How do I add a new Map entry to a Map without overwriting the entire Map? - flutter

In my Firestore database, I have a document with a Map called 'Videos'.
In it, I add another Map into it that includes my video data.
So it looks like this:
Videos (Map) :
2022-Oct-03-14:24 (Map):
Title: Hi
Now what I want to do is, add another Map to the Videos with a different date.
How do I do this in Flutter?
Currently, I am doing:
'Videos': {
'2022-Oct-03-14:55': {
'Title': 'Ok'
But what this does is, it overrides the entire Videos map and assigns this new map I give, so the old Map with the Title Hi gets deleted. How do I insert new maps?

While Alex's answer is correct if you had an array field, you only have map fields. In that case, you can use . notation to updates/write only the nested field:
'Videos.2022-Oct-03-14:55.Title': 'Ok'
Also see the Firebase documentation on updating a field in a nested object.

For adding a new object inside the Videos map, you have two options available. The first one would be to use the . (dot) notation, as #FrankvanPuffelen mentioned in his answer, which will work perfectly fine. This means that it will indeed create the Videos field if it doesn't exist, and it will add the 2022-Oct-03-14:55 subfield inside it if that doesn't exist, and then the Title you put in there. However, since it's an update operation, this solution will work only if the document already exists, otherwise, it will fail.
If you need to create the Videos field inside a document that doesn't already exist, then you should consider using the set() function with merge true. However, this solution doesn't work using the . notation. So for that, I recommend you check my answer in the following post:
Problem with the initial creation of a map structure within a document in firestore
The second solution would be to read the document/map first. It's not mandatory but it will help you check the existence of an existing object. Why, because those objects are maps, and when it comes to maps, if you add a record that has the same key, then it replaces the old value with the new one. So I recommend you have to check that first.
So in order to perform the addition operation, you have to:
Read to read the document.
Get the Videos map in memory.
Check if a video already exists.
Add the new map inside the Videos.
Write the document back to Firestore.
If you'll have a map with the exact same key as a previous key, then the data will be overwritten, meaning that you'll don't see any change in the key, but only in the value if it's different.


Delete specific value from firebase database using swift

Firebase Database
I tried using this bit of code but it doesn't seem to work. I take the name the user selects and store it in nameList.
Lets say I store Blake Wodruff in nameList[0].
How do I remove only that name?
var nameList = [String](repeating: "", count:100)
func remove() {
let usernameRef = Database.database().reference().child("Candidate 1").child("alton").child(nameList[countAddNames]);
To write to or delete a node, you must specify its entire path. So to delete node 0 from your JSON, you'd do:
let usernameRef = Database.database().reference().child("Candidate 1").child("alton").child("0");
Or a bit shorter:
let usernameRef = Database.database().reference().child("Candidate 1/alton/0");
If you only know the name of the user you want to remove, you'll need to first look up its index/full path before you can remove it. If you have the data in your application already, you can do it in that code. Otherwise you may have to use a database query (specifically .queryOrderedByValue and .queryEqualToValue) to determine where the value exists in the database.
Also see: Delete a specific child node in Firebase swift
Once you remove a value from your JSON structure, Firebase may no longer recognize it as an array. For this reason it is highly recommended to not use arrays for the structure that you have. In fact, I'd model your data as a set, which in JSON would look like:
"alton": {
"Jake Jugg": true,
"Blake Wodruff": true,
"Alissa Sanchez": true
This would automatically:
Prevent duplicates, as each name can by definition only appear once.
Make removing a candidate by their name as easy as Database.database().reference().child("Candidate 1/alton/Jake Jugg").removeValue()
For more on this, also see my answer to Firebase query if child of child contains a value

How to get column title for each row entry

I am using a row id to obtain the cells for a single row. However, the response returns the column id but not the title of the column. In an attempt to make the code readable for others it would be helpful to also obtain the column title. I was thinking of doing this by using the column id that is obtained in the getRow function but I am not entirely sure how to catch it. Below is the basic getRow function for reference. I appreciate any assistance. Thank you in advance all.
.then(function(row) {
.catch(function(error) {
My preferred way of addressing this is to dynamically create a column map on my first GET /sheets/{sheetId} request.
Let's say we have a sheet with three columns: Japan, Cat, and Cafe. Here is one way to make a column map.
const columnMap = makeColumnMap(<your sheet data>);
function makeColumnMap(sheetData){
const colMap = {}; column => colMap[column.title] =;
return colMap;
Now, you can reference your specific columns like this: columnMap["Japan"], columnMap["Cat"], and columnMap["Cafe"] or you can use dot notation if you prefer.
Basically, what we're doing is creating a dictionary to map the column titles to the corresponding column id.
Posting this as a separate answer based on your response (and for easier formatting).
I have a couple specific recommendations that will help you.
Try to consolidate your API calls.
I then want to use that columnID to call getColumns(columnId) to obtain the title.
This is 'work' that you don't need to do. A single GET /sheets/{sheetId} will include all the data you need in one call. It's just a matter of parsing the JSON response.
Use this as an opportunity to improve your ability to work with JSON.
I do not know how to catch the columnId once getRow() is called.
The response is a single object with nested arrays and objects. Learning to navigate the JSON in a way that makes sense to you will come in really handy.
I would recommend saving the response from a GET sheet call as it's own JSON file. From there, you can bring it into your script and play with your logic to reference the values you want.

Update string with firebase swift

I am trying to update a string with firebase swift but I am getting an error that I do not know how to get rid of.
I have this code part that is getting an error:
self.dbRef.child("feed-items/\(dataPathen)/likesForPost").updateChildValues("likesForPost": "7")
The error I am getting is expected "," seperator just before the :. I am using dbRef in another code part so I know i works and the dataPathen is being printed just before the above code part, so that is working too.
Can anyone help me with this bug?
Just change
self.dbRef.child("feed-items/\(dataPathen)/likesForPost").updateChildValues("likesForPost": "7")
self.dbRef.child("feed-items/\(dataPathen)/likesForPost").updateChildValues(["likesForPost": "7"])
And if you are only looking for incrementing a particular value at a specific node you might wanna check my answer's :-,
PS Prefer runTransactionBlock: to update properties like likeForPosts as there might be a moment when two users try to like same post at the same moment (Highly Unlikely, but still a possibility...),using updateChildValues might end up just updating like only from one user. But runTransactionBlock: keep firing until the changes of that thread have been committed to the node
updateChildValues accepts [AnyHashable:Any] dictionary:
.updateChildValues(["likesForPost": "7"])
Whenever updating values at any reference in Firebase Database, you need to pass a dictionary parameter for updateChildValues method as [AnyHashable: Any] for your path reference. So just update your code of line as below:
self.dbRef.child("feed-items/(dataPathen)/likesForPost").updateChildValues("likesForPost": "7")
Also if you need to update more than 1 key-value pairs then you can pass those key-value pairs inside dictionary by seperating using comma as below:
self.dbRef.child("feed-items/(dataPathen)/likesForPost").updateChildValues(["likesForPost": "7", "otherKey": "OtherKeyValue"])

Manipulating form input values after submission causes multiple instances

I'm building a form with Yii that updates two models at once.
The form takes the inputs for each model as $modelA and $modelB and then handles them separately as described here
This is all good. The difference I have to the example is that $modelA (documents) has to be saved and its ID retrieved and then $modelB has to be saved including the ID from $model A as they are related.
There's an additional twist that $modelB has a file which needs to be saved.
My action code is as follows:
if(isset($_POST['Documents'], $_POST['DocumentVersions']))
$valid=$modelB->validate() && $valid;
$modelA->save(false); // don't validate as we validated above.
$newdoc = $modelA->primaryKey; // get the ID of the document just created
$modelB->document_id = $newdoc; // set the Document_id of the DocumentVersions to be $newdoc
// todo: set the filename to some long hash
// finish set filename
if($modelB->save()) {
You can see that I push the new values for 'file' and 'document_id' into $modelB. What this all works no problem, but... each time I push one of these values into $modelB I seem to get an new instance of $modelA. So the net result, I get 3 new documents, and 1 new version. The new version is all linked up correctly, but the other two documents are just straight duplicates.
I've tested removing the $modelB update steps, and sure enough, for each one removed a copy of $modelA is removed (or at least the resulting database entry).
I've no idea how to prevent this.
As I put in a comment below, further testing shows the number of instances of $modelA depends on how many times the form has been submitted. Even if other pages/views are accessed in the meantime, if the form is resubmitted within a short period of time, each time I get an extra entry in the database. If this was due to some form of persistence, then I'd expect to get an extra copy of the PREVIOUS model, not multiples of the current one. So I suspect something in the way its saving, like there is some counter that's incrementing, but I've no idea where to look for this, or how to zero it each time.
Some help would be much appreciated.
OK, I had Ajax validation set to true. This was calling the create action and inserting entries. I don't fully get this, or how I could use ajax validation if I really wanted to without this effect, but... at least the two model insert with relationship works.
Thanks for the comments.

Data Processing, how to approach

I have the following Problem, given this XML Datastructure:
<level3ElementTypeB attribute1>
I need to create an Entity which contain: String1Ineed and String2Ineed.
So every time I came across a level3ElementTypeB with a certain value in attribute1, I have my String2Ineed. The ugly part is how to obtain String1Ineed, which is located in the first element of type level2ElementTypeB above the current level2ElementTypeC.
My 'imperative' solution looks like that that I always keep an variable with the last value of String1Ineed and if I hit criteria for String2Ineed, I simply use that. If we look at this from a plain collection processing point of view. How would you model the backtracking logic between String1Ineed and String2Ineed? Using the State Monad?
Isn't this what XPATH is for? You can find String2Ineed and then change the axis to search back for String1Ineed.