Scala: mutable.Map[Any, mutable.Map[Any, IndexedSeq[Any]] issue - scala

I have a tiny problem when trying to put an item in my second mutable map.
My objective: gather some elements located in many different xml files, and organise them in the hierarchy they belong (the files are an unstructured mess, with categories being given in seemingly no logical order).
Those elements are: the level in hierarchy of the category (1 - x, 1 is top level) as iLevel, the category code as catCode, its name, and if need be, the name of its parents (all names located in namesCategories).
val categoryMap = mutable.Map.empty[Int, mutable.Map[String, IndexedSeq[String]]]
//Before: search in a first file links to other files
// for each category file found, will treat it and store it for further treatement.
matches.foreach{f =>
//Will search for a specific regex, and for each matches store what we are interested in
matchesCat.foreach{t =>
sCat = t.replaceFirst((system_env + """\S{4}"""), "")
//iLevel given by the number of '/' remaining in the string
iLevel = sCat.count(_ == '/')
//reset catCode and namesCategories
catCode = ""
//Search and extract the datas from sCat using premade regex patterns
sCat match {
case patternCatCode(codeCat) => catCode = s"$codeCat"
//remove the category code to prepare to extract names
sCat.replace(patternCatCode.toString(), "")
//extract names
do {
sCat match {
case patternCatNames(name) => namesCategories += s"$name"
sCat.replace(patternCatNames.toString(), "")
// create the level entry if it doesn't exist
if(!(categoryMap.contains(iLevel))) {
categoryMap.put(iLevel, mutable.Map.empty[String, IndexedSeq[String]])
//Try to add my cat code and the names, which must be in order for further treatment, to my map
categoryMap(iLevel).put(catCode, namesCategories.clone())
Type mismatch, expected: IndexedSeq[String], actual: mutable.Builder[String, IndexedSeq[String]]
As Travis Brown kindly noted, I have an issue with a type mismatch, but I don't know how to fix that and get the general idea working.
I tried to keep the code to only what is relevant here, if more is needed I'll edit again.
Any tips?
Thanks for your help


How to check if an argument of an object is in an ArrayBuffer filled with objects in Scala?

I want to check if an Int typed by an user exists as primary argument/variable(the class has only one argument of type Int) in an ArrayBuffer filled with objects of a class.
It's an assignment for school, and I'm not able to get help of a prof or assistant so I'm asking for your help. I have to code a class "ewallet", which has attributes like "client id"(Int) and "pin code" (random Int between two Numbers). I'm not using "pin code" as an argument of the class as it seems to be implied in the assignment as it says "It has to show the pass when the user creates an account using his client id". I shouldn't be able to create 2 ewallets with the same client id.
So I would have to refuse to create an ewallet when if an ewallet with the same client id exists already in the ArrayBuffer (or array) that stocks ewallets.
Because of the Randomly generated "pin code", it creates different ewallets with same client id and different pin codes. So how to not add an ewallet(class) to a list if an ewallet with some argument exists already?
Thanks for helping a newbie.
I could just created another array list saving the client id's entered by an user and save them to compare with future client id's. But I'd like to learn how to do with an array containing objects.
I tried with for (i <- ListClients) if (NumClient != but if the list is empty, it doesn't do anything...
class ewallet(clientID: Int){
val id = clientID
val pass = 100 + Random.nextInt((99999-100)+1) //for the class, I didnt include the rest as its not related.
//for the main
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var ListClients = ArrayBuffer[ewallet]()
var action: Char = " ".charAt(0)
do {
println("[c]-Create ewallet. \n[a]-Access ewallet.\n[q]-Quit")
action = StdIn.readChar()
if (action == 'c') {
val NumClient = StdIn.readLine("Enter your client id :").toInt
var newClient = new ewallet(NumClient)
for (i <- ListClients) if (NumClient == {
println("Impossible, already exists.")
for (i <- ListClients) if (NumClient !={
ListClients += newClient
println("Your pin code is : " + newClient.pass)
} while(action != 'q')
I should be able to add newClient to ListClients if NumClient !=, but because it's initially empty, it doesn't read those lines… So it does Nothing.
The simplest way would be to assign the result of the presence check to a variable, and add or "not add" the client object based on this variable. In Scala, the idiomatic way to work with collections are their rich set of transformation methods; in your case, exists provides the solution:
val alreadyExists = ListClients.exists( == NumClient)
if (alreadyExists) {
println("Impossible, already exists.")
} else {
ListClients += newClient
println("Your pin code is : " + newClient.pass)
If you don't know yet about collection transformations and higher-order functions in general (and you should! they make life a lot easier), then the above piece is actually equivalent to this:
var alreadyExists = false
for (i <- ListClients) {
alreadyExists = alreadyExists || == NumClient
(albeit a bit more efficient since it stops the iteration right after the existing client is found, if it is at all present).
As an unrelated comment, in Scala it is conventional to name variables in pascalCase and types in CamelCase. Thus, your class should be called something like EWallet, and variables like ListClients should be called listClients. Also, " ".charAt(0) is the same as ' '.

Scala - Get files based on name pattern

I would like to filter the files based on some patterns like :
- Team_*.txt (e.g.: Team_Orlando.txt);
- Name.*.City.txt (e.g.: Name.Robert.California.txt);
Or any name (the pattern * . * - it has spaces because was broken my text).
All the filters come from a database table and they are dynamic.
I'm trying to avoid use commands from SO like cp or mv. Is possible to filter files using patterns like the above ?
Here is what i've tried but got a regex error:
def getFiles(dir:File, filter:String) = {
(dir.isDirectory, dir.exists) match {
case (true, true) =>
dir.listFiles.filter(f => f.getName.matches(filter))
case _ =>
You can use java.nio Files.newDirectoryStream() for that, it will accept pattern in desired format:
val stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir, pattern)
Check for detailed description.

Way to Extract list of elements from Scala list

I have standard list of objects which is used for the some analysis. The analysis generates a list of Strings and i need to look through the standard list of objects and retrieve objects with same name.
case class TestObj(name:String,positions:List[Int],present:Boolean)
val stdLis:List[TestObj]
//analysis generates a list of strings
var generatedLis:List[String]
//list to save objects found in standard list
val lisBuf = new ListBuffer[TestObj]()
//my current way
val temp = stdLis.filter(p=>
Is there any other way to achieve this. Like having an custom indexof method that over rides and looks for the name instead of the whole object or something. I have not tried that approach as i am not sure about it.
stdLis.filter(testObj => generatedLis.exists(_.equalsIgnoreCase(
use filter to filter elements from 'stdLis' per predicate
use exists to check if 'generatedLis' has a value of ....
Don't use mutable containers to filter sequences.
Naive solution:
val lisBuf =
for {
str <- generatedLis
temp = stdLis.filter(
if temp.size == 1
} yield temp(0)
if we discard condition temp.size == 1 (i'm not sure it is legal or not):
val lisBuf = stdLis.filter(s => generatedLis.exists(_.equalsIgnoreCase(

Preferred way of processing this data with parallel arrays

Imagine a sequence of objects. The sequence is not in any particular order, it gets populated after a directory traversal. The names of the files can be like this:
Basically, I can have 3 types of files. First type is the simple ones, which only have a .bin extension. The second type of file is the one formed from _x1.bin till _x5.bin. And the third type of file can be formed of 10 smaller parts, from _part1 till _part10.
I know the naming may be strange, but this is what I have to work with :)
I want to group the files together ( all the pieces of a file should be processed together ), and I was thinking of using parallel arrays to do this. The thing I'm not sure about is how can I perform the reduce/acumulation part, since all the threads will be working on the same array.
val allBinFiles = allBins.toArray // array of
I was thinking of handling something like that:
val mapAcumulator = java.util.Collections.synchronizedMap[String,ListBuffer[File]](new java.util.HashMap[String,ListBuffer[File]]())
allBinFiles.par.foreach { file =>
file match {
// for something like /some/x_file_x4.bin nameTillPart will be /some/x_file
case ComposedOf5Name(nameTillPart) => {
mapAcumulator.getOrElseUpdate(nameTillPart,new ListBuffer[File]()) += file
case ComposedOf10Name(nameTillPart) => {
mapAcumulator.getOrElseUpdate(nameTillPart,new ListBuffer[File]()) += file
// simple file, without any pieces
case _ => {
mapAcumulator.getOrElseUpdate(file.toString,new ListBuffer[File]()) += file
I was thinking of doing it like I've shown in the above code. Having extractors for the files, and using part of the path as key in the map. Like for example, /some/x_file can hold as values /some/x_file_x1.bin to /some/x_file_x5.bin. I also think there could be a better way of handling this. I would be interested in your opinions.
The alternative is to use groupBy:
val mp = allBinFiles.par.groupBy {
case ComposedOf5Name(x) => x
case ComposedOf10Name(x) => x
case f => f.toString
This will return a parallel map of parallel arrays of files (ParMap[String, ParArray[File]]). If you want a sequential map of sequential sequences of files from this point:
val sqmp =
To ensure that the parallelism kicks in, make sure you have enough elements in you parallel array (10k+).

jqgrid edittype select load value from data

I am using jqgrid in my new project.
In a specific case I need to use a select element in the grid. No problem.
I define the colModel and the column for example like (from wiki)
colModel : [
{name:'myname', edittype:'select', editoptions:{value:{1:'One',2:'Two'}} },
But now when I load my data I would prefer the column "myname" to contain the value 1.
This won't work for me instead it has to contain the value "One".
The problem with this is that the text-part of the select element is in my case localized in the business layer where the colModel is dynamically generated. Also the datatype for the entity which generates the data via EF 4 may not be a string. Then I have to find the correct localized text and manipulate the data result so that the column "myname" does not containt an integer which is typically the case but a string instead with the localized text.
There is no option you can use so that when the data contains the value which match an option in the select list then the grid finds that option and presents the text.
Now the grid presents the value as a text and first when I click edit it finds the matching option and presents the text. When I undo the edit it returns to present the value again.
I started to think of a solution and this is what I came up with. Please if you know a better solution or if you know there is a built in option don't hesitate to answer.
Otherwise here is what I did:
loadComplete: function (data) {
var colModel = grid.getGridParam('colModel');
$.each(colModel, function (index, col) {
if (col.edittype === 'select') {
$.each(grid.getDataIDs(), function (index, id) {
var row = grid.getRowData(id);
var value = row[];
var editoptions = col.editoptions.value;
var startText = editoptions.indexOf(value + ':') + (value + ':').length;
var endText = editoptions.indexOf(';', startText);
if (endText === -1) { endText = editoptions.length; }
var text = editoptions.substring(startText, endText);
row[] = text;
grid.setRowData(id, row);
It works and I will leave it like this if nobody comes up with a better way.
You should just include additional formatter:'select' option in the definition of the column. See the documentation for more details.