Reactive mybatis from mybatis in vertx application - mybatis

We have application written in vertx using mybatis for db operations , we would like to change to reactive mybatis with minimal changes, any examples will e helpful.


Reactive Spring Data Mongo Merge Operation

I want to write to MongoDB with Spring Integration and Project Reactor. My needed command is a merge operation, so I started that with the following snippet:
MergeOperation mergeOperation = Aggregation.merge()
public IntegrationFlow dataPipeline() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(somePublisher)
// .handle(-----) - MergeOperation usage syntax
I would like to know what is the recommended way of using the merge command with Reactive Spring Data Mongo, and if its supported and possible with reactive streams. Since I've seen that there's a dedicated class for reactive aggregations, I wonder if the absent of reactive merge operation class means no support for the merge operation with reactive streams. If it is possible, I'd like to get some help with the syntax

Is there a way to create the Entity classes in Micronaut from an existing SQL database?

I could not find any documentation on this topic. For example, I can create the model classes in Eclipse using the JPA plugin.
Is there a way to create the Entity classes in Micronaut from an
existing SQL database?
If you mean a tool that is part of Micronaut that will read your schema and generate source code for Micronaut entities, the answer is that there is no such capability provided by Micronaut.

Possible to mix mongodb gorm and regular java

I'm new to micronaut, I've used spring extensively. I like the GORM style of mapping entities but not keen on using groovy for everything on this new project. Is it possible to use groovy for my entities for gorm and the service + DAO's with java?
Is it possible to use groovy for my entities for gorm and the service
and DAO's with java?
If you are writing your own DAO's, then the answer is yes.
NOTE: Be aware that GORM Data Services in particular ( have to be written in Groovy because their generation relies on Groovy AST transformations. We do not provide support for writing those in Java.

Spring Data Crate custom queries

I am trying to implement Spring Data Crate API in a project. Following the instructions provided here:
Inserts/Updates/FindById methods are covered. My question is how to create custom queries using this API.
Have you looked at our Spring Data adapter?
Declared Queries
It's also possible to use the #Query annotation to define queries:
public interface UserRepository extends CrateRepository<User, String> {
#Query("select * from users")
List<User> getAllUsers();
please note that the crate java-client is not supported anymore since v0.57 unfortunately.
This leaves us with the java-jdbc:
Spring data adapter is using the java-client.
Here is a Spring Boot application that is using JDBC in order to access CrateDB (> v0.57.0)
And here are the official samples in order to access CreateDB through JDBC (using the Spark framework).

EventListener like AbstractMongoEventListener in Spring Data JPA?

We are migrating from a Spring Data MongoDB repository to a Spring Data JPA repository. We were using the AbstractMongoEventListener to capture onBeforeConvert and onAfterLoad events to enhance the data objects before returning them from our Service layer.
I cannot find similar EventListeners in Spring Data JPA. Are there hooks in Spring Data JPA that I can use to do the same thing? It would be great if I can avoid modifying our service layer to make this change from MongoDB to JPA.
The #PrePersist annotation is exactly what I was looking for.