Acceleo - 'package with uri "*" not found' when using a custom profile - eclipse

I have a custom UML profile "cml" and a UML/SysML model. The model uses some stereotypes from the profile.
When I try to run Acceleo on the model with a run configuration I get the error:
Package with uri 'http:///schemas/cml/_8uQ2IDRKEe2sA6YbWhD_tQ/10' not found.
I tried converting the profile to a plugin and it works and is recognized as a registered package when creating a new UML model, but not with Acceleo.
The only solution I've seen mentioned is to manually register the package in registerPackages():
I don't think this is necessary since everything is right here in the workspace
I tried converting the .uml file to .ecore to get a .genmodel but I get too many warnings and errors when the UML profile elements are converted to ecore
I assume this will also lead to loss of information when converting from UML to Ecore
If I have a single monolithic model everything works fine. As soon as I use a profile I can't get past the package not found issue. What else can I do?


Reference between two ecore

I have A.ecore in which I created classes and ORBAC.ecore in which there is rules and permissions classes
How can I make a reference so that a class from A.ecore can refer to class permission from ORBAC.ecore
Using the Ecore editor, open A.ecore
then right click, Load Resource...
you will have the possibility to load ORBAC.ecore (Browse Target Platform package, Registered Packages, File system or Workspace)
Once loaded, you'll be free to make references to classes defined in ORBAC.ecore.
Please note that the whay you load the additional resource may have some impacts when deploying your metamodels (and containing plugins). This is because Eclipse will use different URI scheme. (platform:/resource/..., platform:/plugin/..., registered nsUri, ...)

.NET ETW - Manifest file not generated

doing logging component using .NET 4.5
working to log into event log, using ETW
4.5 did include ETW framework into System.Diagnostic.Tracing.*
however samples and external project lead to install Microsft.Diagnostic.Tracing.*
it's really confusing. But for testing purposes, I'm sticking to Microsoft.*
RegisterEvent tool is installed, and attached to the class library containing the custom EventSource, build is good, but I can't see the manifest file (.man) being generated
I'm lost. afaik, I need that .man for manual registration, only then event log will spew out my magic
my custom EventSource is named exactly "EventSource", need to rename to something else like "OMGEventSource"
while trying to fix the initial issue, I switched to using System.Diagnostic.Tracing
however, it's Event class doesn't have Channel property, which is needed by the RegisterEvent tool to generate the man file
have to switch back to use Microsoft.*
in short, forget about System.Diagnostic.Tracing, just stick to Microsoft.*

add scaffolded item wizard cannot resolve data model class

I'm trying to create new Scaffolded item for simple ASP.NET Wep API application which should be based on domain object class and DbContext derivative in separate assembly. The assembly is in the solution, target app has a reference to it (and manually created code which invokes the classes from my lib is build up without any errors) and, obviously, the classes I've mentioned have access modifier public.
The problem is wizard for creating new scaffolded item cannot see my model classes. (By the way, when the model classes were in another ASP.NET MVC5 app the wizard worked well.) I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Update5.
How to fix this? Any workaround would be helpful too!
Sorry for disturbing.
the origin of the problem seems to be that I've move my data model classes from ASP.NET MVC app into my class library in wrong way.
I've not just cut/paste them, but copy-paste, cut-paste (confirmed replacement).
this is the only thing which could cause the problem (although I still don't know the details).
Never the less I've started from the beginning again and cut/past the data model files initially - everything seems to work fine now.

How to create view via fragment that is linked to applicatio model eclipse plugin

Using application.e4xmi, I want to create view via fragments using this application model. Could you please tell me the step by step procedure.
what i have tried is, i have created one fragment in the one plugin application. in that i have given application id after that i have created part stack and after that created part. Here i have given class URI is my view class(path of view class in the viewplugin project). But without that view plugin in the runconfigurations, i am unable to see view part.
As far as I understand your question, you wish to have a plugin containing a model fragment which contributes to an application model located in another plugin, and the problem is that a (View-)Part you tried to contribute that way doesn't show in the application window. I hope I didn't get you wrong there and I will assume that the error is not just that the plugin with the model fragment is not included in the run configurations... (?)
You can find a useful tutorial in Lars Vogel's webpages. However, as the various requirements may be confusing, I will summarize the process for potential future readers.
You might have set a wrong Element ID and/or Featurename for your Part.
Your question implies that you maybe tried to implement a Part model element as a ViewPart, when in E4, there is no longer any interface for a (View) Part to implement, so maybe try creating the Part controls in a #PostConstruct-annotated method instead.
Another possible reason for your contributed Part not showing up is the plugin providing the model fragment not having the correct settings for the bundle options SymbolicName and/or ActivationPolicy ('Plug-in is singleton' and 'Activate when class is loaded').
In order to have an application model to contribute to, we first need an Eclipse4 application project. Create one by selecting File -> New -> Other from the Eclipse main menu. Choose the wizard Eclipse 4 Application Project in the Eclipse 4 category. Name your project as you wish, choose Equinox as OSGI framework, and check the Generate an Activator... option. The newly created project will contain a file Application.e4xmi (your application model) and a *.product file (product definition). Open the latter in and make sure org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.swt.E4Application is set as Application in the Overview tab.
Open Application.e4xmi and append a Part Stack somewhere in the model tree, as you probably have already done anyways.
Model fragment
Create a new plugin for the model fragment. Letting it have an Activator class won't harm. It is important, however, that the options Activate this plug-in when one of its classes is loaded and This plug-in is a singleton are both checked in the Overview tab of its plugin.xml editor. Next, create a model fragment with New -> Other... -> Eclipse 4 -> Model -> New Model Fragment in the plugin's Package Explorer context menu. The wizard will automatically create an extension of org.bbaw.bts.ui.pdr.fragment specifying your model fragment file. The plugin's dependencies should include:
Open the model fragment file (fragment.e4xmi by default) and attach a Model Fragment to the Model Fragments node. Your new Model Fragment element needs to specify both an Element ID and a Featurename in order to correctly address the Application Model's element that you want to contribute to. Thus, copy the ID of the Part Stack previously created in the Application Model into the Element ID field of the Model Fragment you've just created. In the Featurename field, type children, as this is the Part stack's attribute we want to contribute to. Then, append a Part to the Model Fragment element and specify the Class URI of the Part's implementation. This class is basically a POJO, no implementation of ViewPart is necessary! It creates its GUI in a method annotated with the #PostConstruct annotation, e.g.
public final void createComposite(final Composite parent)
That should be it. When running the application project's product, the Part should appear like expected (given the plugin containing that Part is included in the run configuration...).

FacebookSDK - AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers Problem

I'm using the latest version of the FacebookSDK (4.0.2) (
And I noticed the Src code is made up of several projects namely:
Samples -> Facebook.Samples.AspWebsite Project
Samples -> Facebook.Samples.MvcFacebookApp Project
Samples -> Facebook.Samples.MvcWebsite Project
Tests -> Facebook.Tests
Tests -> Facebook.Web.Tests
Facebook Project
Facebook.Web Project
Facebook.Web.Mvc Project
Okay, so I am building a Facebook Canvas .Net 4.0 MVC 2 application and am simply using the Facebook.Samples.MvcFacebookApp Project and replacing and adding classes and files as I see fit for my situation. However I have come to the point where my site will be running on a Microsoft Azure cloud and I want to abstract the data layer (database) into it's Project. So I went ahead and created a new Project in the solution called BusinessData and added an EntityDataModel to it, so now the solution looks like this:
Samples -> Facebook.Samples ...
Tests -> Facebook.Tests ...
Facebook Project
Facebook.Web Project
Facebook.Web.Mvc Project
BusinessData Project
-> Business.edmx
Great so now I add a reference to the BusinessData Project to my Facebook.Samples.MvcFacebookApp Project and try and access my database. However I get this error in my TrackUserAttribute.cs class in the Facebook.Samples.MvcFacebookApp Project:
System.MethodAccessException occurred
Message=Attempt by security transparent method 'Facebook.Samples.MvcFacebookApp.Models.TrackUserAttribute..ctor()' to access security critical method 'BusinessData.BusinessEntities..ctor()' failed.
Assembly 'Facebook.Samples.MvcFacebookApp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is marked with the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute, and uses the level 2 security transparency model. Level 2 transparency causes all methods in AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers assemblies to become security transparent by default, which may be the cause of this exception.
at Facebook.Samples.MvcFacebookApp.Models.TrackUserAttribute..ctor() in C:\Users\rkara\Desktop\FacebookPazooza\ThuziFacebookSDK\Source\Src\Facebook.Samples.MvcFacebookApp\Models\TrackUserAttribute.cs:line 13
After some uneventful research and not being fully understood about CAS Policy and how that has evolved with ASP.Net 4.0 my understanding is that the GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs file contained within all of the projects of the FacebookSDK solution has something to do with it.
This line of code in the GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs file:
[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]
seems to be the culprit. According to this Microsoft expert:
BusinessData has SecurityCritical level privileges. My class TrackUserAttribute.cs only has SecurityTransparent, so therefore cannot does not have privileges to invoke methods in the BusinessData assembly. Is this correct?
I've tried all sorts of things to get this thing to work even removing [assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers] from the GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs file, but I get another problem with the .edmx file itself saying it can't load the metadata, so I assume it still has something to do with full trust privileges etc.
I am sure there is a simple answer to this and am sure the guys who developed this SDK wrapper would have consider the fact that people will be extending their SDK to suit individual needs.
What is the best approach for me to ensure abstraction of my data and anything else I want to abstract without having to tie it into the projects provided?
For now and to continue with development and not be tied up in this for too long I've just stored my entity model (edmx) into the models folder of the Facebook.Samples.MvcFacebookApp. This works for now but I would much rather store the edmx in its own project.
Ok so after I left that problem and moved onto installing log4net as a event logger for my application I came across this site:
Essentially I wanted to convert log4net to 4.0 rather than 1.0/2.0 that it was originally written in. Then after reading through this guys instructions on how he got the old log4net code to work in 4.0 the aha! moment came. Essentially all he needed to do was to put this attribute into his AssemblyInfo.cs file:
[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]
So I did the same for my BusinessData project and updated the AssemblyInfo.cs file there, and hey presto it worked!
After some deep contemplation I figured that what this did was allow my Facebook.Samples.MvcFacebookApp partial privileges to call a SecurityCritical assembly including those objects contained within it. Thus I could go ahead now and call my edmx (EntityDataModel) in this assembly from the Mvc application.
The second fix and is not fully known why this is necessary but it fixes the problem is to copy the connection string from the App.config file to the Web.config file in the Mvc application. For some reason the edmx seemed to try to read from the web.config instead of the App.config for the connection string. So now I have the same connection string in the App.config and Web.config file.
Meh! it works and I'm happy ... moving on!