Sample data for testing binary linear classificaion code - classification

I am loking for some sample binary data for testing my linear classifiation code. I need a data set where the data is 2d and belongs to either one of two classes. If anyone has such data or any reference for the same, kindly reply. Any help is appreciated.

I have my own dataset which contain 2 categories of data with 2 features each.
Extract this archive and go to 'segmentation_mi_kit/mango_banyan_dataset/'
Alternately if you want something standard to test your algorithm on, have a look at UCI Machine Learning dataset :
I guess thatz a kind of data you need.


How to create a "Denoising Autoencoder" in Matlab?

I know Matlab has the function TrainAutoencoder(input, settings) to create and train an autoencoder. The result is capable of running the two functions of "Encode" and "Decode".
But this is only applicable to the case of normal autoencoders. What if you want to have a denoising autoencoder? I searched and found some sample codes, where they used the "Network" function to convert the autoencoder to a normal network and then Train(network, noisyInput, smoothOutput)like a denoising autoencoder.
But there are multiple missing parts:
How to use this new network object to "encode" new data points? it doesn't support the encode().
How to get the "latent" variables to the features, out of this "network'?
I appreciate if anyone could help me resolve this issue.
At present (2019a), MATALAB does not permit users to add layers manually in autoencoder. If you want to build up your own, you will have start from the scratch by using layers provided by MATLAB;
In order to to use TrainNetwork(...) to train your model, you will have you find out a way to insert your data into an object called imDatastore. The difficulty for autoencoder's data is that there is NO label, which is required by imDatastore, hence you will have to find out a smart way to avoid it--essentially you are to deal with a so-called OCC (One Class Classification) problem.
Use activations(...) to dump outputs from intermediate (hidden) layers
I swang between using MATLAB and Python (Keras) for deep learning for a couple of weeks, eventually I chose the latter, albeit I am a long-term and loyal user to MATLAB and a rookie to Python. My two cents are that there are too many restrictions in the former regarding deep learning.
Good luck.:-)
If you 'simulation' means prediction/inference, simply use activations(...) to dump outputs from any intermediate (hidden) layers as I mentioned earlier so that you can check them.
Another way is that you construct an identical network but with the encoding part only, copy your trained parameters into it, and feed your simulated signals.

Spark-mllib retraining saved models

I am trying to make a classification with spark-mllib, especially using RandomForestModel.
I have taken a look on this example from spark (RandomForestClassificationExample.scala), but I need a somewhat expanded approach.
I need to be able to train a model, save the model for future usage, but also to be able to load it and train further. Like, extend the dataset and train again.
I completely understand the need to export and import a model for future usage.
Unfortunately, training "further" isn't possible with Spark nor does it make sense. Thus it's recommended to retrain the model with the data from use to train the first model + new data.
Your first training values/metrics don't have much sense anymore if you want to add more data (e.g features, intercept, coefficients, etc.)
I hope that this answers your question.
You may need to look for some reinforcement learning technique instead of Random Forest if you want to use the old model and retrain it with new data.
That I know, there's deeplearning4j that implements deep reinforcement learning algorithms on top of Spark (and Hadoop).
If you only need to save JavaRDD[Object], you can do (in Java)
Values will be writter out using Java Serialization. Then, to read your data you do:
JavaRDD[Object] model = jsc.objectFile(pathOfYourModel)
Be careful, object files are not available in Python. But you could use saveAsPickleFile() to write your model and pickleFile() to read it.

running NN software with my own data

New with Matlab.
When I try to load my own date using the NN pattern recognition app window, I can load the source data, but not the target (it is never on the drop down list). Both source and target are in the same directory. Source is 5000 observations with 400 vars per observation and target can take on 10 different values (recognizing digits). Any Ideas?
Before you do anything with your own data you might want to try out the example data sets available in the toolbox. That should make many problems easier to find later on because they definitely work, so you can see what's wrong with your code.
Regarding your actual question: Without more details, e.g. what your matrices contain and what their dimensions are, it's hard to help you. In your case some of the problems mentioned here might be similar to yours:
From what I understand about nprtool your targets have to consist of a matrix with only one 1 (for the correct class) in either row or column (depending on the input matrix), so make sure that's the case.

Gaussian Mixture Modelling Matlab

Im using the Gaussian Mixture Model to estimate loglikelihood function(the parameters are estimated by the EM algorithm)Im using data is of the size:17991402*1...17991402 data points of one dimension:
When I run,2) I get the desired output
But when I run,k) for k>2....the code crashes and I get the error"OUT OF MEMORY"..I have also tried an open source code which again gives me the same problem.Can someone help me out here?..Im basically looking for a code which will allow me to use different number of components on such a large dataset.
Is it possible for you to decrease the iteration time? The default is 100.
OPTIONS = statset('MaxIter',50,'Display','final','TolFun',1e-6),3,OPTIONS)
Or you may consider under-sampling the original data.
A general solution to out of memory problem is described in this document.

Fuzzy c-means tcp dump clustering in matlab

Hi I have some data thats represented like this:
Its from the kdd cup 1999 which was based on the darpa set.
the text file I have has rows and rows of data like this, in matlab there is the generic clustering tool you can use by typing findcluster but it only accepts .dat files.
Im also not very sure if it will accept the format like this. Im also not sure why there is so many trailing zeros in the dump files.
Can anyone help how I can utilise the text document and run it thru a fcm clustering method in matlab? Code help is really needed.
FINDCLUSTER is simply a GUI interface for two clustering algorithms: FCM and SUBCLUST
You first need to read the data from file, look into the TEXTSCAN function for that.
Then you need to deal with non-numeric attributes; either remove them or convert them somehow. As far as I can tell, the two algorithms mentioned only support numeric data.
Visit the original website of the KDD cup dataset to find out the description of each attribute.