Swift + Markdown: plain text is changed after reading and writing to file - swift

I'm using Apples own Markdown framework (https://github.com/apple/swift-markdown) and when I have a markdown file like the following:
## this is my heading 2
- this is some unordered list entry
- and another one
- and still anther one
- and an indented one
When I read and write without any changes:
let data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: "myfile.md")!
var document = Document(parsing: String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)
let url = URL(filePath: "myfile.md")
try document.format(options: .init()).data(using: .utf8)!.write(to: url)
the content changes:
## this is my heading 2
- this is some unordered list entry
- and another one
- and still anther one
- and an indented one
i.e. a newline is printed after the heading and the indention of the unordered list is changed to two spaces instead of 4/tab. Is there a way to prevent/configure this?

No, you cannot configure either of these without creating your own fork of swift-markdown. For the extra newline, take a look at this code:
mutating public func visitUnorderedList(_ unorderedList: UnorderedList) {
if unorderedList.indexInParent > 0 && !(unorderedList.parent?.parent is ListItemContainer) {
ensurePrecedingNewlineCount(atLeast: 2)
mutating public func visitOrderedList(_ orderedList: OrderedList) {
if orderedList.indexInParent > 0 && !(orderedList.parent?.parent is ListItemContainer) {
ensurePrecedingNewlineCount(atLeast: 2)
Observe the ensurePrecedingNewlineCount(atLeast: 2) call.
For the indentation of lists, take a look at this code from the swift-markdown repository:
} else if element is UnorderedList {
if unorderedListCount > 0 {
prefix += " "
unorderedListCount += 1
} else if element is OrderedList {
if orderedListCount > 0 {
prefix += " "
orderedListCount += 1
} else if !(element is ListItem),
let parentListItem = element.parent as? ListItem {
Align contents with list item markers.
Example, unordered lists:
- First line
Second line, aligned.
Example, ordered lists:
1. First line
Second line, aligned.
1000. First line
Second line, aligned.
if parentListItem.parent is UnorderedList {
// Unordered list markers are of fixed length.
prefix += " "
} else if let numeralPrefix = numeralPrefix(for: parentListItem) {
prefix += String(repeating: " ", count: numeralPrefix.count)
Note the hardcoded spaces to add to the prefix variable when elements are children of lists.
It's worth noting that at least the extra newline is required by the Markdown spec, and some parsers will not properly read the markdown unless there are two newlines between each logical "section" (paragraph, list, block quote, code block, etc.). I'm not sure whether the indentation is required by the spec, but that may also be why the team at Apple made that decision.
Also, one thing that may make this more understandable is that when you parse your markdown document, it represents the document in a tree structure like this:
// Document
// └─ Paragraph
// ├─ Text "This is a markup "
// ├─ Emphasis
// │ └─ Text "document"
// └─ Text "."
and so it has completely forgotten about your formatting. When you then write it back out, it generates Markdown text from this tree. So although you made no changes to the document in your code, it has been parsed and then the Markdown is regenerated, rather than keeping your original document in memory exactly as-is and modifying it on the fly.


unnamed/slim snippets in vscode

I'm using vscode to edit latex (with the latex workshop plugin), and
I recently started creating my own snippets and really like the feature. However, I find the syntax a bit heavy for creating "small" snippets that just abbreviate frequent sequences of words. In particular, I find it cumbersome to have to give a 'name' to each snippet.
Is there a mechanism for "slim" snippets/aliases, that would e.g. take as input a file where each snippet is one line -- the first word being the abbreviation and the rest what is abbreviated?
You have a couple of options. One is to write an extension that could do this - I'll show code that works like an extension that'll work - it looks complicated but use is pretty simple.
Second, you can come close using the Hyper Snips extension where your snippet file (say latex.hsnips) could like like this:
snippet dategreeting "Gives you the current date!"
Hello from your hsnip on ``rv = new Date().toDateString()``!
snippet // "Fraction simple" A
snippet stte A
some text to expand
The descriptions in "" are not necessary and I eliminated it in the last snippet. The A flag will immediately insert your replacement text, without it you would Tab to insert the replacement text. As the examples here show you can use javascript within a snippet if you want.
The gif doesn't show it well bit here is a demo of auto-expansion with Hyper Snips:
Alternatively, download the extension macro-commander. It allows you to use vscode extension commands in a macro within your settings. This macro would go into your settings.json file:
"macros": {
"slimSnippetsInsertion" : [
"javascript": [
"const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;",
"const document = editor.document;",
"const we = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();",
"const cursorPosition = editor.selection.active;", // use whether an actual selection or not, returns a Position
"let keyWordRange = document.getWordRangeAtPosition(cursorPosition);", // returns a Range of start/end Positions or undefined
"if (keyWordRange === undefined) {",
"await window.showInformationMessage(`cursor must be in or immediately after word to be replaced`);",
"let wordAtCursor = document.getText(keyWordRange);", // this is the key word to find in slimSnippets.txt
"const thisWorkspace = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.toString();",
// file:///c:/Users/Mark/OneDrive/Test Bed
"const snippetFileContent = await vscode.workspace.fs.readFile(vscode.Uri.parse(`${thisWorkspace}/.vscode/slimSnippets.txt`));",
"const snippets = snippetFileContent.toString();",
// ignore leading spaces/tabs before keys
// using a named capturing group for the replacement text
"const regex = new RegExp(`\\r?(?<=\\n|^)[\\t ]*(?<key>${wordAtCursor})[\\t ]+?(?<replacementText>.*?)(?=\\r?\\n|$)`);",
"let found = snippets.match(regex);", // returns null if no matches
// matched a key but only spaces as replacement text, so do nothing and exit
"if (found && found.groups.replacementText.trimStart().length === 0) {",
"await window.showInformationMessage(`replacement text is only spaces, not replacing`);",
"if (found) {", // found at least a matching key
"if (found.groups.replacementText) {", // found non-space replacement text
// replace `\n` and `\t` with unicode values for newline and tab
"let replace = found.groups.replacementText.replace(/\\\\n/g, '\\u000A').replace(/\\\\t/g, '\\u0009');",
"let snippet = new vscode.SnippetString(replace)",
"if (editor.selections.length === 1) editor.insertSnippet(snippet, keyWordRange);", // if zero or one selection"
// if multiple selections, uses first key and replacement text"
"else editor.insertSnippet(snippet);",
"else await window.showInformationMessage(`matching key found but with no replacement text in slimSnippets.txt`);",
"else await window.showInformationMessage(`no matching key found in slimSnippets.txt`);",
You can see where I made it to read a simpleSnippets.txt file located in the .vscode folder in the workspace - but you can change the location as long as you alter the path info in the command: vscode.workspace.fs.readFile above.
The slimSnippets.txt file is just a simple text file where the first word in each line is the key and the rest of the line is the replacement.
howdy1 $1 first $2 sentence with tabstops
howdy1 this won't be used, duplicate key above
howdy2 second sentence with variable $TM_FILENAME
key3 videos 111111 // one space necessary between key and replacement text
// it will be removed, others retained
key1 222222
stte some text to expand
mt2e more text to expand
[replacement text can have placeholders, tabstops and choices just like regular snippets]
[join multiple-lines snippets into one string with newlines as below]
[some text\nsome more text] [\t can be used for tabs]
key5 line 1\n\tline 2\n\t\tline 3
Keys are single words and if there is no replacement text (or there are only spaces in the file after a key) nothing will happen - the key will not be replaced.
The text actually inserted can be plain text or use vscode's snippet format - see the sample text file above.
The cursor must be immediately after the word or in the word and the word can be selected or not. It must be a word in the regex sense - not continuous text adjoining the word before or after it - just a standalone word, it can be anywhere on the line.
If you have duplicate keys, the first will be used. There can be empty line spaces between key/replacement lines or not.
You will not get intellisense for the keys. I may work on that.
Finally, you will need a keybinding to trigger this macro (in keybindings.json):
"key": "ctrl+;", // whatever keybinding you wish
"command": "macros.slimSnippetsInsertion"

Scala: mutable.Map[Any, mutable.Map[Any, IndexedSeq[Any]] issue

I have a tiny problem when trying to put an item in my second mutable map.
My objective: gather some elements located in many different xml files, and organise them in the hierarchy they belong (the files are an unstructured mess, with categories being given in seemingly no logical order).
Those elements are: the level in hierarchy of the category (1 - x, 1 is top level) as iLevel, the category code as catCode, its name, and if need be, the name of its parents (all names located in namesCategories).
val categoryMap = mutable.Map.empty[Int, mutable.Map[String, IndexedSeq[String]]]
//Before: search in a first file links to other files
// for each category file found, will treat it and store it for further treatement.
matches.foreach{f =>
//Will search for a specific regex, and for each matches store what we are interested in
matchesCat.foreach{t =>
sCat = t.replaceFirst((system_env + """\S{4}"""), "")
//iLevel given by the number of '/' remaining in the string
iLevel = sCat.count(_ == '/')
//reset catCode and namesCategories
catCode = ""
//Search and extract the datas from sCat using premade regex patterns
sCat match {
case patternCatCode(codeCat) => catCode = s"$codeCat"
//remove the category code to prepare to extract names
sCat.replace(patternCatCode.toString(), "")
//extract names
do {
sCat match {
case patternCatNames(name) => namesCategories += s"$name"
sCat.replace(patternCatNames.toString(), "")
// create the level entry if it doesn't exist
if(!(categoryMap.contains(iLevel))) {
categoryMap.put(iLevel, mutable.Map.empty[String, IndexedSeq[String]])
//Try to add my cat code and the names, which must be in order for further treatment, to my map
categoryMap(iLevel).put(catCode, namesCategories.clone())
Type mismatch, expected: IndexedSeq[String], actual: mutable.Builder[String, IndexedSeq[String]]
As Travis Brown kindly noted, I have an issue with a type mismatch, but I don't know how to fix that and get the general idea working.
I tried to keep the code to only what is relevant here, if more is needed I'll edit again.
Any tips?
Thanks for your help

Comment lines in .sln file

I'm trying to comment some lines in .sln file temporarly, but I receive error:
"The selected file is a solution file, but appears to be corrupted and cannot be opened"
According to this blog comments are done by "#", but when I comment out every line in GlobalSection (section about Team Foundation Server source control binding) I get above error. Is there any other way to comment out lines in .sln ?
EDIT - section of which I want to comment out:
GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution
SccNumberOfProjects = 2
SccEnterpriseProvider = {4BA58AB2-18FA-4D8F-95F4-32FFDF27D184C}
SccTeamFoundationServer = http://oxy:8080/tfs/projects
SccLocalPath0 = .
SccProjectUniqueName1 = Accounts\\Accounts.vbproj
SccProjectName1 = Accounts
SccLocalPath1 = Accounts
I tried this, but not working:
# GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution
# SccNumberOfProjects = 2
# SccEnterpriseProvider = {4BA58AB2-18FA-4D8F-95F4-32FFDF27D184C}
# SccTeamFoundationServer = http://oxy:8080/tfs/projects
# SccLocalPath0 = .
# SccProjectUniqueName1 = Accounts\\Accounts.vbproj
# SccProjectName1 = Accounts
# SccLocalPath1 = Accounts
# EndGlobalSection
P.S.: I tried a single line comment using "#" - that works. And removing whole section also works. But I don't want to delete It, just comment It.
I don't think there is an official definition of comments in the .sln file. It depends on the parser.
In principle, a .sln file is a declarative file, based on the keywords (ProjectSection, EndGlobalSection) and the end-line char. I don't see a uniform format description.
So we don't know how Visual Studio reads the .sln file, but you can see in the msbuild code that any line that doesn't start with one of the const words will not enter to the object:
while ((str = ReadLine()) != null)
if (str.StartsWith("Project(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
else if (str.StartsWith("GlobalSection(NestedProjects)", StringComparison.Ordinal))
else if (str.StartsWith("GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms)", StringComparison.Ordinal))
else if (str.StartsWith("GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms)", StringComparison.Ordinal))
rawProjectConfigurationsEntries = ParseProjectConfigurations();
else if (str.StartsWith("VisualStudioVersion", StringComparison.Ordinal))
_currentVisualStudioVersion = ParseVisualStudioVersion(str);
// No other section types to process at this point, so just ignore the line
// and continue.
Visual Studio
According to this blog comments are done by "#"
That is not accurate. You can add lines with any text where you want, without the #, and the file will stay correct.
So, in Visual Studio, you currently don't know the official format, but you need to "break" the current format.
You can try changing the keywords, such as adding a letter to them at the beginning.
From what I've tried, special characters (such as #, %) don't break your keywords.

Protovis - dealing with a text source

lets say I have a text file with lines as such:
[4/20/11 17:07:12:875 CEST] 00000059 FfdcProvider W com.test.ws.ffdc.impl.FfdcProvider logIncident FFDC1003I: FFDC Incident emitted on D:/Prgs/testing/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/ProcCtr01/logs/ffdc/server1_3d203d20_11.04.20_17.07.12.8755227341908890183253.txt com.test.testserver.management.cmdframework.CmdNotificationListener 134
[4/20/11 17:07:27:609 CEST] 0000005d wle E CWLLG2229E: An exception occurred in an EJB call. Error: Snapshot with ID Snapshot.8fdaaf3f-ce3f-426e-9347-3ac7e8a3863e not found.
com.lombardisoftware.core.TeamWorksException: Snapshot with ID Snapshot.8fdaaf3f-ce3f-426e-9347-3ac7e8a3863e not found.
at com.lombardisoftware.server.ejb.persistence.CommonDAO.assertNotNull(CommonDAO.java:70)
Is there anyway to easily import a data source such as this into protovis, if not what would the easiest way to parse this into a JSON format. For example for the first entry might be parsed like so:
"Date": "4/20/11 17:07:12:875 CEST",
"Status": "00000059",
"Msg": "FfdcProvider W com.test.ws.ffdc.impl.FfdcProvider logIncident FFDC1003I",
Thanks, David
Protovis itself doesn't offer any utilities for parsing text files, so your options are:
Use Javascript to parse the text into an object, most likely using regex.
Pre-process the text using the text-parsing language or utility of your choice, exporting a JSON file.
Which you choose depends on several factors:
Is the data somewhat static, or are you going to be running this on a new or dynamic file each time you look at it? With static data, it might be easiest to pre-process; with dynamic data, this may add an annoying extra step.
How much data do you have? Parsing a 20K text file in Javascript is totally fine; parsing a 2MB file will be really slow, and will cause the browser to hang while it's working (unless you use Workers).
If there's a lot of processing involved, would you rather put that load on the server (by using a server-side script for pre-processing) or on the client (by doing it in the browser)?
If you wanted to do this in Javascript, based on the sample you provided, you might do something like this:
// Assumes var text = 'your text';
// use the utility of your choice to load your text file into the
// variable (e.g. jQuery.get()), or just paste it in.
var lines = text.split(/[\r\n\f]+/),
// regex to match your log entry beginning
patt = /^\[(\d\d?\/\d\d?\/\d\d? \d\d:\d\d:\d\d:\d{3} [A-Z]+)\] (\d{8})/,
items = [],
// loop through the lines in the file
lines.forEach(function(line) {
// look for the beginning of a log entry
var initialData = line.match(patt);
if (initialData) {
// start a new item, using the captured matches
currentItem = {
Date: initialData[1],
Status: initialData[2],
Msg: line.substr(initialData[0].length + 1)
} else {
// this is a continuation of the last item
currentItem.Msg += "\n" + line;
// items now contains an array of objects with your data

merge word documents to a single document

I used the code in the link mentioned below to merge word files into a single file
However, seeing the output file i realized that it was unable to copy header image in the first document. How do we merge documents preserving format and content.
I will suggest to use GroupDocs.Merger Cloud for merging multiple word document to a single word document, it keeps the formatting and contents of the source documents. It is a platform independent REST API solution without depending on any third-party tool or software.
Sample C# code:
var configuration = new GroupDocs.Merger.Cloud.Sdk.Client.Configuration(MyAppSid, MyAppKey);
var apiInstance_Document = new GroupDocs.Merger.Cloud.Sdk.Api.DocumentApi(configuration);
var apiInstance_File = new GroupDocs.Merger.Cloud.Sdk.Api.FileApi(configuration);
var pathToSourceFiles = #"C:/Temp/input/";
var remoteFolder = "Temp/";
var joinItem_list = new List<JoinItem>();
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(pathToSourceFiles);
System.IO.FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles();
foreach (System.IO.FileInfo file in files)
var request_upload = new GroupDocs.Merger.Cloud.Sdk.Model.Requests.UploadFileRequest(remoteFolder + file.Name, File.Open(file.FullName, FileMode.Open));
var response_upload = apiInstance_File.UploadFile(request_upload);
var item = new JoinItem
FileInfo = new GroupDocs.Merger.Cloud.Sdk.Model.FileInfo
{ FilePath = remoteFolder + file.Name }
var options = new JoinOptions
JoinItems = joinItem_list,
OutputPath = remoteFolder + "Merged_Document.docx"
var request = new JoinRequest(options);
var response = apiInstance_Document.Join(request);
Console.WriteLine("Output file path: " + response.Path);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception while Merging Documents: " + e.Message);
That code is inserting a page break after each file.
Since sections control headers, if a second or subsequent document has a header, you'll probably be wanting to keep the original section properties, and insert those after your first document.
If you look at your original document as a docx, you'll probably see that your section is a document level section properties element.
The easiest way around your problem may be to create a second section properties element inside the last paragraph (which contains the header information). Then this should just stay there when the documents are merged (ie other paragraphs added after it).
That's the theory. See also http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/thread-898133.php
But I haven't tried it; it assumes InsertFile behaves as I expect it should.