Update string with firebase swift - swift

I am trying to update a string with firebase swift but I am getting an error that I do not know how to get rid of.
I have this code part that is getting an error:
self.dbRef.child("feed-items/\(dataPathen)/likesForPost").updateChildValues("likesForPost": "7")
The error I am getting is expected "," seperator just before the :. I am using dbRef in another code part so I know i works and the dataPathen is being printed just before the above code part, so that is working too.
Can anyone help me with this bug?

Just change
self.dbRef.child("feed-items/\(dataPathen)/likesForPost").updateChildValues("likesForPost": "7")
self.dbRef.child("feed-items/\(dataPathen)/likesForPost").updateChildValues(["likesForPost": "7"])
And if you are only looking for incrementing a particular value at a specific node you might wanna check my answer's :- https://stackoverflow.com/a/39465788/6297658, https://stackoverflow.com/a/39471374/6297658
PS Prefer runTransactionBlock: to update properties like likeForPosts as there might be a moment when two users try to like same post at the same moment (Highly Unlikely, but still a possibility...),using updateChildValues might end up just updating like only from one user. But runTransactionBlock: keep firing until the changes of that thread have been committed to the node

updateChildValues accepts [AnyHashable:Any] dictionary:
.updateChildValues(["likesForPost": "7"])

Whenever updating values at any reference in Firebase Database, you need to pass a dictionary parameter for updateChildValues method as [AnyHashable: Any] for your path reference. So just update your code of line as below:
self.dbRef.child("feed-items/(dataPathen)/likesForPost").updateChildValues("likesForPost": "7")
Also if you need to update more than 1 key-value pairs then you can pass those key-value pairs inside dictionary by seperating using comma as below:
self.dbRef.child("feed-items/(dataPathen)/likesForPost").updateChildValues(["likesForPost": "7", "otherKey": "OtherKeyValue"])


Delete specific value from firebase database using swift

Firebase Database
I tried using this bit of code but it doesn't seem to work. I take the name the user selects and store it in nameList.
Lets say I store Blake Wodruff in nameList[0].
How do I remove only that name?
var nameList = [String](repeating: "", count:100)
func remove() {
let usernameRef = Database.database().reference().child("Candidate 1").child("alton").child(nameList[countAddNames]);
To write to or delete a node, you must specify its entire path. So to delete node 0 from your JSON, you'd do:
let usernameRef = Database.database().reference().child("Candidate 1").child("alton").child("0");
Or a bit shorter:
let usernameRef = Database.database().reference().child("Candidate 1/alton/0");
If you only know the name of the user you want to remove, you'll need to first look up its index/full path before you can remove it. If you have the data in your application already, you can do it in that code. Otherwise you may have to use a database query (specifically .queryOrderedByValue and .queryEqualToValue) to determine where the value exists in the database.
Also see: Delete a specific child node in Firebase swift
Once you remove a value from your JSON structure, Firebase may no longer recognize it as an array. For this reason it is highly recommended to not use arrays for the structure that you have. In fact, I'd model your data as a set, which in JSON would look like:
"alton": {
"Jake Jugg": true,
"Blake Wodruff": true,
"Alissa Sanchez": true
This would automatically:
Prevent duplicates, as each name can by definition only appear once.
Make removing a candidate by their name as easy as Database.database().reference().child("Candidate 1/alton/Jake Jugg").removeValue()
For more on this, also see my answer to Firebase query if child of child contains a value

Swift string with key-value, is this format standard ? How can I get it as a dictionary?

I work with an array of string, each string var is a coded object.
I want to decode the object, when I print a string var I get something structured like that :
"firstName=\"Elliot\" lastName=\"Alderson\" gender=\"male\" age=\"33\",some description I also need to get"
Is that a standard format to store key value properties ? I can't find anything on internet. The keys are always the same so that's not a big deal to get theses values as a dictionary but I would like to know if there is like a best practice method to get theses data instead of just searching for each key and then reach value from the first quote to the second one (for each value)
Because my file is 30000 lines so I better choose the more optimized way.
Thanks !

Data factory lookup (dot) in the item() name

I am having lookup wherein salesforce query is there. I am using elements (item()) in subsequent activities. Till now i had item().name or item().email but now i have item().NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__r.FirstName which has (dot) in the field name.
How should i parse it through body tag so that it reads it correctly?
So I have the following data in item()
"NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__c": "00QE000egrtgrAK",
"NVMStatsSF__Agent__r.Name": "ABC",
"NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__r.Email": "geggegg#gmail.com",
"NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__r.FirstName": "ABC",
"NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__r.OwnerId": "0025434535IIAW"
now when i use item().NVMStatsSF__Agent__r.Name it will not parse because of (dot) after NVMStatsSF__Agent__r. And it is giving me the following error.
'item().NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__r.Email' cannot be evaluated because property 'NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__r' doesn't exist, available properties are 'NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__c, NVMStatsSF__Agent__r.Name, NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__r.Email, NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__r.FirstName, NVMStatsSF__Related_Lead__r.OwnerId'.",
"failureType": "UserError",
"target": "WebActivityToAddPerson"
this is because ADF uses '.' for object reading.
Could you find a way to rename the field name which contains '.'?
Seems like you need a built-in function to get the value of an object according to the key. Like getValue(item(), 'key.nestkey'). But unfortunately, seems there isn't such a function. You may need handle your key first.
Finally, it worked. I was being silly.
Instead of taking the value from the child table with the help of (dot) operator I just used subquery. Silly see.
And it worked.

Retrieve user's data with only the user's objectId - Parse & Swift

I am a beginner with swift and parse, but I am to make an App in which I have to retrieve a user's First Name and post it in a tableView. The thing is that I can't find a way to retrieve the user's First Name with only the user's objectId. I found this on the website during my research but it does not seemed to be what I want to do. I have also tried to do :
userNameLabel.text = (interest.user!["FirstName"] as! String)
I get the error : 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Key "FirstName" has no data. Call fetchIfNeeded before getting its value.'
I guess the problem is because it thinks it is a PFObject and therefore does not see it as a String (??)
Anyway does someone have an idea on how I can retrieve my user ("interest.user") First Name ?
Thank you for your time.
Since your user object is a pointer, when you run your query you need to tell Parse to include any extra information that's not part of that class. In this case, since it's a pointer, you need to do query.includeKey("user") or whatever the name of the column is that points to your user class.

Get statuscode text in C#

I'm using a plugin and want to perform an action based on the records statuscode value. I've seen online that you can use entity.FormattedValues["statuscode"] to get values from option sets but when try it I get an error saying "The given key was not present in the dictionary".
I know this can happen when the plugin cant find the change for the field you're looking for, but i've already checked that this does exist using entity.Contains("statuscode") and it passes by that fine but still hits this error.
Can anyone help me figure out why its failing?
I've not seen the entity.FormattedValues before.
I usually use the entity.Attributes, e.g. entity.Attributes["statuscode"].
Crm wraps many of the values in objects which hold additional information, in this case statuscode uses the OptionSetValue, so to get the value you need to:
This will return a number, as this is the underlying value in Crm.
If you open up the customisation options in Crm, you will usually (some system fields are locked down) be able to see the label and value for each option.
If you need the label, you could either do some hardcoding based on the information in Crm.
Or you could retrieve it from the metadata services as described here.
To avoid your error, you need to check the collection you wish to use (rather than the Attributes collection):
if (entity.FormattedValues.Contains("statuscode")){
var myStatusCode = entity.FormattedValues["statuscode"];
However although the SDK fails to confirm this, I suspect that FormattedValues are only ever present for numeric or currency attributes. (Part-speculation on my part though).
entity.FormattedValues work only for string display value.
For example you have an optionset with display names as 1, 2, 3,
The above statement do not recognize these values because those are integers. If You have seen the exact defintion of formatted values in the below link
you will find this statement is valid for only string display values. If you try to use this statement with Integer values it will throw key not found in dictionary exception.
So try to avoid this statement for retrieving integer display name optionset in your code.
Try this
string Title = (bool)entity.Attributes.Contains("title") ? entity.FormattedValues["title"].ToString() : "";
When you are talking about Option set, you have value and label. What this will give you is the label. '?' will make sure that the null value is never passed.