Visual Studio Code and notificaitons with taskbar - visual-studio-code

Visual Studio Code keeps getting a notification in my taksbar. I cannot find out what the notification is, so my taskbar is always elevated. I need to type in the area of my taksbar. This is so annoying. I have to resize my screen or close VSC and reopen it so that I can type into the termintal window. Any ideas what I can do?


How to Show Code Runner Shortcut In VS Code

How can I show the Code Runner shortcut in Visual Studio Code if I mistakenly hid it?"
I was using Visual Studio Code and I accidentally hid the Code Runner shortcut. Is there a way to show it again? I have tried searching in the keyboard shortcuts settings but can't seem to find it. Any help would be appreciated (P.S I Know Many Of You will Say Use a Shortcut Key, or Reinstall the CodeRunner & VS Code But All Is Not Working)
How Can I get Code runner Shortcut Again
Make sure that you enabled your "Code Runner" extension
Go to the top right corner of VS Code to find a button that looks like three dots (...)
Right click on it and press "Run Code"
The Run Code button should reappear now

Visual Studio Code exit button position [duplicate]

I was working on the visual studio application.
And suddenly, my window control buttons hopped to the left side of the main menu navbar,
hiding the buttons File & Edit.
Does anyone know how to re-placing the windows control buttons back to the right side of the navbar?
In vscode v1.71.2 the window.experimental.windowControlsOverlay.enabled setting has been disabled by default.
This bug was released in vscode v1.71. It may be related to using RTL languages. I would assume this will be fixed in a point release.
Try disabling this setting:
from [windows default close button location moved on its own when updating to v1.71.0][1]

Ionide Intellisense quick fixes doesn't add code to file - F# Visual Studio Code

When I press CTRL+. for quick fixes or the click the light bulb (show fixes) I get the dialog in the below image. However, when I press enter or click an item in the quick fixes dialog no code is added to my document i.e. nothing happens.
Does anyone know how to fix this? In the given example, I'd expect selecting "Open System" to add the line "open System" at the top of the document.
Windows 10
Visual Studio Code 1.46.1
Ionide-fsharp 4.14.0

How can disable, remove or force a prompt when clicking the application Close button in the title bar of Visual Studio Code?

I tried using Quit Control for VSCode, but that doesn't do anything for an actual mouse click on the close X:
Is there a way to configure the behavior for the close button?

how to keep terminal, debug console and output screens in simultaneous view in visual studio code?

I would like to keep "Terminal", "Debug Console" and "Output" screens in view at the same time (split view) in Visual Studio Code.
Someone has asked a similar question before here
Holding the mouse over Output tab name for ex. and dragging to either the left or right to the area of the other panels the Output will snap into place.