Conversion .bval/.bvec files into .bvs - imaging

I am trying to convert the files containing the diffusion directions from a Siemens Prisma in order to use in a Siemens Biograph. Unfortunately Biograph wants only .dvs files. Anybody knows a fast way how to convert it? Any help would be appreciated.


How to read MP3 in MATLAB

I am currently working on watermarking audio files in Matlab for a mathematics research project. So far I have been able to read wav files using wavread in Matlab. However, because wav files are very large, the resulting data is also large. Therefore, in order to simplify this I would like to know how I would be able to read an mp3 file in Matlab. So far I have only tried to read an mp3 by using dsp.AudioFileReader. However, the resulting data only contains 0's and a few other numbers, which is clearly not the correct data. Would someone please be able to help me? Thank you so much!
you can use this code:
hfr = dsp.AudioFileReader('yourfile.mp3');
hplay = dsp.AudioPlayer('SampleRate',sample_rate_here);
 while ~isDone(hfr)
         audio = step(hfr);
         step(hplay, audio);

Decoding a binary raster GIS file: Vertical Mapper .grd

Does anyone know of a method to decode this sort binary file. It should have a quite simple structure, a couple of lines of headers and then just grid data. I have the Vertical Mapper software but I want to cut out a step in my modelling process and do everything in matlab??
Any tips are appreciated.
You'll need the Mapping Toolbox for that.

Sample data for testing binary linear classificaion code

I am loking for some sample binary data for testing my linear classifiation code. I need a data set where the data is 2d and belongs to either one of two classes. If anyone has such data or any reference for the same, kindly reply. Any help is appreciated.
I have my own dataset which contain 2 categories of data with 2 features each.
Extract this archive and go to 'segmentation_mi_kit/mango_banyan_dataset/'
Alternately if you want something standard to test your algorithm on, have a look at UCI Machine Learning dataset :
I guess thatz a kind of data you need.

Fuzzy c-means tcp dump clustering in matlab

Hi I have some data thats represented like this:
Its from the kdd cup 1999 which was based on the darpa set.
the text file I have has rows and rows of data like this, in matlab there is the generic clustering tool you can use by typing findcluster but it only accepts .dat files.
Im also not very sure if it will accept the format like this. Im also not sure why there is so many trailing zeros in the dump files.
Can anyone help how I can utilise the text document and run it thru a fcm clustering method in matlab? Code help is really needed.
FINDCLUSTER is simply a GUI interface for two clustering algorithms: FCM and SUBCLUST
You first need to read the data from file, look into the TEXTSCAN function for that.
Then you need to deal with non-numeric attributes; either remove them or convert them somehow. As far as I can tell, the two algorithms mentioned only support numeric data.
Visit the original website of the KDD cup dataset to find out the description of each attribute.

Is there a function in Matlab to read your computer's audio in and store data in near real time?

Would anyone know if there is a way in MATLAB to read from your computer's audio in and store the data into a pre-allocated array? If so, what is the function or the path to do so?
Thank you.
it's very simple. check these two links