when i use my emacs with purcell's .emacs.d ,i can't use slime - emacs

when i try M-x slime ,all i get is
but when i use my own .emacs.d ,it works.
how can i fix it?

I find the same issue, I have solved it.
The reason is that I installed slime with "sudo apt-get install slime" before, I guess this package will mess up with locally installed(by init.el when emacs first start) in ~/.emacs.d/elpha/slime-2*.
Solution: Check that if you have slime in /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp,or something like that. If you do have this package, remove this system level slime with:
sudo apt-get remove slime
Restart emacs after this, and emacs should be able to use right slime package, problem should disappear after this.

I encountered this issue as you did. I got an error that's something like "couldn't find package Emacs-24.4". This inspired me to install Emacs-24.4 on my Ubuntu, instead of older version 24.3 which is the newest I can get from apt-get. (A convincing fact is that the newer version 24.5 provided by Homebrew works well with Purcell's package on my Mac.)
Under Emacs 24.4, slime proved to run well with Purcell's .emacs.d/. But it really costs me a lot of time to install Emacs-24.4 on my Ubuntu. First, I had to solve the problems of dependencies. Using aptitude, I get rid of the problem which apt-get failed to solve:
sudo apt-get install aptitude
sudo aptitude install build-essential
sudo aptitude build-dep emacs24
When the dependency issue pops out, aptitude will give you some suggestions including downgrading your current packages. I chose solutions of downgrade without leaving over any unsolved dependency problem (select 'no' until you find an acceptable one). During reinstalling build packages, Ubuntu iso cdrom may be required.
Then install Emacs 24.4:
wget http://open-source-box.org/emacs/emacs-24.4.tar.xz
tar xvf emacs-24.4.tar.xz
cd emacs-24.4
./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local LDFLAGS=-L$HOME/.local/lib --without-pop --without-kerberos --without-mmdf --without-sound --without-wide-int --without-xpm --without-jpeg --without-tiff --without-gif --without-png --without-rsvg --without-xml2 --without-imagemagick --without-xft --without-libotf --without-m17n-flt --without-xaw3d --without-xim --without-ns --without-gpm --without-dbus --without-gconf --without-gsettings --without-selinux --without-gnutls --without-x
make && make install


Mac M1 Homebrew Perl Carton Net::SSLeay is loading libcrypto in an unsafe way

I'm trying to install Net::SSLeay with Carton.
The installation fails with this message
Configuring Net-SSLeay-1.90 Running Makefile.PL Do you want to run external tests?
These tests *will* *fail* if you do not have network connectivity. [n] n
*** Found LibreSSL-2.8.3 installed in /usr
*** Be sure to use the same compiler and options to compile your OpenSSL, perl, and Net::SSLeay. Mixing and matching compilers is not supported.
Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good
WARNING: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/perl/5.32.1_1/bin/perl is loading libcrypto in an unsafe way -> N/A
I've tried this with system perl, brew perl and multiple perlbrew perls.
Google came up with a temp solution to build homebrew using x86_64 architecture.
This did work for the libcrypto error, but gave me a whole different set of issues including mysql not running anymore.
Other "solutions" that I've tried are symlinking libssl & libcrypto as suggested by numerous other posts, all sadly without success.
Any ideas how to fix this or work around this without having to reinstall all brew packages as x86_64 ?
Quick Workaround
If you are looking for a quick workaround follow these steps.
Run carton bundle to create a vendor cache directory.
Go to cached tarball 'cache/authors/id/C/CH/CHRISN/' and unpack tar -xvzf Net-SSLeay-1.90.tar.gz
Edit Makefile.PL, change my $prefix = find_openssl_prefix(); to
my $prefix = '/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl#1.1'; ** adjust to your openssl location.
Save and create new tarball tar -czvf Net-SSLeay-1.90.tar.gz Net-SSLeay-1.90
Run carton install --cached to use the altered version
Hope this helps anyone in search of workaround
You can solve this in two steps:
upgrade ExtUtils::MakeMaker to at least version 7.58 (e.g. cpanm ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
install openssl via macports (sudo port install openssl) or homebrew (brew install --cask openssl)
After the Monterey update this broke again also on the x86_64 architecture, but just symlinking your latest openssl (where ever it is, depending how you have installed it) seemed to fix this. Example:
$ export OPENSSL_PREFIX=[find your openssl installation]
$ sudo ln -s $OPENSSL_PREFIX/lib/libssl.dylib /usr/local/lib/
$ sudo ln -s $OPENSSL_PREFIX/lib/libcrypto.dylib /usr/local/lib/
Better workaround:
I entered export OPENSSL_PREFIX=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl#1.1 in my shell and then ran cpan. I checked the code in Makefile.PL and the first thing the function find_openssl_prefix does is to check the OPENSSL_PREFIX environment variable. If it is set, then it the function will return its contents.
Add the variable to your .profile, .cshrc, .bashrc, .zshrc, or whatever rc file your shell uses and you never have to worry about it again!!

how to install boost_python-py38 on ubuntu system

I used cmake to build my project. I tried sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev, but it didn't solve my issue. Is there a way to solve this problem? Thanks.
I had a similar problem, and found that the needed library was installed under the name /usr/lib/<arch>/libboost_python38.so (for x86_64 in my case that's /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_python38.so).
So I ran sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_python38.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_python-py38.so and was able to link OK.
I ran into this specifically when trying to install pygattlib under python 3.8.

How to start IDLE that comes with Python 3.6

I am using Linux Mint 18. I installed Python 3.5 and 3.6 using apt-get in the terminal. I can open IDLE of Python 2.7 and 3.5 using commands idle and idle3 respectively. How can I access IDLE that comes with Python 3.6?
Try the command idle3.6. python3 and idle3 are still associated with your system Python, which is 3.5.
Simply typing in idle3.6 should work just like carusot42 mentioned. If it doesn't work, perhaps you might want to see if everything else is installed correctly. Here are the steps I followed which worked perfectly fine for me. I am also running Linux Mint 18. The steps that I followed were:
Installed the prerequisites of Python. Do that by typing in the following commands -
sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall
sudo apt-get install libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev
Download Python using the following command and extract it (use your desired location) -
cd /usr/src
wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.1/Python-3.6.1.tgz
sudo tar xzf Python-3.6.0.tgz
The next step is to compile Python source. To do that type in the commands below-
cd Python-3.6.1
sudo make altinstall
make altinstall is used to prevent replacing the default Python binary
file /usr/bin/python
You should be good to go. You check your Python version by typing python3.6 -V in the terminal.
Once you do that, type in idle3.6 and then Python 3.6.1 shell should open for you.
The Software Manager in Linux Mint lists the Python Packages and IDLE Packages
separately. After you install Python, go look up the associated IDLE package in the Software Manager and install it. Reboot and it should work fine. It worked for me.

Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" Unable to connect to dbus - Sublime text

I'm working on a remote server (Ubuntu 14.04) through SSH -X. I have installed Sublime Text and when I try to open it I get
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Unable to connect to dbus
How do I solve this?
sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk*
if you run that install it will get 120+ mb of libs, mostly. to get rid of that module error, you only need to install 70k. i fixed the same error with this single package:
sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module
that should do the trick. if that doesnt work try installing only the canberra libs, you don't need all those Xlibs, or you'd have them already ;)
here's just canberra packages apt listed:
libcanberra-gtk-common-dev libcanberra-gtk-dev libcanberra-gtk-module
libcanberra-gtk-module-dbg libcanberra-gtk0 libcanberra-gtk0-dbg
libcanberra-gtk3-0-dbg libcanberra-gtk3-dev libcanberra-gtk3-module-dbg
10 total packages, instead of over 100 packages with that * wildcard. save space, boot time, sys speed etc, always, if you can :)
As I found at the end of this thread, it appears to be a problem with the libcanberra dependencies, I stumbled upon this and the solution worked for me on Sublime Text 2/Debian 8.
So try running this:
sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk*
This got rid of the GTK message, but the "Unable to connect to dbus..." stuff disappeared when I executed sublime as a non-root user.
On Debian Stretch:
sudo apt install libcanberra-gtk-module
This will install:
The following additional packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk0

Vagrant cannot install nokogiri-dependent plugins

I'm trying to install the rackspace plugin for vagrant (1.5.1):
vagrant plugin install vagrant-rackspace
But it complains
Bundler, the underlying system Vagrant uses to install plugins,
reported an error. The error is shown below. These errors are usually
caused by misconfigured plugin installations or transient network
issues. The error from Bundler is:
An error occurred while installing nokogiri (1.6.1), and Bundler
cannot continue. Make sure that gem install nokogiri -v '1.6.1'
succeeds before bundling.
However gem install nokogiri -v '1.6.1' and /Applications/Vagrant/embedded/bin/gem install nokogiri -v '1.6.1' both work.
I've looked at a bunch of SO threads and blog posts. Things I've tried that have not worked
Running xcode-select --install
Installing full xcode
brew install gcc-4.2
Remove rvm and rvm version of ruby
Install nokogiri w/ built-in (mac) ruby and vagrant-embedded ruby
Despite the fact that nokogiri installs fine (#5 above) without sudo on both counts, vagrant plugin install vagrant-rackspace still fails...
So, in summary, I can install the nokogiri plugin, however I cannot install the vagrant rackspace plugin, can you help me get the plugin installed?
Related threads
Error to install Nokogiri on OSX 10.9 Maverick?
nokogiri - ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension
Full output of vagrant plugin install vagrant-rackspace --debug
I'm on OSX Mavericks and this worked for me:
Set as environment property:
Then install as usual:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-rackspace
Vagrant ships with embedded Ruby and isolated gem environment. So installing gems manually to your "normal" gem environment won't help.
The first issue is that you should never use sudo to run any vagrant command. If possible, please remove ~/.vagrant.d/ or at least chown it recursively back to your own user. You could also try upgrading Vagrant to v1.5.1.
Then please gist/pastebin the output of vagrant plugin install vagrant-rackspace --debug and ~/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/nokogiri-1.6.1/ext/nokogiri/mkmf.log.
The posted solutions didn't work for me. Instead I needed to specify the libxml2, libxslt and libiconv that I installed with homebrew (Do this first).
I installed the gem manually with the embedded ruby with the following [very concise] command line:
/Applications/Vagrant/embedded/bin/gem install \ # select the embedded ruby
--install-dir ~/.vagrant.d/gems \ # install to the vagrant dir
nokogiri -v '' -- \ # pass options to nokogiri install
--with-xml2-include=/usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.7.8/include/libxml2 \
--with-xml2-lib=/usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.7.8/lib \
--with-xslt-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/libxslt/1.1.26 \
--with-iconv-include=/usr/local/Cellar/libiconv/1.13.1/include \
This worked for me on Mavericks and Vagrant 1.6.1:
CC=/usr/bin/gcc vagrant plugin install vagrant-rackspace
I tried NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=1 but got an error saying that system libxml2 is too old.
Warning: This is a super-hacky solution, though it's hard to call it that.
Yesterday I installed Vagrant on another OSX Mavericks box. Like many other posts I read on SO "all I had to do" was run xcode-select --install and bingo vagrant plugin install vagrant-rackspace worked like a charm.
Today I was mired down in the Bundler code again when it dawned on me that since this is an isolated ruby environment why not nuke my ~/.vagrant.d directory and copy the same directory from the successful build on the other box...
The result? A working vagrant rackspace on my laptop! I'm not sure I'll ever figure out what was really wrong, but if anyone wants a shot at the 100 point bounty, I'm still open to suggestions!
In my case the nokogiri folders and their files located in ~/vagrant.d/gems/gems had wrong rights (user/group).
After changing them to username:staff (username being your console user name), it works like a charm.
Similarly with my case, I have an issue while installing vagrant-omnibus plugin for Vagrant 1.6.3 on OSX Mavericks 10.9.4 and ruby 2.0.0p247 rbenv.
I tried setting the env NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES to 1 or true, then update+install but the same error still there.
I found that there is a suggestion in https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/3769 to use the specify the baked in nokogiri version and this works for me. So, I also wrote a quick noted for myself to refer this unfortunates issue.
If Nate Murray's solution doesn't work, I found upgrading to a Vagrant version > 1.6.4 fixed the issue (as noted in this Github issue: https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant/issues/3769)
in my case while trying to install vagrant-parallels, i had to check the Command line tools folder had an error in the naming for some reason. Fixing that allowed nokigiri to work well