how to insert the data from delta table to a variable in order to apply drools rule on them - scala

I am using spark with scala in which I am getting streaming datas from eventhubs and then storing them in delta table. In order to apply drools rule on them ,i need to pass them through variables...i am stuck where i have to get the data from delta table to variable.

It really depends what data you need to pass to that drools rules, and what you need to return. You can either use:
User defined function - you define a function that will receive one or more parameters (column values of specific rows). (more examples)
Use map function of Dataset / Dataframe class to process the whole Row (doc, and examples)

Delta Tables can be read into DataFrames. A variable can be assigned to point to the DataFrame.
df ="delta").load("some/delta/path")
Once the Delta Table is read, you can apply your custom transformations:
transformed_df = df.transform(first_transform).transform(second_transform)
Hope this helps point you in the right direction.


Saved delta file reads as an df - is it still part of delta lake?

I have problems understanding the concept of delta lake. Example:
I read a parquet file:
taxi_df = ("parquet").option("header", "true").load("dbfs:/mnt/randomcontainer/taxirides.parquet"))
Then I save it using asTable:
I read the just stored managed table:
taxi_read_from_managed_table = ("delta").option("header", "true").load("dbfs:/user/hive/warehouse/taxi_managed_table/"))
... and when I check the type it shows "pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame", not deltaTable:
type(taxi_read_from_managed_table) # returns pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame
Only after I transform it explicitly using the following command, I receive the type DeltaTable
taxi_delta_table = DeltaTable.convertToDelta(spark,"parquet.dbfs:/user/hive/warehouse/taxismallmanagedtable/")
type(taxi_delta_table) #returns delta.tables.DeltaTable
Does that mean that the table in stage 4. is not a delta table and won’t provide the automatic optimizations provided by delta lake?
How do you establish if something is part of the delta lake or not?
I understand that delta live tables only work with delta.tables.DeltaTables, is that correct?
When you use - it returns the Spark's DataFrame object that you can use to process the data. Under the hood this DataFrame use the Delta Lake table. DataFrame is abstracting the data source so you can work with different sources and apply the same operations.
On other hand, DeltaTable is a specific object that allows to apply only Delta-specific operations. You even don't need to perform convertToDelta to get it - just use DeltaTable.forPath or DeltaTable.forName functions to obtain its instance.
P.S. if you saved data with .saveAsTable(my_name), then you don't need to use .load, just use

Loop through df rows or apply an UDF?

I have a metadata file to apply data quality checks on another df. They are small files.
Each row specifies the type of check and column to have the check performed.
What is the best approach in terms of performance in Spark? Loop through every row to apply the check of use a UDF on a metadata file-converted-to-DF?

Spark : Dynamic generation of the query based on the fields in s3 file

Oversimplified Scenario:
A process which generates monthly data in a s3 file. The number of fields could be different in each monthly run. Based on this data in s3,we load the data to a table and we manually (as number of fields could change in each run with addition or deletion of few columns) run a SQL for few metrics.There are more calculations/transforms on this data,but to have starter Im presenting the simpler version of the usecase.
Considering the schema-less nature, as the number of fields in the s3 file could differ in each run with addition/deletion of few fields,which requires manual changes every-time in the SQL, Im planning to explore Spark/Scala, so that we can directly read from s3 and dynamically generate SQL based on the fields.
How I can achieve this in scala/spark-SQL/dataframe? s3 file contains only the required fields from each run.Hence there is no issue reading the dynamic fields from s3 as it is taken care by dataframe.The issue is how can we generate SQL dataframe-API/spark-SQL code to handle.
I can read s3 file via dataframe and register the dataframe as createOrReplaceTempView to write SQL, but I dont think it helps manually changing the spark-SQL, during addition of a new field in s3 during next run. what is the best way to dynamically generate the sql/any better ways to handle the issue?
dataframe: customer,1st_month_count (here dataframe directly points to s3, which has only required attributes)
--sample code
SELECT customer,sum(month_1_count)
FROM dataframe
GROUP BY customer
--Dataframe API/SparkSQL
Second-Run - One additional column was added
dataframe: customer,month_1_count,month_2_count) (here dataframe directly points to s3, which has only required attributes)
--Sample SQL
SELECT customer,sum(month_1_count),sum(month_2_count)
FROM dataframe
GROUP BY customer
--Dataframe API/SparkSQL
Im new to Spark/Scala, would be helpful if you can provide the direction so that I can explore further.
It sounds like you want to perform the same operation over and over again on new columns as they appear in the dataframe schema? This works:
from pyspark.sql import functions
#search for column names you want to sum, I put in "month"
column_search = lambda col_names: 'month' in col_names
#get column names of temp dataframe w/ only the columns you want to sum
relevant_columns =*filter(column_search, original_df.columns)).columns
#create dictionary with relevant column names to be passed to the agg function
columns = {col_names: "sum" for col_names in relevant_columns}
#apply agg function with your groupBy, passing in columns dictionary
grouped_df = original_df.groupBy("customer").agg(columns)
#show result
Some important concepts can help you to learn:
DataFrames have data attributes stored in a list: dataframe.columns
Functions can be applied to lists to create new lists as in "column_search"
Agg function accepts multiple expressions in a dictionary as explained here which is what I pass into "columns"
Spark is lazy so it doesn't change data state or perform operations until you perform an action like show(). This means writing out temporary dataframes to use one element of the dataframe like column as I do is not costly even though it may seem inefficient if you're used to SQL.

Using MLUtils.convertVectorColumnsToML() inside a UDF?

I have a Dataset/Dataframe with a mllib.linalg.Vector (of Doubles) as one of the columns. I would like to add another column to this dataset of type ml.linalg.Vector to this data set (so I will have both types of Vectors). The reason is I am evaluating few algorithms and some of those expect mllib vector and some expect ml vector. Also, I have to feed o/p of one algorithm to another and each use different types.
Can someone please help me convert mllib.linalg.Vector to ml.linalg.Vector and append a new column to the data set in hand. I tried using MLUtils.convertVectorColumnsToML() inside an UDF and regular functions but not able to get it to working. I am trying to avoid creating a new dataset and then doing inner join and dropping the columns as the data set will be huge eventually and joins are expensive.
You can use the method toML to convert from mllib to ml vector. An UDF and usage example can look like this:
val convertToML = udf((mllibVec: org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector) = > {
val df2 = df.withColumn("mlVector", convertToML($"mllibVector"))
Assuming df to be the original dataframe and the column with the mllib vector to be named mllibVector.

Is it inefficient to manually iterate Spark SQL data frames and create column values?

In order to run a few ML algorithms, I need to create extra columns of data. Each of these columns involves some fairly intense calculations that involves keeping moving averages and recording information as you go through each row (and updating it meanwhile). I've done a mock through with a simple Python script and it works, and I am currently looking to translate it to a Scala Spark script that could be run on a larger data set.
The issue is it seems that for these to be highly efficient, using Spark SQL, it is preferred to use the built in syntax and operations (which are SQL-like). Encoding the logic in a SQL expression seems to be a very thought-intensive process, so I'm wondering what the downsides will be if I just manually create the new column values by iterating through each row, keeping track of variables and inserting the column value at the end.
You can convert an rdd into dataframe. Then use map on the data frame and process each row as you wish. If you need to add new column, then you can use, withColumn. However this will only allow one column to be added and it happens for the entire dataframe. If you want more columns to be added, then inside map method,
a. you can gather new values based on the calculations
b. Add these new column values to main rdd as below
val newColumns: Seq[Any] = Seq(newcol1,newcol2)
Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq.init ++ newColumns)
Here row, is the reference of row in map method
c. Create new schema as below
val newColumnsStructType = StructType{Seq(new StructField("newcolName1",IntegerType),new StructField("newColName2", IntegerType))
d. Add to the old schema
val newSchema = StructType(mainDataFrame.schema.init ++ newColumnsStructType)
e. Create new dataframe with new columns
val newDataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(newRDD, newSchema)