Netbeans Background scanning projects loops - netbeans

I have a problem with Netbeans 15, 14 and 13. The "Background scanning of the projects" process loops between "src/main/java" and "src/test/java". I tried all the solutions in stackoverflow, in particular:
Adding the following pattern to "Ignored File Pattern" in Options->Miscellaneous->Files" so as to exclude the build folder:
Disabling the auto-scanning of sources.
However, the problem persists. The only way to stop the process is to delete the "target" folder manually and that makes me think that maybe something in solution 1. is not working properly. Notice also that during the scanning process features such as auto-complete do not work, hence the IDE is unusable.
Removing the folder "classes" in "target" seems stopping the process loop. I'm not sure how to prevent Netbeans for looking in this class.


Intellij Idea creates eclipse files and folders

I'm using InteliJ Idea Ultimate 2019.2 and I seem to have some misconfigurations that I cannot figure out. And I cannot find anything in the documentation. While scanning and indexing idea is auto creating some eclipse specific folders and files that I don't want to have in my enviroment. The ide creates .settings folder with eclipse prefs files, the .classpath file, the .factorypath for annotation processing and a .project file.
It seems that the maven project itself could be the key. But there are no updates on the plugins.
I want to get rid of that stuff and I simply cannot figure out what should have been done earlier.
Since I couldn't find any configuration issues, I stopped every program on the computer one at a time. My MS Visual Code was the problem. I use it for text editing. It uses a maven plugin which is connected to eclipse. I deactivated the plugin and now the folders and file will not appear again. I should switch back to Sublime or Notepad++. Sorry about this question but this strange bahaivour was driving me nuts for two day.

Scaffolding a new Angular app with Yeoman and Bower causes Eclipse out of memory

I've just started with Yoeman, Bower and Grunt, and on two separate projects I've used Yoeman and Bower to scaffold an Angular application.
Eclipse (STS 3.4.0) both times immediately huffed and puffed and ran out of memory.
This is strange to say the least, because Eclipse has a lot of memory available.
I thought at first that I might exclude that massive 'node_modules' folder from validation, but I've already excluded all javascript files from any validation.
Has anybody got any clue why Eclipse dies on me when I use Bower?
I finally solved this by excluding the top Grunt node-modules folder from javascript validation.
A bit odd, because I had already disabled javascript validation for the project.
In Eclipse open the Preferences for the project with the problem, then click on 'Validation' in the left-hand column.
Then on the right-hand side click on 'settings' for Client-side javascript.
Then you add an Exclude Group, adding a rule for the folder you want to exclude.
This finally solved my problem.
Actually it was not a definitive solution. When I opened a new node project I got the same problem and my solution above was not effective.
The best solution is the last answer here, which I used to exclude the node_modules folder:
How to exclude specific folders or files from validation in Eclipse?

Netbeans runs out of memory after opening many projects

I created a projects group for maven projects. Maven being able to build subprojects, there actually are dozens and dozens of sub-subprojects.
Now I have 405 projects open on Netbeans and I cannot use it anymore because when I start it, the system runs indefinitely trying to perform "opening projects" and eventually running out of memory when it goes in the build phase.
I'd like to start Netbeans again without all those 400+ projects. How to do so?
In case it's needed, I use Netbeans 7.4 on MS-Windows 7.
Edit: a now-deleted answer suggested me to close individually each project. This is not possible as the "close project" action is queued for after the build.
I tried to delete the netbeans folders one by one and succeeded quite early. What I did was delete the whole %APPDATA%\Roaming\NetBeans\7.4\config\Preferences folder, though the precise information of the opened project at startup seems to lie in %APPDATA%\Roaming\NetBeans\7.4\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\

Debugger source line synchronization not working in IntelliJ IDEA Scala plugin

I'm running IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.3 on Windows 8 with the Scala plugin 0.7.264. Scala is installed in C:\Apps\Scala\scala-2.10.1, and that directory is in my PATH. The Scala docs are in C:\Apps\Scala\scala-2.10.1\doc\scala-devel-docs\api. These are manual installs from the .zip files.
Everything seems to work fine except for two things:
First, if the "Run compile server (in external build mode)" settings is enabled (as it is by default), I get this error:
Turning off that setting fixes that for now, but there is another problem. I can run my code in the debugger and see values change in the debugger panel as I single step through the code, but it doesn't synchronize the source file view as I step through.
Normally I'd expect to see the current line being executed turn green, and the green highlight would follow along as I hit F10 or F11 to step through, but it doesn't. I can set breakpoints on source lines and let it run, and it stops at each breakpoint as expected. It just doesn't highlight the source line in green when it gets there.
Similarly, if a source file is not open (either my source code or a library file), and I step into that code, it appears to single-step correctly but does not open the source file at all.
Everything else works fine, like the autocompletes and Shift+F1 to view the Scala docs for the name the cursor is on.
The really odd thing is I had full debugging working briefly. At first I'd installed Scala from the .msi file, so it installed Scala into C:\Program Files (x86)\scala. When I set up IntelliJ to use that Scala installation I did get the green highlight on source lines as I stepped through the code.
The only problem with that setup was that IntelliJ complained about the missing doc\scala-devel-docs\api directory when I'd setup a Scala project, because the .msi installation uses a different subdirectory for the API docs. It was easy enough to fix that up manually in the Global Liraries settings, but I figured I'd try the .zip installation so I could use a directory layout more like what IntelliJ was expecting.
I should have left well enough alone! I even tried going back to that arrangement and still didn't get source line synchronization working again.
At one point I also tried letting IntelliJ do the Scala installation, but that also gave the same results: everything working except source line synchronization in the debugger.
There must be some obvious thing I got wrong, but I'm not sure what it could be. Does anyone have any ideas?
Here's a screenshot from a debug session:
The program is stopped on line 3, as indicated by the values assigned to x and y but not yet to z, and the <init>():3, Main$$anon$1 in the Frames panel. So line 3 should be highlighted in green but isn't.
Here are the relevant settings dialogs:
The above is with "Run compile server" on; as mentioned I ended up turning that setting off. The field values are the defaults, including the -server -Xss1m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m JVM parameters.
I am using the same version of IDEA and the Scala plugin (however on OS X and JDK 6), and I do not have this problem. Does this occur with any of your projects or only a specific one?
Assuming that the OS shouldn't be responsible, the difference is that I use sbt to build my projects. So if you are willing to set up a build.sbt and installing the SBT plugin for IDEA, this might be worth a try.
Although the fancy new compile server should in theory be as fast and smooth as sbt, I find it very pleasant to work with the sbt plugin. You can install it from Settings -> IDE Settings -> Plugins. Next step I also highly recommend is to use the sbt-idea plugin, which is like the complementary to the IDEA SBT plugin—this will allow you to generate the full IDEA project files from sbt (you can have as little as a single scalaVersion entry in build.sbt if you don't need to manage dependencies, so you don't need to learn much of sbt in the first place).
The final step then is to go into your Run/Debug configuration, and change in the "Before launch" section from "Make" to "SBT".
Finally you might get better support for your problem through the JetBrains online forum.

disable sources scan for a specific folder in netbeans 7.1 RC2

I'm having an issue with netbeans scanning a large directory of PHP files
The scan takes about 2 hours and totally blocks the IDE's autocompletion and slows it down a lot
I tried a few things:
disabling auto-scanning of sources as mentionned here
adding the pattern of the files in the "Files ignored by the IDE" box
adding the directory to the ignored folder list in my project properties
None of the above worked.
An idea anyone?
You also might be able to ignore just some files from the automatic source scan.
See netbeans wiki
You need to close the "Tasks" tab to stop it.