Asp.Net MVC auto-login with link/token - entity-framework

For some users that get an invite by email, when a link from the email is clicked I need to automatically login the users on my Asp.Net MVC website. Is there something already implemented from Asp.Net identity that I can use to do that? If not, what are some ideas to implement this one?


What I have to set for 1:1 chatting with blazor assembly

I'm using blazor assembly 6.0 and using jwt token authrization and social login.
I want to add 1:1 chatting and want to identify user by aleardy logined userId or token.
I found related document but I don't know how to apply.
Is there any example of git repository or posting that actually use this way?

ASP.NET Web API with Facebook auth without OWIN

I'm developing an ASP.NET Web API. The authentication used in this API does not use OWIN, and I need to make a method that authenticates a user by using their Facebook account.
I only find examples on how to do this by using OWIN and OAuth. Is there another way to do this?
Can someone post some link or explanation about this case?
Thanks in advance!

User Information when using external authentication in ASP .NET MVC 4

I am using ASP .NET MVC and I have been successfully able to login using LinkedIn and Facebook. But inside ExternalLoginCallback() action, I have failed to retrieve user email when I login using LinkedIn (although I am getting other info like user name, job title etc)
Similarly with Facebook, I am not getting fields like job title in response.
Can anyone please help
You can use this link - here is code for getting user information via linkedin, Its working fine.

How to single sign on into gmail, yahoo mail & facebook from Spring based Web application with ldap as Authentication provider

We have a Spring MVC & JSF based web application which uses Spring security to do user Authentication using LDAP provider & after successful authentication user profile is fetched from oracle database.
Now I need to integrate facebook, gmail & yahoo mail with this application.
The expected behavior is after doing the login into this web application the user should automatically be logged in into facebook , gmail & yahoo mail as well. The user profile in the oracle database will contain the login id of gmail, facebook & yahoo mail.
The menu in the application will contain links for gmail, yahoo mail l & facebook & while user will click on those menu the corresponding site will open as logged in for that user in a iframe without asking user id & password of that website. It is good if password of gmail, yahoo mail & facebook account of the users are not needed to keep into database. Please let me know if there is any way to achieve this.
I started thinking to use OAuth2, but don't know whether that is right way to go forward or not. Please help me with some relevant single sign on solution to solve this.
[Note: Web application uses Java 6, Tomcat 6, jsf as FE & hibernate as ORM & Spring MVC & Spring security framework for security]
Facebook, Gmail and Yahoo are themselves identity providers. Most of the documentation out there (e.g. using OAuth) explains how to use FB, Google or Yahoo to login into other apps.
The scenario you want to implement is the opposite: using your own identity provider to log in into Y!, Gmail and FB as apps (referred to RPs or SPs depending on the docs you read). In general this is not possible because they have not enabled this.
Google can (if using Google Apps) because they have enabled SAML integration. So you could potentially do it, but probably not for consumer focused gmail accounts.

Use OAuthWebSecurity With MVC 3.0 with custom membership provider

I am looking for how can I implement OAuthWebSecurity with Mvc 3
I have a custom membership provider and I would like to add Facebook, Google and Twitter authentication to my website.
Authentication scenario using Facebook for example
1- the user chooses login using Facebook.
2- check Facebook authentication
3- if success --> check if the user exist in my database
4- if exist --> make the user logged in, if not create a new user in my custom user table
Please advice.
Please See Below Link It Give you Fully Information about it
Here is a sample / template project which implements a custom membership provider based on the Entity Framework, it has custom DB schema, external login / signup functionality via Google, Twitter, Facebook...