GPU Jank when generate endless 2D terrain - flutter

I'm making a runner game which has the infinity mode.
So, I got to generate a terrain every 1s approximately.
It has some lag with my LG Q9 One, I checked the performance and it appeared that there's some problem with Raster thread.
I tried the game on Samsung Galaxy Note 10 which has better gpu and it shows less janks(but it has janks anyway).
I adds my code here. Any better way to enhance the performance?
class MyGame extends FlameGame {
final Grid grid = Grid();
final EndlessMap endlessMap = EndlessMap();
final Runner runner = Runner();
double speed = 100.0;
Future<void>? onLoad() {
return super.onLoad();
/// Camera follows the runner.
class Runner extends PositionComponent with HasGameRef<MyGame> {
Future<void>? onLoad() {;
return super.onLoad();
void update(double dt) {
x += gameRef.speed * dt;
/// Set the size of tile and grid
class Grid extends Component with HasGameRef<MyGame> {
late int rows = 10;
late int columns;
late int mapColumns;
late double tileSize;
void onGameResize(Vector2 size) {
tileSize = (size.y / rows).floorToDouble();
columns = (size.x / tileSize).ceil();
mapColumns = columns + 2;
/// Generate terrains endlessly
class EndlessMap extends PositionComponent with HasGameRef<MyGame> {
late final Sprite terrainSprite;
late final List<SpriteComponent> terrainSpritePool;
int firstTerrainIndex = 0;
// Init terrain sprite
Future<void> onLoad() async {
terrainSprite = Sprite(
await Flame.images.load('terrains.png'),
srcPosition: Vector2(4.0, 0.0),
srcSize: Vector2(32.0, 32.0 * 10),
terrainSpritePool = List.generate(
(index) => SpriteComponent(sprite: terrainSprite),
for (var i = 0; i < terrainSpritePool.length; i++) {
terrainSpritePool[i].size.x = gameRef.grid.tileSize;
terrainSpritePool[i].position = Vector2(
i * gameRef.grid.tileSize,
return super.onLoad();
void update(double dt) {
final dx = gameRef.speed * dt;
final lastTerrainIndex = firstTerrainIndex == 0
? terrainSpritePool.length - 1
: firstTerrainIndex - 1;
// When the first terrain is behind the camera,
if (terrainSpritePool[firstTerrainIndex].position.x +
gameRef.grid.tileSize <= + dx) {
// Move the first terrain to the end
terrainSpritePool[firstTerrainIndex].size.x = gameRef.grid.tileSize;
terrainSpritePool[firstTerrainIndex].position = Vector2(
terrainSpritePool[lastTerrainIndex].position.x + gameRef.grid.tileSize,
firstTerrainIndex = (firstTerrainIndex + 1) % terrainSpritePool.length;
You can find a whole code in github.
2022.09.12. ----------------
It seems like the issue with that my phone(LG Q9 One) has a bad gpu to run it normally. I removed all the codes except moving the camera, it still shows janks.

In order to reduce the shader compilation and run your animations smoothly, there is an article in the official flutter website explaining about a solution
Hope this helps

Try to not create new objects in the update method.
So when you are doing:
terrainSpritePool[firstTerrainIndex].position = Vector2(
terrainSpritePool[lastTerrainIndex].position.x + gameRef.grid.tileSize,
Since the SpriteComponent already has a Vector2 you can re-use it like this:
terrainSpritePool[lastTerrainIndex].position.x + gameRef.grid.tileSize,


Flutter canvas not rendering as expected

I am trying to render a grid with flutter canvas with Canvas.drawLine method.
Some lines are rendered semi-transparent and some are not even being rendered on the canvas.
class Background extends PositionComponent with HasGameRef<RokokoGame>{
Offset start =;
Offset end =;
// will be different across devices
late final double canvasX;
late final double canvasY;
final int cellSize = GameConfig.cellSize;
Background(this.canvasX, this.canvasY);
Future<void>? onLoad() {
start = Offset(0, 0);
end = Offset(this.canvasX, this.canvasY);
void render(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromPoints(, end), Styles.white);
void _drawVerticalLines(Canvas c) {
for (double x = start.dx; x <= end.dx; x += cellSize) {
c.drawLine(Offset(x, start.dy), Offset(x, end.dy),;
void _drawHorizontalLines(Canvas c) {
for (double y = start.dy; y <= end.dy; y += cellSize) {
c.drawLine(Offset(start.dx, y), Offset(end.dx, y),;
So, i was able to solve the issue by applying some stroke width in my Styles class.
class Styles {
static Paint white = BasicPalette.white.paint();
static Paint blue = = 3;
static Paint red = = 3;

Flutter Flame priority value is not working

I have SpriteComponent named Obstacle. I set the priority value to 0 in the super method. But the Obstacle component is regenerated with the update method. It disappears when it exits the screen. When it reoccurs, the priorty value becomes invalid. I am sharing sample screenshots.
first img
second img
The player stays behind the obstacle. GameOverPanel always at the back.
Future<void> onLoad() async {
add(gameRef.obstacleManager..priority = 0);
add(gameRef.playerManager..priority = 1);
add(gameRef.gameOverPanel..priority = 2);
void update(double dt) {
gameRef.obstacleManager.updateObstacle(GameConst.gameSpeed * dt);
gameRef.playerManager.changePositionDown(value: GameConst.gravity * dt);
Game Over Panel
class GameOverPanel extends Component with HasGameRef<HopyBirdGame> {
GameOverPanel() : super(priority: 4);
Future<void> onLoad() async {
void renderTree(Canvas canvas) {
if (gameRef.gameOver) {
class GameOverText extends SpriteComponent with HasGameRef<HopyBirdGame> {
GameOverText() : super(size: Vector2(300, 80), anchor:;
Future<void>? onLoad() async {
sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite(Assets.gameOver.path);
position = Vector2(gameRef.screenWidth / 2, gameRef.screenHeight / 2);
return super.onLoad();
class Obstacle extends SpriteComponent
with HasGameRef<HopyBirdGame>, CollisionCallbacks {
final ObstacleType obstacleType;
required this.obstacleType,
}) : super(
size: Vector2(GameConst.obstacleWidth, GameConst.obstacleHeight),
Obstacle.empty({this.obstacleType = ObstacleType.empty});
Future<void> onLoad() async {
switch (obstacleType) {
case ObstacleType.up:
sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite(
case ObstacleType.down:
sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite(
case ObstacleType.empty:
class Obstacles extends Component with HasGameRef<HopyBirdGame> {
final Obstacle upObstacle;
final Obstacle downObstacle;
bool isCreateNextObstacles = true;
required this.upObstacle,
required this.downObstacle,
Future<void>? onLoad() {
upObstacle.priority = 1;
downObstacle.priority = 1;
return super.onLoad();
void createChildren() {
final children = [upObstacle, downObstacle];
Obstacle Manager
class ObstacleManager extends Component with HasGameRef<HopyBirdGame> {
ObstacleManager() : super(priority: 1);
ListQueue<Obstacles> history = ListQueue();
Future<void> onLoad() async {
void updateObstacle(double value) {
if (!gameRef.gameOver) {
if (history.isNotEmpty) {
history.last.upObstacle.position.x -= value;
history.last.downObstacle.position.x -= value;
if (history.last.upObstacle.position.x <= gameRef.screenWidth / 2) {
final isThereAnyObstaclesOutsideScreen = history.any(
(element) =>
element.downObstacle.position.x <=
-(GameConst.obstacleWidth / 2),
if (isThereAnyObstaclesOutsideScreen) {
final obstaclesOutsideScreen = history
.lastWhere((element) => element.downObstacle.position.x <= 0);
if (history.length >= 2) {
history.elementAt(history.length - 2).upObstacle.position.x -= value;
history.elementAt(history.length - 2).downObstacle.position.x -=
void createObstacles() {
final obstaclesGap =
gameRef.screenHeight - gameRef.difficulty.spaceForPlayers;
final gapAboveTheObstacleOnScreen =
((2 * GameConst.obstacleHeight) - obstaclesGap) / 2;
final randomNumber = _randomGenerator(
min: -gameRef.difficulty.distanceAxisYToGoUpAndDown,
max: gameRef.difficulty.distanceAxisYToGoUpAndDown,
final axisYOfUpObstacle = (GameConst.obstacleHeight / 2) -
gapAboveTheObstacleOnScreen +
final axisYOfDownObstacle = axisYOfUpObstacle +
GameConst.obstacleHeight +
final obstacles = Obstacles(
upObstacle: Obstacle(
obstacleType: ObstacleType.up,
position: Vector2(
gameRef.screenWidth + (GameConst.obstacleWidth / 2),
downObstacle: Obstacle(
obstacleType: ObstacleType.down,
position: Vector2(
gameRef.screenWidth + (GameConst.obstacleWidth / 2),
double _randomGenerator({required double min, required double max}) {
final gap = (max - min).toInt();
return min + Random().nextInt(gap);
EDIT: The same problem applies in game over panel.
Game Over Panel
class GameOverPanel extends Component with HasGameRef<HopyBirdGame> {
GameOverPanel() : super();
Future<void> onLoad() async {
void renderTree(Canvas canvas) {
if (gameRef.gameOver) {
class GameOverText extends SpriteComponent with HasGameRef<HopyBirdGame> {
: super(
size: Vector2(300, 80),
Future<void>? onLoad() async {
sprite = await gameRef.loadSprite(Assets.gameOver.path);
position = Vector2(gameRef.screenWidth / 2, gameRef.screenHeight / 2);
return super.onLoad();
Similarly, the first assignment is made in the Flame Game class.
I'm guessing (since the code for the ObstacleManager isn't present) that you are adding the obstacles directly to the game from the ObstacleManager to the component tree and that you aren't adding the priority to the actual Obstacle components.
If this is not the case, please update the question with the code for the ObstacleManager.
EDIT: After code upload.
It doesn't help that you are giving priorities to the manager classes when the components are not added as children to them, but to the gameRef. Since the player manager class isn't included in the question you either have to set the Obstacles to priority -1, or you have to give the player priority 1 (and obstacles will default to 0).
gameRef.add(obstacles..priority = -1);
This will make the obstacles be behind the background, so you have to also change the background parallaxes:
add(gameRef.homeBackgroundParallaxComponent..priority = -3);
add(gameRef.homeBaseParallax..priority = -2);
So it will be better to just set the player priority to 1 where you are adding that one to the game, because then you don't have to change all the other classes.

What is the purpose of "angle %= 2 * math.pi;" in the bellow code?

I am running this example from Flame engine source, and I wonder what is the purpose of angle %= 2 * math.pi; in the update method. Commenting it also doesn't affect the circular animation of rectangle! If there is a mathematical reason please put a link to the related article if possible.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flame/components.dart';
import 'package:flame/game.dart';
import 'package:flame/input.dart';
import 'package:flame/palette.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
game: MyGame(),
/// This example simply adds a rotating white square on the screen, if you press
/// somewhere other than on the existing square another square will be added and
/// if you press on a square it will be removed.
class MyGame extends FlameGame with DoubleTapDetector, HasTappables {
bool running = true;
Future<void> onLoad() async {
add(Square(Vector2(100, 200)));
void onTapUp(int id, TapUpInfo info) {
super.onTapUp(id, info);
if (!info.handled) {
final touchPoint =;
void onDoubleTap() {
if (running) {
} else {
running = !running;
class Square extends PositionComponent with Tappable {
static const speed = 0.25;
static const squareSize = 128.0;
static Paint white = BasicPalette.white.paint();
static Paint red =;
static Paint blue =;
Square(Vector2 position) : super(position: position);
Future<void> onLoad() async {
size.setValues(squareSize, squareSize);
anchor =;
void render(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(size.toRect(), white);
canvas.drawRect(const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 30, 30), red);
canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromLTWH(width / 2, height / 2, 3, 3), blue);
void update(double dt) {
angle += speed * dt;
angle %= 2 * math.pi; //<---- What is the reason behind this line?
bool onTapUp(TapUpInfo info) {
return true;
At some point, after a very long time if you don't have a high rotational speed, the angle will overflow what a double can fit.
The angle here is in radians, and one full circle is 2π (360°).
Since when we have rotated a full circle we can just as well go back to 0 again we use modulo to remove all the "unused" full circles that are in currently in angle.
What will happen if exceeds 2*pi.
Nothing will happen, it will just continue rotating, but angle will keep on growing to an unnecessarily large value.
It ensures that angle never exceeds 2×PI, the maximum value of an angle in radians. By performing a modulus by this value, any number that exceeds 2×PI will just wrap around from 0.

PolygonShape created at different position

I'm trying to create a polygon at the center of the screen with a mouse joint, very simple.
A CircleShape works great. Also the mouse joint behaves strangely and I couldn't find a pattern.
All code is in the main file here. I kept the code to a minimum.
Vector2 vec2Median(List<Vector2> vecs) {
var sum = Vector2(0, 0);
for (final v in vecs) {
sum += v;
return sum / vecs.length.toDouble();
void main() {
final game = MyGame();
runApp(GameWidget(game: game));
class MyGame extends Forge2DGame with MultiTouchDragDetector, HasTappables {
MouseJoint? mouseJoint;
static late BodyComponent grabbedBody;
late Body groundBody;
MyGame() : super(gravity: Vector2(0, -10.0));
Future<void> onLoad() async {
final boundaries = createBoundaries(this); //Adding boundries
groundBody = world.createBody(BodyDef());
final center = screenToWorld(camera.viewport.effectiveSize / 2);
final poly = Polygon([
center + Vector2(0, 0),
center + Vector2(0, 5),
center + Vector2(5, 0),
center + Vector2(5, 5)
], bodyType: BodyType.dynamic);
grabbedBody = poly;
bool onDragUpdate(int pointerId, DragUpdateInfo details) {
final mouseJointDef = MouseJointDef()
..maxForce = 3000 * grabbedBody.body.mass * 10 //Not neccerly needed
..dampingRatio = 1
..frequencyHz = 5
..collideConnected = false //Maybe set to true
..bodyA = groundBody
..bodyB = grabbedBody.body;
mouseJoint ??= world.createJoint(mouseJointDef) as MouseJoint;
return false;
bool onDragEnd(int pointerId, DragEndInfo details) {
if (mouseJoint == null) {
return true;
mouseJoint = null;
return false;
abstract class TappableBodyComponent extends BodyComponent with Tappable {
final Vector2 position;
final BodyType bodyType;
TappableBodyComponent(this.position, {this.bodyType = BodyType.dynamic});
bool onTapDown(_) {
MyGame.grabbedBody = this;
return false;
Body tappableBCreateBody(Shape shape) {
final fixtureDef = FixtureDef(shape)
..restitution = 0.8
..density = 1.0
..friction = 0.4;
final bodyDef = BodyDef()
// To be able to determine object in collision
..userData = this
..angularDamping = 0.8
..position = position
..type = bodyType;
return world.createBody(bodyDef)..createFixture(fixtureDef);
class Polygon extends TappableBodyComponent {
final List<Vector2> vertecies;
Polygon(this.vertecies, {BodyType bodyType = BodyType.dynamic})
: super(vec2Median(vertecies), bodyType: bodyType);
Body createBody() {
final shape = PolygonShape()..set(vertecies);
return tappableBCreateBody(shape);
tappableBCreateBody encapsulate Tappable and body creation methods, Polygon is the object I'm trying to create, vec2Median returns the center of the polygon (by vertices).
Thank you very much!
I think that you have to remove center from the vertices and only add that as the position of the BodyComponent instead, like you already do in the super call of your Polygon class.

Flutter update is giving me this error: The method '*' was called on null

I have a flutter app using the flame library. I'm trying to make an object move in a flutter game. When I run the update function, I get the following error:
The method '*' was called on null.
Receiver: null
Tried calling: *(0.0)
Seems like something isn't initialized and the update function is ran before that something is initialized. When I comment out player.update(t) it works, but the update function doesn't get called. What am I doing wrong ad how can I fix it? Here's my code:
Game Controller Class
class GameController extends Game {
Size screenSize;
Player player;
GameController() {
void initialize() async {
final initDimetion = await Flame.util.initialDimensions();
player = Player(this);
void render(Canvas c) {
Rect bgRect = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, screenSize.width, screenSize.height);
Paint bgPaint = Paint()..color = Color(0xFFFAFAFA);
c.drawRect(bgRect, bgPaint);
void update(double t) {
if (player is Player) { // Tried adding this if statement but it didn't work
void resize(Size size) {
screenSize = size;
Player Class
class Player {
final GameController gameController;
Rect playerRect;
double speed;
Player(this.gameController) {
final size = 40.0;
playerRect = Rect.fromLTWH(gameController.screenSize.width / 2 - size / 2,
gameController.screenSize.height / 2 - size / 2, size, size);
void render(Canvas c) {
Paint color = Paint()..color = Color(0xFF0000FF);
c.drawRect(playerRect, color);
void update(double t) {
double stepDistance = speed * t;
Offset stepToSide = Offset.fromDirection(90, stepDistance);
playerRect = playerRect.shift(stepToSide);
You never initialize the speed attribute of Player to a value. So speed * t in Player.update causes this error.
Simply initialize the speed attribute in the constructor
Player(this.gameController) {
final size = 40.0;
this.speed = 0;
playerRect = Rect.fromLTWH(gameController.screenSize.width / 2 - size / 2,
gameController.screenSize.height / 2 - size / 2, size, size);