Possible to mix mongodb gorm and regular java - mongodb

I'm new to micronaut, I've used spring extensively. I like the GORM style of mapping entities but not keen on using groovy for everything on this new project. Is it possible to use groovy for my entities for gorm and the service + DAO's with java?

Is it possible to use groovy for my entities for gorm and the service
and DAO's with java?
If you are writing your own DAO's, then the answer is yes.
NOTE: Be aware that GORM Data Services in particular (http://gorm.grails.org/7.0.4/hibernate/manual/index.html#dataServices) have to be written in Groovy because their generation relies on Groovy AST transformations. We do not provide support for writing those in Java.


Is there a way to create the Entity classes in Micronaut from an existing SQL database?

I could not find any documentation on this topic. For example, I can create the model classes in Eclipse using the JPA plugin.
Is there a way to create the Entity classes in Micronaut from an
existing SQL database?
If you mean a tool that is part of Micronaut that will read your schema and generate source code for Micronaut entities, the answer is that there is no such capability provided by Micronaut.

Creating rdbms DDL from scala classes

Is there a straightforward way to generate rdbms ddl, for a set of scala classes?
I.e. to derive a table ddl for each class (whereby each case class field would translate to field of the table, with a corresponding rdbms type).
Or, to directly create the database objects in the rdbms.
I have found some documentation about Ebean being embedded in Play framework, but was not sure what side-effects may enabling Ebean in play have, and how much taming would Ebean require to avoid any of them. I have never even used Ebean before...
I would actually rather use something outside of Play, but if it's simple to accomplish in Play I would dearly like to know a clean way. Thanks in advance!
Is there a straightforward way to generate rdbms ddl, for a set of
scala classes?
Ebean a default orm provided by play you just have to create entity and enable evolution(which is set to enable as default).It will create a (dot)sql file in conf/evolution/default directory and when you hit localhost:9000 it will show you apply script .But your tag say you are using scala so you can't really use EBean with Scala .If you do that you will have to
sacrifice the immutability of your Scala class, and to use the Java
collections API instead of the Scala one.
Using Scala this way will just bring more troubles than using Java directly.
JPA (using Hibernate as implementation) is the default way to access and manage an SQL database in a standard Play Java application. It is still possible to use JPA from a Play Scala application, but it is probably not the best way, and it should be considered as legacy and deprecated.Source
Anorm(if you want to write ddl)
Anorm is Not an Object Relational Mapper so you have to manually write ddl. Source
Function relation mapping for scala .Source
Activate is a framework to persist objects in Scala.Source
It is built upon ScalikeJDBC library which is a thin but powerful JDBC wrapper.Details1,Details2
Also check RDBMS with scala,Best data access option for play scala

Generating DAO with Hibernate Tools on Eclipse

How can I use the tools to generate DAOs?
In fact, instead of passing through the hbm files, I need to configure hibernate tools to generate the DAO and the annotations.
See Hibernate Tools - DAO generation and How generate DAO with Hibernate Tools in Eclipse?
First let me assume DAO as POJO/Entity beans. Basically you can accomplish your task either through forward or reverse engineering. In case of forward engineering, probably you can look into AndroMDA tool. In case If u wish to accomplish it through reverse engineering Click here ..
Hope this will be helpful.
Welcome. You got to write all your data access logic by your hand (if I’m not wrong). Hiberante let you interact with database in three ways.
Native SQL which is nothing but DDL/plain SQL query. This can be used very rarely in hibernate projects even though this is faster than below mentioned options. Reason is simple “One of the key advantage of hibernate or any other popular ORM framework over JDBC Is you can get rid of database specific queries from your application code!”
HQL stands for hibernate query language which is proprietary query language of hibernate. This looks similar to native SQL queries but the key difference is object/class name will be used instead of table name and public variable names will be used instead of column names. This is more Object oriented approach. Some interesting things will be happening in background and check if you are keen!
Criteria API is a more object oriented and elegant alternative to Hibernate Query Language (HQL). It’s always a good solution to an application which has many optional search criteria.
You can find lots of examples on internet. Please post your specific requirements for further clarification on your problem.

Integration tests in Scala when using compagnons with Play2? -> Cake pattern?

I'm working on my first Scala application, where we use an ActiveRecord style to retrieve data from MongoDB.
I have models like User and Category, which all have a companion object that uses the trait:
class MongoModel[T <: IdentifiableModel with CaseClass] extends ModelCompanion[T, ObjectId]
ModelCompanion is a Salat class which provide common MongoDB crud operations.
This permits to retrieve data like this:
I never had any experience with this ActiveRecord query style. But I know Rails people are using it. And I think I saw it on Play documentation (version 1.2?) to deal with JPA.
For now it works fine, but I want to be able to run integration tests on my MongoDB.
I can run an "embedded" MongoDB with a library. The big deal is that my host/port configuration are actually kind of hardcoded on the MongoModel class which is extended by all the model companions.
I want to be able to specify a different host/port when I run integration tests (or any other "profile" I could create in the future).
I understand well dependency injection, using Spring for many years in Java, and the drawbacks of all this static stuff in my application. I saw that there is now a scala-friendly way to configure a Spring application, but I'm not sure using Spring is appropriate in Scala.
I have read some stuff about the Cake pattern and it seems to do what I want, being some kind of typesafe, compile-time-checked spring context.
Should I definitely go to the Cake pattern, or is there any other elegant alternative in Scala?
Can I keep using an ActiveRecord style or is it a total anti-pattern for testability?
No any static references - using Cake pattern you got 2 different classes for 2 namespaces/environments, each overriding "host/port" resource on its own. Create a trait containing your resources, inherit it 2 times (by providing actual information about host/port, depending on environment) and add to appropriate companion objects (for prod and for test). Inside MongoModel add self type that is your new trait, and refactor all host/port references in MongoModel, to use that self type (your new trait).
I'd definitely go with the Cake Pattern.
You can read the following article with show an example of how to use the Cake Pattern in a Play2 application:

Generating table class for postgres

I have a postgres database and I want to generate the entity class of a table. I need this in order to connect to the database without using something like :
NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("SELECT * FROM TABLE1", conn);
How can I obtain the class?
Can you provide some detailed steps? I can't seem to find this anywhere.
Thanks in advance!
Entity classes are usually hand-written, or are generated from a schema then hand-tweaked. In the Java world many tools like NetBeans and Eclipse can help, but things seem much less mature in the C#/.NET world if you're not using Microsoft databases and Microsoft query tools.
This answer refers to a few useful tools, and a quick search also found the NHibernate entity generator, which seems to be part of a tool with support for Entity Framework and LINQ too.
Depends on a language but yes - you can do something like this in Java or Python using Object Relational tools such as SQLAlchemy, Hybernate, iBatis, etc.
They can generate schema for you, can populate data based on the definitions of objects.