth my app. Then a viewer oauths my app. I need to identify the viewer oauth with a comment that they leave on the page. When the viewer logs in using my app, it gives them an html control to do things to the stream through chat commands and also on the html controls. Right now, they identify themselves as two different people, because the IDs do not match. I need the html page of the viewer to have an ID that is comparable or the same as an ID from the page comment Both users use my same app. And it's only one page. *

I need to get this to work without the whole page ownership thing
Not possible.
The API may only be used by a business to connect the IDs for that business's app or Page to another app or Page owned by and maintained on behalf of the same business. For example, service providers may not use the API to support multiple customers.
The purpose of this most likely is to limit how much data any one company can gather about users. It would not be good for privacy, if a large “service provider” could match that data across a multitude of 3rd-party owned pages.


Graph Api - manage multiple Facebook accounts

I have a question about Graph Api from Facebook. We want to create tool to management accounts in facebook and groups releated with them.
Basic functionality of tool is possibility to add acounts to the system, and then add you can add multiple facebook accounts to each of them. Then, system get all posts from groups releated with facebook accounts.
I did research, and I know quite what is possible and what no, but many endpoints of API requires app review. My question is about this review - wheater app like that, when one user can add multiple facebook accouns and use data (like posts, comments) from them is allowed by facebook and will pass the review?
That depends on what exactly you mean by “accounts” …
Facebook pages? Sure, you can let your app user add as many of those as they like, for the purpose of managing them, reading feed data, etc.
User profiles? That would not really make sense, because every person is only allowed to have one personal profile on the platform to begin with. And adding other people’s profiles (by having them authorize your app, using their access tokens on behalf of someone else) is likely not going to fly in review either.
when one user can add multiple facebook accouns and use data (like posts, comments) from them is allowed by facebook
“Using data” is rather vague as well; what you can and can’t do with user data is outlined in the Platform Policy: https://developers.facebook.com/policy

Do I need my own user database in order to use Google & Facebook sign in?

I have a well functioning login system right now. Im in the process of implementing Google+ and Facebook login too. Its works fine. But:
When a user logs in via Facebook or Google shall I create a new user in my web apps users database? If so, what should i fill as password?
Lets say a user has logged in via Facebook and he inserts a new book in the books table. What shall I put in the creator column of the inserted row? Usually I put the user id of the logged in user which has a row in the users table.
A user doesnt have an account on my web app. He signs in for the first time using Google+. What happens to that user if he later on chooses to remove my site from his connected accounts on google? This might be related to the first question.
Thank you.
The Documentation of the both API are really great and understandable. But I could find answers to my questions.
It's technically possible to use Google+ Sign-In without data persistence. As an example, you can see client-side-only Google+ Sign-In features on the Is Too Cute demo site.
There are certain benefits to adding data persistence and managing your own set of users but there is still a ton of great functionality you can get without needing to implement a data store:
Over-the-air Android installs
Interactive Posts
Personalize the site to the user
Access Google APIs while the user is actively browsing your site.

Facebook graph API returns empty data for a page

I have an application that is retrieving data from Facebook. Users authorize the application to read and write to their pages, and we read their data and post to it from our application. All interaction occurs via the PHP interface that Facebook supplies.
For the last few months our application has been performing this task flawlessly. However in recent days we have started noticing an issue with certain pages.
We go out and retrieve data for a specific page, and we no longer get any data. Instead Facebook returns us an empty result. This obviously causes problems in our application which needs to read this data.
We can still write data just fine.
I am at a point where I'm not sure what this could be. Any common scenarios or recent Graph API issues that could cause this?
This sounds odd. The only thing that comes to mind is that the page owner has put a restriction on the audience for their page, which would then require you to pass in an access token to access data about the page. An example would be a beer company that wants to limit access to their FB page to users that are older than 21. Since there is a restriction on who can access the page content, we enforce that restriction on the FB platform. In this case you would need to pass in the access_token of a user who is 21 or older to access the page details via the graph api.
Adding to Jeff's answer, I found that any kind of restriction whatsoever will return a blank data object. I was banging my head on every single setting on my company's page and found that we had it set to only show in certain countries (Manage Settings > Country Restrictions). Removing all of them from the list started to return all the data we needed.

Getting list of users from our facebook connect application

I have a website that uses facebook connect to allow users to login to the site's login system. If I want to verify that the facebook user id's captured by our database match those who are authorized by facebook to our application by facebook and vice-versa, how would I do that?
For example, if I log in the facebook developer application and it tells me that we have 7 users (I assume this means 7 people who have "connected" to our application), where would I find a list of those 7 users.
I assume their facebook user id's are public information, yet I would like a way to obtain them in a list pertaining to our application.
I assume that this is common for the purposes of database maintenance (and in my case just to verify that everything is working properly).
Looks to me based on the dev console that you can't get a list like this. The best you can do is get friend.getAppUsers() which gives you a list of your friends that have the app installed. Bummer; I actually really need this too for an application I'm working on. I guess just use the post-authorize, deauthorize callback urls to manage the list of users on your end.
I missed first lot of application users too.
Then I start to add username and ID to database as soon as they visit the first page of application after authorizing the application.
Now anybody new comes to my application they are added to 'appusers' table

Outside access to Facebook events

Let's say I own/control a Facebook page where events are posted. I'd like to display these events on another website (In my case, a WordPress blog, but that's not the important part) on an "Upcoming events" page.
What I'm unsure about is: Is the Facebook API usable "externally" like this? I've downloaded the PHP library and have a demo app running that works from within Facebook (i.e. emitting FBML that facebook.com interprets and displays to the logged-in user), but in my case I want a third party (my web server) to query Facebook every so often, rather than the site visitors directly requesting data (HTML/JSON/etc.) from Facebook itself.
Is this sort of thing possible with the Facebook API? How will my web server authenticate itself? What information do I have to store?
Note: I'm looking for information more at a "sequence diagram" conceptual level, not just asking for code. That part I can figure out myself. ;) Unfortunately, Google and the FB developer wiki have not been entirely forthcoming. What do I need to know so I can start coding?
This is a basic overview of how I've done it for a few of my clients who wanted similar functionality:
Create a pretty basic app that prompts for Extended permissions, specifically "offline_access" and whatever else you need
Store the resulting Session Key in your database with the UID
Create a secure, authenticated webservice for your app which allows you to get the info you need for a UID that you supply, using the session that you've stored in your database
On the website make requests to your app's webservice, being sure to cache the results for a certain period of time and only make a new request to your webservice once the cache has expired (I use 5-10 minutes for most of mine)
So basically your Facebook app acts sort of like a proxy between the website and the user, doing all of the authenticating and requesting using legitimate means.
I've used a webservice because I only wanted to maintain one Facebook app for multiple client's needs. It works like this (in a not-very-awesome ASCII art diagram):
Facebook User 1 \ / Client Website 1
Facebook User 2 --- Facebook App --- Client Website 2
Facebook User 3 / \ Client Website 3
Note: I've only done this for users, not pages, so your mileage may vary.
You can do Events.get with the Facebook API then supply the page/profile ID you'd like to get the events for. Depending on how your page is setup you may have to authenticate, simply use your Facebook account, since you should have access to all the events. oh and make sure you do plenty of caching so your not hitting Facebook on every page load.
AFAIK other than user info, you can't fetch any other data from facebook.
But you can try it other way - say create an app that stores events and other relevant information on a webserver and then your other website can easily access that info.