How to add files and folders to an Azure Web App from within Visual Studio Code - visual-studio-code

I installed the Azure extension to my Visual Studio Code and connected to my Azure Web App and I can open and edit files from my Azure Web App within Visual Studio Code without problem. What I am struggling with is how to add files and folders to my Azure Web App within VS code.
I can create a new file in VS code, but I cannot find a way to make this new file part of my Web App.
Also, dragging files from a file explorer in Windows into the Azure Web App within VS code does not work.
Is there a way to create/delete/move files and folders inside the files section of an Azure Web App that is shown in the Azure extension in VS code?
I tried to find an answer in Youtube/Google/stackoverflow but did not find a relevant solution that is applicable to my problem.
It would be great if someone could show how to manage files and folders within an Azure Web App that is open in the Azure extension of VS code to a level of detail that shows in very detail what to click/add (step by step since I do not have much experience)

Created and deployed Azure App service from VSCode.
Tried to add the new file / folder in VSCode and deployed to same AppService once again.
Local folder
Unable to see the newly created files.
Deployed App Folder
You can directly add, edit or delete files/folders in Azure Web App from Azure Portal.
Navigate to the KUDU Console
you can open KUDU console from
Azure Portal => YourWebApp => Advanced Tools => Go => Debug Console => CMD
We have an option to create New Folder / File directly.


I don't see Programmability folder in Azure Data studio

This problem is going me crazy!. Azure Data Studio doesn't show me the folder where stored procesures are located. I checked my permissions and I have it because with pgadmin client I can see the folder. Will it a Bug?. Any idea?.
1.- UI Of Azure Data Studio
2.- UI PGAdmin

VSCode - Shows Deploy to Function App, instead of Deploy to Web App for blazor (ASP.Net) webapp

VSCode sees my Blazor server app as an Azure Function. Right-clicking on my publish folder I only have the option to Deploy to Function App, instead of Deploy to Web App which logically shows me only my function apps from azure. How is this determined by VSCode? I have checked the project file, but I do not see anything obvious wrong.
I tried Googling this, but the search terms only brings me to tutorials where this problem does not exist.
I was missing the Azure Web App extension. Once that was installed, the option appeared

Remove additional files when deploying to a azure web application

When deploying to an azure web app from Visual Studio Code is it then possible to remove additional files like you can do in Visual Studio?

can an azure web site be a single index.html file?

can an azure web site be a single index.html file?
I keep getting The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
and when I look at wwwroot my that file keeps disappearing.
I'm deploy using ftp-simple through visual studio code into /site/wwwroot/
Yes, an Azure Web App can be a single index.html. Try creating a clean new site, and dropping an index.html in d:\home\site\wwwroot via Kudu Console (or FTP), and you will be able to request it.

error activating .wsp file in sharepoint server 2010

I developed a sample application in visual studio 2010. I created an Empty SharePoint Project and gave the local site url for debugging. Checked "Deploy as Farm" as the trust level of the SharePoint solution. Added a visual webpart and also a class to the solution. I am able to build and successfully run the application using visual studio. In my local machine am using SharePoint foundation 2010 to debug the SharePoint application.
Now i want to deploy this application in the SharePoint server 2010 which is in a virtual machine.
1. I copied the .wsp file of the application i created to the virtual machine.
2. From the central administrator in the VM I created a web application and the site collection.
3. Then using Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Solution(Galleries), choose the .wsp file for uploading. it showed a "Warning: You should only activate this solution if you trust this solution. An activated solution can read, modify and delete your data. " and the activate button is disabled.
Then I tried to do same in my local machine on a different site collection. Here Activate button is enabled but when clicked it threw exception
Server Error in '/' Application.
This solution contains invalid markup or elements that cannot be deployed as part of a sandboxed solution. Solution manifest for solution 'aee60282-765d-4c9f-b67a-5981f18a6d3b' failed validation, file manifest.xml, line 10, character 4: The element 'Solution' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'TemplateFiles' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'FeatureManifests, ActivationDependencies' in namespace ''.
What could be this error?
The "TemplateFiles" element refers to items that will be copied onto the web server. This is allowed for farm solutions (which are deployed via CentralAdmin), but is not allowed for sandboxed solutions (which are deployed via the Solution Gallery).
When you deploy your wsp with visual studio, you deploy it as farm solution.
When you deploy your wsp from site settings into solution galery, you deploy it as user solution (sandbox solution) with some limitations :
first, avoid using out of the box visual webparts, it's prohibited !
Deploy your wsp by writing powershell script.
A good starting point here :
Le_Fredo is correct here, when attempting to deploy a WSP file into the site collection directly under the site settings, you won't be able to. I found this article from microsoft to be extermely helpful