Error at first compilation in flutter(android studio): Exception in thread "main" Read time out at java.base - flutter

I was trying to compile my first code after installing android studio and flutter when I came across this error. At first, it took a long while for it to compile and run. But then after close to 15secs, I came accross this error.I'd appreciate if anyone has come across this error and knows a way around it.
Tried searching youtube but had no luck. Found some article on git on the same error which stated I should change my date and time to words, but still didnt work


SignatureIntegrityCheckFailed error when downloading VS Code extensions

I just formatted my computer and installed VS Code, but when I went to download some extension, an error appeared and asked to check the "log", and then an error appeared in the console.
image of the error that appears in the console
I tried searching the program files but found nothing.
2023-02-08 19:01:39.542 [error] SignatureIntegrityCheckFailed:
Signature: SignatureIntegrityCheckFailed
at (vscode-file://vscode-app/c:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft%20VS%20Code/resources/app/out/vs/code/electron-browser/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain.js:62:17985)
at async $.h (vscode-file://vscode-app/c:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft%20VS%20Code/resources/app/out/vs/code/electron-browser/sharedProcess/sharedProcessMain.js:90:171351)
Just a workaround. There is an issue raised but long inactive issue
Try this, this worked for me after all the other struggle with this bug.
"Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" --ignore-certificate-errors
The security part of this is that, your trust store or at least the one VS code is using is not able to verify the authenticity. So be mindful of the risk involved.
So basically, we are working around this.

Visual Studio Code Factory Reset

I keep getting a error when I debug and run my HTML doc. I don't know how to fix it, so I just want to factory reset everything and start over fresh. Apparently uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't help as I tried...and am still getting the same issue.
This is the error I'm getting:
crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated.
I have no idea how to fix this or even what the direct issue is. I've looked online and tried the 'clear out the launch.json', but that didn't work. I have an HTML assignment due in 3 days. I hope someone out there can help me or give me a good HTML program recommendation.

Crystal Reports - crdb_adoplus.pdb not loaded

My windows form application in Visual Studio 2019 compiles without any errors in the IDE; however when the program runs in the IDE and encounters any crystal reports call it crashes with the error:- crdb_adoplus.pdb not loaded.
I have looked at the solutions on Google and here none could resolve this error.
I am hoping someone here may have a solution.
I have the same error but, this is just a problem with error reporting. Look a little closing and you may be able to find the root error. I write to a log file in a try/catch and get the error first before this pops.

Install4j Error instantiating Actions

I am changing the installer on an application and in the install4j IDE I am getting the error "Error instantiating (class-path-to-action)". I don't know what is causing the error or what to do to fix it.
This is the second time I have come across this while using the install4j IDE, although the first time the error disappeared once I had built the project and closed eclipse.
This time round I have tried opening up the install4j file right after a restart and I am getting the same error, with no luck in getting rid of it.
Can someone enlighten me on what could be causing this, or how to fix it?
You can find more information in the file %TEMP%\install4j_error.log about the exception. Probably the class path configured on the Installer->Custom code & Resources is not correct.

Unhandled win32 Exception occurred in my Android ADV

Every time I run any device from Android AVD it crashes, then the Visual Studio ? starts and gives the followed message.
A unhandled win32 Exception occurred
in emulator.exe
followed message appears on Console
[2011-03-18 16:10:16 - Logcat]device not found device not found
the loGcAT point these Error, I'm not sure it can help:
System(50): Failure starting core service
System(50): Failure starting core service
System(50): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
System(50): at android.os.ServiceManagerProxy.addService(
System(50): at android.os.ServiceManager.addService(
System(50): at
AndroidRuntime(50): Crash logging skipped, no checkin service
It happens whith all devices and I can't get more information, Eclipse don't returns any.
I realy dont know what to do. Help!
I hade the same issue yesterday. I managed to fix this by uninstalling the Android SDK and re-install it.
I don't know what caused the issue, and I don't want to try to reproduce it now, but I know of 2 differences between the 2 installations:
1) The first time I went directry to the AVD manager in the "Available packages" and made some updates there. In the "Third party Add-ons" there were some available packages that were still there after the installation and after "Refresh". This puzzled me and made me try a couple of times. Therefore I made a couple of redundant installations, and this may have caused some trouble.
2) The first time I used the .exe file to make the installation, while I downloaded the .zip-file for the second installation. Probably this has nothing to do with the error.
Hope this helps you! It really is an annoying problem.