Visual Studio Code exit button position [duplicate] - visual-studio-code

I was working on the visual studio application.
And suddenly, my window control buttons hopped to the left side of the main menu navbar,
hiding the buttons File & Edit.
Does anyone know how to re-placing the windows control buttons back to the right side of the navbar?

In vscode v1.71.2 the window.experimental.windowControlsOverlay.enabled setting has been disabled by default.
This bug was released in vscode v1.71. It may be related to using RTL languages. I would assume this will be fixed in a point release.
Try disabling this setting:
from [windows default close button location moved on its own when updating to v1.71.0][1]


Visual Studio Code. why are the window control buttons over the menu bar on the left side?

I was working on the visual studio application.
And suddenly, my window control buttons hopped to the left side of the main menu navbar,
hiding the buttons File & Edit.
Does anyone know how to re-placing the windows control buttons back to the right side of the navbar?
In vscode v1.71.2 the window.experimental.windowControlsOverlay.enabled setting has been disabled by default.
This bug was released in vscode v1.71. It may be related to using RTL languages. I would assume this will be fixed in a point release.
Try disabling this setting:
from [windows default close button location moved on its own when updating to v1.71.0][1]

How do I place my terminal in the left side at visual studio code? Version 1.64.1 (2022)

I used to position my terminal at the left side of my visual studio code (as presented on the first image) but now the option to do that is gone, i think some recently update removed it (which seems strange, why would they remove a feature?).
After some googling, i found this How do I move the panel in Visual Studio Code to the right side?
But it doest help me, as my problem is different
Someone knows how i can achieve the same result nowadays?
What i already tried:
Tried to add this command at settings.json "workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "left" but it says it has been deprecated
Right click at terminal header does not show the "Move to Left" option anymore, instead there's only a Move Views to side panel, which results in a right-side placement, not left
View > Appearence does not have the desired option anymore
v1.64.2 is out 02/10/2022 and this can now be done in that release.
Use the command:
View: Move Panel Left from the Command Palette.

Screen is broken when another window is displayed on top of vscode

While using Visual Studio Code, the screen is broken as shown in the following gif.
It is not visible in the gif file, but is being dragged with the another window open.
The same thing did not happen in other programs (e.g., visual studio community, source tree, etc.).
It also happened on other monitors connected to internal graphics cards.
When scrolling in vscode, the same symptoms occur in the parts that are not scrolling (such as the left menu section).
Updating the graphics card driver(geforce) fixed the problem
go to your vs code shortcut properties and add at the end of the path "--disable-gpu" example like these: "C:\Users\your-user\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" --disable-gpu

VS Code's documentation/intellisense popup disappears on mouse over

I am having a problem scrolling through the pop up box after hovering over a variable. It just disappears. I want to be able to scroll through it.
I am on Windows 10 x64 using Visual Studio Code 1.41.1 with Python Extension
Set editor.hover.sticky to true.
Via settings.json:
"editor.hover.sticky": true
Via Settings UI:
As a result of Keep hover visible when the mouse is getting closer to it, in my testing in the Insiders Build v1.72 this is much better. It should be in Stable v1.72 early October, 2022.
From the 1.72 Release Notes
Improved hover
The editor hover used to be quite aggressive in hiding itself,
especially when the mouse was going over an empty area of the editor.
This would make it very difficult to reach some of the actions shown
in the hover. Now, the hover will stay visible as long as the mouse is
moving towards it. The setting "editor.hover.sticky": false will
continue to work as before:
[The Editor > Hover: Sticky setting isn't the real problem, the problem is that the hover disappears before you even get the mouse to it.]

Visual Studio Code: How to have both Debug window and Explorer window open together?

I'm new to Visual Code and I have a small question.
You have two buttons circled in red line. The first button opens the Explorer window and the second circled button opens the Debug window.
I want to have both of these windows open. Do you know how to do it?
This is not possible as of VSCode 1.13
A feature request for showing multiple panels was tracked here but the issue has been closed as as-designed. If you are passionate about the problem, please file a new issue to see if thinking on this has changed in the past year
V1.43 will have the ability to move various views, like Variables, Watch and Callstack from the sidebar to the panel (it works nicely in the Insiders' Build v.1.43). Demo:
See v1.43 release notes: with a demo gif of dragging views to and from the panel.
and this setting:
We've introduced a new command to make moving views easier
with the keyboard: View: Move Focused View
And finally, this is a preview feature. So, in case you get into a
state that you can't fix, there is a command to reset all views to
their original locations: View: Reset View Locations