AGGrid - Vue Data Grid: Vuex Documentation - ag-grid

On this page of documentation:
The Vue3 code Snippet:
style="width: 600px; height: 150px;"
//..other bindings/attributes
methods: {
dataModelChanged(rowData) {
this.$store.dispatch('applyTransaction', rowData);
is the line:
meant to be?
Unfortunately the example repo is old Vue2 and not really useful for helping understand this in action as it doesn't use this binding.


Can't figure out how to style material ui datagrid

I'm trying to style material-ui DataGrid component to justify the content in the cells. I am reading the material ui docs about styling but I don't seem to doing it correct and frankly find the docs on styling very confusing.
The doc here: implies I should be able to do something like this:
const StyledDataGrid = withStyles({
cellCenter: {
justifyContent: "center",
<div style={{ height: 300, width: '100%' }}>
<StyledDataGrid rows={rows} columns={columns} />
However, when I do this, I don't see the style being added to the MuiDataGrid-cellCenter DOM element. Attaching a screenshot which shows the element classes. In the inspector I see that the style isn't being added (and if I add it manually I get the desired results). Am I not using the withStyles function correctly?
So after a bit more messing around, I believe the issue is that the DataGrid component does not support the classes property (which it seems most of the material ui components do). I believe the withStyles usage about is shorthand for passing the classes via the classes prop. Since the prop isn't listed in the API I'm assuming this is why it isn't working. I confirmed that I can get the styles working by using a combination of the className parameter with descendant selection.
If someone determines I'm wrong and there is a way to get withStyles working on this component please comment.
const useStyles = makeStyles({
root: {
"& .MuiDataGrid-cellCenter": {
justifyContent: "center"
export default function X() {
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<DataGrid className={classes.root} checkboxSelection={true} rows={rows} columns={columns} />
ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION: (for others with similar issues)
If you are working within a class and cannot use hooks...
'&.MuiDataGrid-root .MuiDataGrid-cell:focus': {
outline: 'none',

Modal for fullsize image with gatsby-image - limit height and width

What I want to achive
I am using gatsby and want to design an image gallery. Clicking on one of the images shall open a modal, which: (1) is showing the image in maximum possible size, so that it still fits into the screen and (2) is centered in the screen.
My Code
/* imagemodal.js */
import React from 'react'
import * as ImagemodalStyles from './imagemodal.module.css'
import { Modal } from 'react-bootstrap'
import Img from 'gatsby-image'
import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby'
export default function Imagemodal() {
const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query {
file(relativePath: { eq: "images/mytestimage.jpg" }) {
childImageSharp {
fluid(maxWidth: 1200) {
return (
onHide={(e) => console.log(e)}
<Modal.Header closeButton />
<Modal.Body className={ImagemodalStyles.imageModalBody}>
<Img fluid={data.file.childImageSharp.fluid} />
/* imagemodal.module.scss */
.imageModalDialog {
display: inline-block;
width: auto;
.imageModal {
text-align: center;
.imageModalBody img {
max-height: calc(100vh - 225px);
The Problem
The image does not scale to the screen size. The image is either too big - so it flows over the vieport - or it is too small. Secondly, the modal size does not respond to the image size correctly and / or is not centered.
What I tried
I used this suggestion for the CSS: How to limit the height of the modal?
I tried as well dozens of other CSS parameter combinations. But I could not find a working solution.
I tried to format the gatsby-image directly with a style-tag.
I tried as well react-modal but had similar problems.
Does anyone have a good solution to show a gatsby-image in full screen size in a responsive modal? For me it is okay to use either the bootstrap-modal or react-modal - or any other suitable solution.
In the end I ended up with a workaround. I used react-image-lightbox and took the Image-Source from gatsby-image as the input for lightbox. My component gets the data from the graphQL query in the props via props.imageData.
This works quite well for me:
import Lightbox from 'react-image-lightbox';
export default function Imagegallery(props) {
const allImages = props.imageData.edges
const [indexImageToShow, setIndexImageToShow] = useState()
Special thanks to #FerranBuireu to point me to the right direction
Assuming that the functionality works as expected, as it seems, it's a matter of CSS rules, not React/Gatsby issue. The following rule:
.imageModalBody img {
max-height: calc(100vh - 225px);
It Will never be applied properly, since gatsby-image creates an output of HTML structure of nested <div>, <picture> and <img> so your rule will be affected by the inherited and relativity of the HTML structure. In other words, you are not pointing to the image itself with that rule because of the result HTML structure.
You should point to the <Img>, which indeed, it's a wrapper, not an <img>.
return (
<Modal show={true} onHide={handleClose} centered className={ImagemodalStyles.imageModal} dialogClassName={ImagemodalStyles.imageModalDialog}>
<Modal.Header closeButton />
<Img className={ImagemodalStyles.imageModalBody} fluid={} />
The snippet above will add the (spot the difference, without img):
.imageModalBody {
max-height: calc(100vh - 225px);
To the wrapper, which may or may not fix the issue, but at least will apply the rule correctly. It's difficult to know what's wrong without a CodeSandbox but you will apply the styles correctly with this workaround.
Keep always in mind that when using gatsby-image, the <img> it's profound in the resultant HTML structure so your styles should apply to the outer wrapper of it.

Ag-Grid onGridReady not getting parameters?

I've been working with ag-grid, and on looking at other samples I've seen the following snippet of code that people use to save the ag-grid api as a variable for later use.
template: `
style="width: 100vw;"
[style.height] = 'height'
class="ag-theme-balham ag-grid"
this.gridApi = params.api;
this.columnsApi = params.columnApi;}
I've been trying to do something similar, however when I try the same, params is showing up as "undefined". I've tried all manner of methods to try to get the api, but it's just not working for me. My grid loads correctly with the data I've passed to it, but it keeps telling me the params.api is undefined. What am I missing here?
Managed to figure it out after a bit more trial & error, posting the solution just in case anyone is having the same problem.
I took out the (gridReady)="onGridReady($event)" from my HTML code, and added the following to my GridOptions declaration:
onGridReady: this.onGridReady.bind(this),
After that I created a new method to set the api, which seems to work just fine.
onGridReady(event: any){
this.gridApi = event.api;
Can you try removing the gridOptions from your HTML template
style="width: 600px; height: 500px;"
Note: Not using gridoptions in the above HTML template.
And if you want to load data from the API. In .ts file
onGridReady(params) {
this.gridApi = params.api;
console.log('grid api', params.api);
this.gridColumnApi = params.columnApi;
// const dataValue = [{firstName: 'Ragavan', age: 31}, {firstName: 'Mike', age: 50}];
.subscribe(data => {
Try the above code. Hope it should work.

Does codemirror provide Cut, Copy and Paste API?

From, I only find getRange(),
undo(), redo() etc, and I can't find cut(), copy() and paste API,
and more when I try to run editor.execCommand("cut"), I get the error.
Could you help me? Thanks!
Using clipboard.js, you can define the text() function to grab the value of the CodeMirror's inner document.
Store a reference to the (<textarea>) editor's selector for convenience.
var editorSelector = '#editor' // or '#editor + .CodeMirror';
Instantiate a new ClipBoard object with reference to your button.
new Clipboard('.clip-btn-native', {
text: function(trigger) {
return getCodeMirrorNative(editorSelector).getDoc().getValue();
Retrieve a CodeMirror Instance via native JavaScript.
function getCodeMirrorNative(target) {
var _target = target;
if (typeof _target === 'string') {
_target = document.querySelector(_target);
if (_target === null || !_target.tagName === undefined) {
throw new Error('Element does not reference a CodeMirror instance.');
if (_target.className.indexOf('CodeMirror') > -1) {
return _target.CodeMirror;
if (_target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') {
return _target.nextSibling.CodeMirror;
return null;
Please see complete; in-depth demo over at JSFiddle.
There are no CodeMirror APIs for cut/copy/paste because browser security restrictions forbid JavaScript from accessing the clipboard programmatically. Paste could be used to steal private data and Cut/Copy can be used as a more elaborate attack vector.
The browser's own native code handles user gestures that access the clipboard (keyboard shortcuts and context menu items), based solely on the currently selected text or focused text field.
This SO thread has a good summary of attempts to work around these restrictions. CodeMirror's approach is the first bullet: it uses a hidden textarea to ensure that user clipboard gestures work, but that still doesn't support programmatic APIs.
But there is a partial workaround: use a small Flash widget (this is the 2nd bullet in the thread above). Flash relaxes the restrictions on Copy/Cut (but not Paste) a bit. It still has to be triggered by some user event, but it could be something like clicking a button in your HTML UI. Wrappers like ZeroClipboard and Clippy make it simple to access to these capabilities without needing to know Flash. You'd need to write a little glue code to pull the appropriate string from CodeMirror when copying, but it shouldn't be too bad.
Add a hidden contenteditable div to your textarea editor wrapper. Contenteditable divs respect new lines and tabs, which we need when copying code.
Here is my CodePen demo
var content = $('.content');
var toCopy = content.find('.copy-this');
// initialize the editor
var editorOptions = {
autoRefresh: true,
firstLineNumber: 1,
lineNumbers: true,
smartIndent: true,
lineWrapping: true,
indentWithTabs: true,
refresh: true,
mode: 'javascript'
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(content.find(".editor")[0], editorOptions);
content[0].editor = editor;;
// set editors value from the textarea
var text = content.find('.editor').text();
// setting with editor.getValue() so that it respects \n and \t
$(document).on('click', '.copy-code', function() {
var content = $(this).closest('.content');
var editor = content[0].editor;
var toCopy = content.find('.copy-this')[0];
var innerText = toCopy.innerText // using innerText here because it preserves newlines
// write the text to the clipboard
.content {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
.CodeMirror {
height: fit-content !important;
.copy-code {
background: #339af0;
width: fit-content;
cursor: pointer;
<!-- resources -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="content">
<!-- button to copy the editor -->
<div class="copy-code" title="copy code">copy</div>
<!-- add contenteditable div as it respects new lines when copying unlike textarea -->
<div class="copy-this" contenteditable style="display: none"></div>
<textarea class="editor" style="display: none;">// here is a comment
// here is another comment

JQTOUCH - Anytime loading occurs, add a loading class?

I'm using JQTOUCH and in JQTOUCH several of the links are being loading via AJAX and then sliding in. The problem is that there is no loading indication provided to users.
I'd like a way to add a Loading class with an AJAX spinner, when ever the an ajax call is loading, and have the class removed when the loading is done, and the page is displayed.
Any ideas?
the showPageByHref() answer is partially correct.
But, instead of
$('body').append('<div id="loadinginprogress">Loading...</div>');
You need
$('.current').append('<div id="loadinginprogress">Loading...</div>');
Body is too general for jqtouch, need to be specific to the currently displayed DIV-page
showPageByHref() function in jqtouch js is a good start. i added it right into ajax call so the please wait will not flicker when you click on link that is already loaded etc.
In short - add loading div (id loadinginprogress in exmaple) right before the ajax call and remove later "success" or "error". the ajax call section would look something like that (shortened it ):
function showPageByHref(href, options) {
if (href != '#'){
$('body').append('<div id="loadinginprogress">Loading...</div>');
url: href,
type: settings.method,
success: function (data, textStatus) {
var firstPage = insertPages(data, settings.animation);
if (firstPage)
if (settings.method == 'GET' && jQTSettings.cacheGetRequests && settings.$referrer)
settings.$referrer.attr('href', '#' + firstPage.attr('id'));
if (settings.callback) {
error: function (data) {
if (settings.$referrer) settings.$referrer.unselect();
if (settings.callback) {
css for loading div would be something like:
#loadinginprogress {
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
color: white;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
height: 80px;
left: 60px;
line-height: 80px;
margin: 0 auto;
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
top: 120px;
width: 200px;
z-index: 5000;
This is the basic behavior if your links are li class="arrow" elements. how are you displaying your links and where do you want the loading-spinner to display?
Thank you for your different posts. They helped me a lot.
I have a solution to propose without patching the jQtouch code on which jQTouch relies.
It uses jQuery ajax capabilities.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#jqt').ajaxStart(function() {
}).ajaxSuccess(function() {
}).ajaxError(function() {
more details available in this jQuery doc page.
You could add a custom event handler, and trigger the loading.gif everytime the click on the specific element was done.
I just answered Darin Parker's question. Just check it out it may help you.