Tabs overlay windows topbar in .NET MAUI Windows App - maui

I am developing a .NET MAUI Blazor hybrid App. The first page is a loginpage, and when the user is logged in, he/she is redirected to the Mainpage which is a tabbed page with the command below :
Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MainPage());
When testing the application in Windows Machine simulator, the tabs is overlaying the top windows bar (see image below).
Any idea why this is happening? How can I move the tabs lower?

You can use code snippet below to navigate to other pages on Blazor Hybrid project.
App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new MainPage());


Download file and encrypted file that can only view in my flutter application

I developed flutter app that can download file. But downloaded file (eg image file) can be viewed in Gallery. I want to develop downloaded file that can be viewed only in my flutter app. I used flutter_downloader.
please use this line code:--
String dir = (await getExternalStorageDirectory()).path;
more details visit more...
Flutter or any other framework manages stack for screen navigation,
So in flutter if you navigate to another screen, the old screen goes to the stack in memory, it does not dispose.
In your case
you can use Navigator.pushReplacement instead if Navigator.push.
With Navigator.pushReplacement flutter framework will remove Login Page from stack.
If you don't want to remove your Login Page from your stack,
Just clear your TextField using controller before navigation.

Customizing page transitions with Convertigo

I am currently building a cross-platform mobile application with Convertigo Studio, and the iOS default transition between pages does not fit well with the design : I would like the transitions between pages in the iOS app to be identical to the Android ones.
I have narrowed the problem to the Ionic navCtrl.push() call, probably made by the Convertigo PushPage component.
According to this blog post, it is possible to force transitions with the animation field of the call configuration object :
this.navCtrl.push(MyPageComponent, null, {animate: true, animation: "transition-android"});
Convertigo Studio allows me to edit the animate and duration fields, but not animation.
Without patching the Studio, is there a way to override the iOS default page transition ?
Yes in 7.5.7 version Convertigo studio does not expose the transition type property for push pages. This has been added in 7.6
Nevertheless, you can customize your template (The mobilebuildet_tpl_7_5_7 project in the workspace) the add a default transition into the app module this way :
in ionicTpl/src/app/app.module.ts
Change line
IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {}, deepLinkConfig)
IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {
pageTransition: 'ios-transition'
}, deepLinkConfig)
This way, all page transitions can be set to iOS or Android mode whatever the app runs on.
Do not forget to reload your project (Right click on project->Reload your project) to have the MobileBuilder to regenerate the Ionic project sources and re-execute the app viewer to rebuild the app.
Hope That Helps !

How to remove Tabs feature

I've started my app using ionic start myApp tabs.
Now, I'd like to totally remove tabs from the app.
I tried changing startpage but it doesn't work...
Is there some kind of feature like ionic generate remove... ?
You can't automatically remove pages with ionic CLI,
However, you can start a blank project with
ionic start myApp2 blank

How to add a shortcut to mobile homescreen in Xamarin.Forms?

How can I add a shortcut icon to mobile homescreen in Xamarin.Forms ?
I am a beginner in Xamarin and try to do this.
Currently I don't have attached an Mac for IOS, yet
so what I want is to run only Droid for now
If you deploy your Android application via the Android play store, the shortcut will be added to the home screen automatically.
For iOS, it should get added by default when you install the app.
Add the following attribute to your Activity-class:
[Activity (MainLauncher=true)]
public class MainActivity: FormsApplicationActivity {
// ...
That should be all. For iOS there is no special action required.

When a user launches "new window" in a home screen app

When a user launches "new window" link in a home screen app.
In Mobile Safari this type of action would open a new tab. What happens if the app is on the home screen and has name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable", content="yes" active.
Will the window still technically be in another tab, although you cant get back to the original one - or will it just navigate within the current tab?
First of all, unfortunately method does not work at all.
Instead, a < a href="..". >...< /a > works and by default launches Safari and opens the link in a normal browser window (so, if the user wants to come back to the app, he has to doubleclick the iPad key and switch back to it).
You can force the link to open inside the app (so replacing the current page) with the tricks listed here: iPhone Safari Web App opens links in new window
Hei, I found a brilliant way to have a "" effect in an iOS webapp too!
It loads a page in a Safari tab and has solved my problem, maybe it can be useful to others:
It's also a great way to avoid the popup blocker (the blocker would stop a call but it doesn't stop that method) :-)