How can I create a tag for clicking on 'add to cart' that also shows the name of product added as parameter using google tag manager? - tags

I want to create a tag for clicking on 'add to cart' that also shows the name of product using GTM.I have no issue making a tag for "add to cart" button, but no idea how to add the name of product as a custom paramter. This is for a demo website and it doesn't support data layer!


How to add master-info for tags in Azure DevOps WorkItems (Backlog), so the added tags appear in the dropdown list when 'Add Tag' button is clicked

WorkItems (Backlog)
I want to add new master information for tags, so that my newly added tags will appear in the dropdown list when the +Add Tag button is clicked.
I want my new set of tags appear for selection in the dropdown when the Add tag is clicked. In which screen can i add this master info ?
I know that i can type-in a new tag for a WorkItem, but thats not what i want.
I cant find the screen where i can add this information. I have contributor permissions.
Currently, there's no build-in feature to add master info for work item tags.
You could check this official link for details:
As you said, you could achieve this by add a new tag to a work item first, then this newly create tag will display as "suggestions" in the dropdown list when adding tags to other work items.
The Market Tags Manager will allow you to manage existing Tags (but not add):
Update 1
Yes, the work item tags are working the same with "Boards -> Work items" and "Boards -> Backlogs". (It is an expected computations of Azure DevOps)

Displaying the wiki content dynamically beside each image

I want to display images of 10 people on my dashboard, when i hover the image dynamically it needs to display a wiki page to the side of each image related to that person, how do i achieve this in tableau?
Here are the steps after you have a dashboard with your people on one of the charts. My example uses the pesticide list from the most recent #makeovermonday.
In your dashboard, drag the web page object in.
Click the option dropdown of that new object and click Add URL Action.
In the popup place the main portion of your wikipedia url in the box and select your people field which will become the dynamic portion of the URL. Mine is pesticides.
Change Run action on to Hover
Now when you hover on your main chart it will update the web page object with the person hovered on. I just hovered on Atrazine in this image
You will probably have to update your people names to make sure they match wikipedia's url.

CMS Made Simple Link

I would like to set up links though my site to make it easier to type long urls to external sites, How would I set up CMS Made Simple to link from one internal URL to a exteral one IE to ?
In your (V1.x) admin area, try:
Content > Pages > Add new content
Content type: Redirecting link
Options tab:
Page alias: "fb"
If you don't want it to show in menu untick "Show in menu"
Main tab:
Fill in title and menu
In URL: ""
That should do it.
To redirect to an external URL (or even content within your domain that is not managed by CMSMS), you can use the Content Type "Redirecting Link".
Since maidbloke already covered CMSMS 1.x, I'll cover CMSMS 2.x.
Creating the Redirecting Link
Start at the CMSMS admin area's "Home" page (the default page loaded in the admin area).
Under the "Content" item, click the "Content Manager" subitem. You could also, instead, open the "Content" menu on the left by clicking "Content" in the left hand menu, and then click the "Content Manager" subitem.
Click "Add New Content" in the upper left of the Content Manager area.
In the "Main" tab, change the Content Type to "Redirecting Link".
Fill in the "Title" field.
Fill in the "URL" field (something like "" without quotes).
Click on the "Navigation" tab.
Fill in the "Menu Text" field.
If you don't want the link to show in your menus, uncheck the "Show in Menu" option.
If you set the "Title" to something other than "fb"...
Click on the "Options" tab.
Fill in the "Alias" field with "fb".
At the top of this page, click the "Submit" button to save your new content.
Now the redirecting link is set up! Next, we'll cover how to use it.
Using the Redirecting Link
There are a few ways you can use it.
Without MicroTiny
If you're not using MicroTiny or some other WYSIWYG editor:
A. You can use raw HTML:
Our Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page
B. You can use the cms_selflink tag:
{cms_selflink page="fb" text="Our Facebook Page"}
You can still use this method from within MicroTiny as well.
With MicroTiny
If you're using MicroTiny:
C. You can insert a CMSMS page link:
Click the "Insert" menu.
Click "Link to CMSMS Page".
Fill out the "Enter Page title" field with the value you used when you created the Redirecting Link (Creating the Redirecting Link, Step 5).
Fill out the "Text to display" field.
Click the "Ok" button.
There is also a button in MicroTiny toolbar that can be used to replace steps 1 and 2.
D. You can insert a regular link:
Click the "Insert" menu.
Click "Insert/edit link".
Fill in the "Url" field, probably with one of the URLs shown in option A.
Fill in the "Text to display" field.
Fill in the "Title" field.
Click the "Ok" button.
There is also a button in MicroTiny toolbar that can be used to replace steps 1 and 2. You could also press the Control and K keys together to insert a regular link.

In Shopify, how do I add mouseover to a non-product page?

I am building my site in shopify. On the "about us" page I have photos of each team member. I would like to be able to click on the photo to show a JPG (which is a postcard of employee title and interesting facts). Is there a way to add a mouseover feature on an image that is not a product? We are using the minimal theme. As point of reference we got this idea from
On that site they use a hover feature to change the photo and then a click through to the postcard. We are skipping the second photo to try to keep it simple/doable.
Here's info on how to enable lightboxes on your images.
To enable images on your About Us page, you need to edit page.liquid. Find the div element that contains your page content. To the opening <div> tag, add class="rte".
Make sure you follow the rest of the steps on that tutorial.

popuating country and state dropdown in cq form element dropdown(not dialog)

I am using cq form and have a dropdowns dragged and dropped on the form for country and states.
How do i make states available on change of country.(I am populating country options from a item load path i.e. a node has all countries as its children).
I searched a lot all I am getting is how to do it in dialog box.but thats not what I am looking for.
I want to populate the /libs/foundation/components/form/dropdown component.
Any help is welcome.
I am using cq 5.6.1 (aem 6 adaptive forms has some way to do it)
Here's how you can do it
Add the FORM component to the page
Add Dropdown List component in between the above Form Start/End
Right-click on the dropdown component, select Edit. In the dialog, enter the Element Name(Country), Title, and in "Items Load Path" enter the node path from where data need to be filled in.
Add another Dropdown List component
Right-click on the dropdown component, select Edit. In the dialog, enter the Element Name (State), Title, and in "Items Load Path" enter the node path from where data need to be filled in. Save to come back to dialog.
In the dialog, choose Show/Hide, a dialog popups up. Choose Country "is equal to" some value "say US". This value should match the values in the above Country dropdown. Save and exit.
That's it.