After installing vimspector with Plug.vim, when I reopen neovim, I met the problem as described in the title.
pip3 install neovim fix this problem
While downloading any extension, I am having above error. I uninstalled the vs-code and installed it again, but the same problem occurs. How to solve this problem?
you can add extension via terminal. here are the steps to install the GCC compiler on Ubuntu:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential the command installs a bunch of new packages including gcc, g++ and make.
to check the version type the command gcc --version
Running as admin worked for me after experiencing the same issue.
I'm trying to switch from vscode to neovim. I have coc.nvim configured for pyright but now neovim provides native support for language-server. So I tried to configure python-language-server. I have installed pyls by pip install python-language-server. I went through the documentation for lsp-quickstart. It says that I just need to add neovim/nvim-lspconfig to my plugins and then add lua require('lspconfig').pyls.setup{} to my init.vim. After refreshing I'm getting Error:
E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua"]:1: attempt to index field 'pyls' (a nil value)
I tried googling it but didn't find any relevant answer. Please help me out if you've configured it.
Hey so it looks like there is a new fork of pyls. I had the same issue and the following worked for me!
See Here:
And Here:
pip install 'python-lsp-server[all]'
Then in init.vim change:
lua require('lspconfig').pyls.setup{}
lua require('lspconfig').pylsp.setup{}
Note: pyls changes to pylsp
Or you can install all packages with package manager in Linux, for instance:
sudo apt-get install python3-pylsp*
Notice * which will install all pylsp packages.
i was trying to install Pycharm on my Rasberry PI and as i typed "./" in the Terminal to install it, i get this error:
No JDK found.Please validate eiter PYCHARM_JDK,JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable points to valid JDK installation.
I followed this Tutorial for the Install
Is anyone familiar with this problem?
Install a valid JDK. You may use:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk```
It worked for me.
I used cmake to build my project. I tried sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev, but it didn't solve my issue. Is there a way to solve this problem? Thanks.
I had a similar problem, and found that the needed library was installed under the name /usr/lib/<arch>/ (for x86_64 in my case that's /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
So I ran sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and was able to link OK.
I ran into this specifically when trying to install pygattlib under python 3.8.
when i try M-x slime ,all i get is
but when i use my own .emacs.d ,it works.
how can i fix it?
I find the same issue, I have solved it.
The reason is that I installed slime with "sudo apt-get install slime" before, I guess this package will mess up with locally installed(by init.el when emacs first start) in ~/.emacs.d/elpha/slime-2*.
Solution: Check that if you have slime in /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp,or something like that. If you do have this package, remove this system level slime with:
sudo apt-get remove slime
Restart emacs after this, and emacs should be able to use right slime package, problem should disappear after this.
I encountered this issue as you did. I got an error that's something like "couldn't find package Emacs-24.4". This inspired me to install Emacs-24.4 on my Ubuntu, instead of older version 24.3 which is the newest I can get from apt-get. (A convincing fact is that the newer version 24.5 provided by Homebrew works well with Purcell's package on my Mac.)
Under Emacs 24.4, slime proved to run well with Purcell's .emacs.d/. But it really costs me a lot of time to install Emacs-24.4 on my Ubuntu. First, I had to solve the problems of dependencies. Using aptitude, I get rid of the problem which apt-get failed to solve:
sudo apt-get install aptitude
sudo aptitude install build-essential
sudo aptitude build-dep emacs24
When the dependency issue pops out, aptitude will give you some suggestions including downgrading your current packages. I chose solutions of downgrade without leaving over any unsolved dependency problem (select 'no' until you find an acceptable one). During reinstalling build packages, Ubuntu iso cdrom may be required.
Then install Emacs 24.4:
tar xvf emacs-24.4.tar.xz
cd emacs-24.4
./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local LDFLAGS=-L$HOME/.local/lib --without-pop --without-kerberos --without-mmdf --without-sound --without-wide-int --without-xpm --without-jpeg --without-tiff --without-gif --without-png --without-rsvg --without-xml2 --without-imagemagick --without-xft --without-libotf --without-m17n-flt --without-xaw3d --without-xim --without-ns --without-gpm --without-dbus --without-gconf --without-gsettings --without-selinux --without-gnutls --without-x
make && make install