Failed to resolve packages. Failed to add editor bundled package --> Circle Ci - unity3d

I've been having this problem for about a week now and I don't know what to do. I always build to project with flatman. I tried everything but it didn't work. Please help.
and manifest files have these
["": "4.3.0",
"com.unity.purchasing.udp": "2.0.0",][1]


Cannot find module '#nrwl/webpack/package.json'

Followed the nx dev tutorial TO THE LETTER :-)
When I get to the "npx nx build admin" or "npx nx serve admin" steps I get an error:
Unable to resolve #nrwl/webpack:webpack
for build
Unable to resolve #nrwl/webpack:dev-server
for serve
I can fix the issue by adding "#nrwl/webpack": "^15.5.2" to devDependencies in package.json (and running npm install)
I assume this is a correct fix? Meanwhile, is the tutorial broken?
Expected tutorial to work without additional steps
Looks like this is a bug in V 15.5.2!
When I repeat the tutorial steps using V 15.4.5 (npx create-nx-workspace#15.4.5) the problem goes away.
Bug reported to nrwl team.
Just in case, this helps solve a problem for other developers...
Images are also broken in V 15.5.2 (and 15.5.3)! Basically images DO NOT DISPLAY...
import siteLogo from "./assets/images/modules/logo.png";
alt="Yamaha | Revs Your Heart"
Reverting to 15.4.5 also fixes this issue!

Swift Package Manager failed extracting

I'm getting this Package Manager error, when switching to a different branch or cloning the project. Build fails and "Clean Build Folder" doesn't help.
failed extracting
which is required by binary target 'AWSConnect':
is not a directory
The following steps resolve the issue forcing all packages to download.
Product > Clean Build Folder
Delete DerivedData content (Preferences > Locations > Derived Data little arrow)
File > Packages > Reset Package Cache
The Reset Package Cache step is the most important here. It forces all packages to download as if they where just added.
Another issue that can happen is if you have added a build configuration, make sure that you have replicated this build configuration name throughout all your in house libraries, frameworks and sub projects. If the project that uses your Library has no build configuration for the scheme you are building then it will not link and you will receive errors like:
failed extracting '*' which is required by binary target 'BlahBlah': fchmod (file attributes) error: Operation not permitted

Angular Dart Tutorial - Unable to find modules for some sources

I'm trying to follow the Angular Dart tutorial ( but got stuck after adding some html that makes use of the ngModel directive.
According to the tutorial in order to make use of the ngModel directive one has to add "angular_forms: ^2.0.0" to the pubspec.yaml, import 'package:angular_forms/angular_forms.dart' and add "formDirectives" to the component directives. I did all of that including running "pub get" to get the dependencies but when I run "webdev serve" I get the following error:
[SEVERE] build_web_compilers|entrypoint on test/app_test.dart (cached):
Unable to find modules for some sources, this is usually the result of either a
bad import, a missing dependency in a package (or possibly a dev_dependency
needs to move to a real dependency), or a build failure (if importing a
generated file).
What am I missing?
I had the same the problem. I don't think it mentions explicityly in the tute but after adding angular_forms dependency to the pubspec.yaml file, you need to pull in this new dependency with:
pub get
Hope it helps!

when i import mupdf 'lib' project in my app that build error,the log"Failed to resolve: com.artifex.mupdf:fitz:1.13.0"

when i import mupdf 'lib' project in my app that build error,the log
"Failed to resolve: com.artifex.mupdf:fitz:1.13.0".
But i have already add the maven url in top build.gradle.Please tell why,thanks.
...,i tried to reboot my computer ,then,the compile is successful.It maybe the android studio's bug.I hava tried every way.But it didn't work and it cost me a half of day.

Unknown globals when installing ZXing Scanner

I have a Xamarin.Forms project which needs a QR code scanner. I found ZXing Scanner which seems to be a well established library for such purposes.
I installed it in the corresponding android project which worked without errors. When I wanted to build the app, Resource.Designer.cs was adjusted with the following lines:
global::ZXing.Mobile.Resource.Id.contentFrame = global::my.project.Droid.Resource.Id.contentFrame;
global::ZXing.Mobile.Resource.Layout.zxingscanneractivitylayout = global::my.project.Droid.Resource.Layout.zxingscanneractivitylayout;
global::ZXing.Mobile.Resource.Layout.zxingscannerfragmentlayout = global::my.project.Droid.Resource.Layout.zxingscannerfragmentlayout;
The problem is that I as well get the following errors:
'my.project.Droid.Resource.Id' does not contain a definition for 'contentFrame'
'my.project.Droid.Resource.Layout' does not contain a definition for 'zxingscanneractivitylayout'
'my.project.Droid.Resource.Layout' does not contain a definition for 'zxingscannerfragmentlayout'
I installed ZXing using NuGet but I as well tried to add the dlls manually. I get the same errors. Can anyone help me how to fix this?
Thank you in advance.
It's quite possible that your Resource.Designer.cs is not updating correctly:
Clean Project Build
Remove ZXing package.
Clean Project Build
Add ZXing package
Clean and Build Project once again
If it won't help: or