Reference between two ecore - eclipse

I have A.ecore in which I created classes and ORBAC.ecore in which there is rules and permissions classes
How can I make a reference so that a class from A.ecore can refer to class permission from ORBAC.ecore

Using the Ecore editor, open A.ecore
then right click, Load Resource...
you will have the possibility to load ORBAC.ecore (Browse Target Platform package, Registered Packages, File system or Workspace)
Once loaded, you'll be free to make references to classes defined in ORBAC.ecore.
Please note that the whay you load the additional resource may have some impacts when deploying your metamodels (and containing plugins). This is because Eclipse will use different URI scheme. (platform:/resource/..., platform:/plugin/..., registered nsUri, ...)


How to distinguish wizards in Eclipse RCP?

We have an Eclipse IDE application on 3.x that uses various newWizards to allow the user to create different files. Although these files differ slightly contentwise, the structure of the wizards is quite similar.
Thus, a sound object-oriented approach would be to instantiate different wizards from the same class and initialize them with different data.
To decide what wizard needs which data we need a way to distinguish the different already instantiated wizards (e.g during the call to the init method of the wizard).
Is there any way to do so? It would e.g. help if somebody knows a way to get the wizard's id defined in the extension point from within the instantiated wizard.
If your wizard implements IExecutableExtension, it will be passed the configuration element that represents the extension for which it is created.
You can also use extension factories in that you specify a type that implements IExecutableExtensionFactory.
The interface allows you to control how the instances provided to extension-points (wizards in your case) are created.
Extension example:
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.wizards">
Note that the extension factory may also implement IExecutableExtension to gain access to extension attributes before creating the extension's executable class.

ember-cli#0.2.0 component templates in an addon

I'm wondering what the convention to use is when creating a component inside an addon project... If I generate a component in my addon project using ember-cli#0.2.0, the blueprint will create a js file in addon/components, a template in addon/templates/components, and a js file in app/components. The part I'm not real clear about is where templates should live for these components. If my component template requires a partial, I need to put the partial template in the app/templates directory. If it lives in the addon/templates directory, it can't be resolved. So the question is this: Is it best to put all the templates (the component template and the partials) in the app/templates directory or leave the component template in the addon/templates/components directory and the partial in the app/templates directory? The latter feels slightly disorganized and the former seems more correct only because of the behavior of the blueprint. Anyone have any insight?
Thanks in advance.
Ember-cli is under heavy development so a lot of the file structure is likely to change soon, but here on some insights on the current state of the folder structure and why it is arranged the way it is:
The app/ folder is what gets directly imported into your application. Helpers are pulled from here, which is why you have to have a file for each of your components in this folder. Additionally templates will get pulled from the main application here, and as such they will be accessible in the ways that templates are normally accessible in an ember app (render, partial, and standard resolution).
Some people choose to place all of their components code in app/, but this is a bad idea because the addon/ folder exists not only as a separation of your addons code, but as a way for it to be imported using ES6 imports. So, while you can't directly access the components under addon/components/, you can import them into your application like so:
import SomeComponent from 'some-addon/components/some-component'
This is very useful for addon consumers if they want to extend an addon to add some functionality.
Templates in addon get precompiled in the build tree, which makes addons a bit more robust (for instance if they are using a different version of htmlbars they will still be compatible with the base app). However, they are not accessible via the resolver, so you have to import them manually in your addon's components, which is why the blueprint for addon components looks like the following:
import Ember from 'ember';
import layout from '../templates/components/some-component';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
layout: layout
Styles for addons can either be placed in addon/styles/ or app/styles/. In addon/styles/ they are also precompiled and included in the application by default. I highly recommend including styles in app/styles because this makes them accessible using preprocessor imports in the base application:
#import some-addon/main.css
This makes them completely optional to users of the addon, without resorting to app.import and config trickery (which is good because nested addons _do not support app.import. Don't use it.)
NOTE: They are not automatically namespaced, so you should put your styles in a folder to make sure they aren't conflicting with other addons styles.
In summary:
Any addon code that does not need to be directly accessible by the base app via helpers, initializers, etc. Should live in addon/
Anything you want to be accessible by ES6 imports should live in addon/
Templates should live in addon/templates/ and be imported manually
Component stubs, initializers, and other files that should be included in the standard Ember build chain should live in app/
Styles should live in app/styles/ and should be namespaced in a folder (e.g. app/styles/some-addon/)
Don't use app.import.

ATG browser components is not available

I want to create new companent in ATG. And if I forward to Browser Companent page, then I have 404 error. How I can fix this?
I assume that you have created a new component by creating a .properties file. The things to look for are
Is the file in an appropriate config layer? i.e. is it in a location on the configpath, such as the config directory of a module, or the localconfig directory of a server, where the application expects to look for .properties files?
Is the file a valid .properties file and properly formatted?
Is the class mentioned in the $class property correct, valid and fully qualified (package name and class name)
Has the named class been compiled successfully?
Is the named class available on the classpath? i.e. is it in the classes.jar of a module or in the classes directory (if that is how the module's class path has been defined?
Is the class a valid JavaBean - particularly, does it have a no-argument constructor?
Have you compiled, built and assembled your ATG application since creating this new component?
Have you restarted your ATG application since creating this new component?
Assuming this is all correct and yet you still cannot see your component, the next step is to troubleshoot why it is not visible.
Is the path to your component you are using in the dyn/admin component browser correct?
If the path is correct, and you still see an error in the browser, then take a look at the server logs (for around the time you first tried to access the component) - you might see an error or a sequence of errors telling you why the server could not instantiate the component
Can you go to the containing folder and see if the component is listed there - though it is OK if you cannot because it may not have been started if nothing is referencing it
Can you see your component in the ACC. Start the ACC, and go to View Components by Path and navigate to were you think your component should be. Can you see it there? If so, it means that your properties file is OK.
In the ACC, When you click on the puzzle-piece icon that represents your component, does it show it as being an instance of your class or as an instance of Object. If Object, it means that it cannot determine the class of the component
In the ACC, double-click the component and try to start it. Keep looking at the server logs as you do so
This should help you get to the bottom of things.

How do I create an importable module in Swift?

I have read through Apple's documentation for Swift and can find nothing about how to create modules or how to define class or stucture members as private or public.
There are references to the import statement in the syntax but I can find no information on what it does or how to use it.
Does anyone know where I can find this?
In Swift, "Modules" refers to Frameworks. Xcode now has a template for creating a framework project for both iOS and OS X.
There is currently no way to declare methods or properties public / protected. If you would like to see this added as a feature, you can make a feature request on Apple's bug reporter. It should also be noted that Apple has stated that the language could change with each release of Xcode, so it is possible that member access levels could be added before the public release.
Also, there is a way to make a module by yourself, but it's a bit harder way.
If you'll look at xcrun swift -help you may see a few options, and there are -emit-module, -emit-library and -emit-object which might be useful, but, probably, you should prefer official way and distribute modules via Frameworks.
If you still want to make module on your own, you can read this guide with some explanation
Apple mentioned that private methods don't exist yet but they are in the process of being implemented. Remember that this is a newborn language and it is still being build up.
You can modularize a swift project using frameworks.
We modularize by creating separate framework projects for each module and link them via Xcode workspace. It looks more natural when we separate the components into different projects & it also makes sure that there is only a one-way communication between modules. Developers can work/test on isolation without thinking much about other modules.
By default classes/structs/etc created within a framework will have an internal access control type so it is only visible within the modules. In order to make it visible outside the module, you can make it public.
More info on access controll level here
The latest Xcode 6 beta update (beta 4) bring access control to swift
Swift Enables Access Control
Swift access control has three access levels:
private entities can only be accessed from within the source file where they are defined.
internal entities can be accessed anywhere within the target where they are defined.!
public entities can be accessed from anywhere within the target and from any other context that imports the current target’s module.
Swift 4.0
Description from the chapter "Access Control" in the Apple book "The Swift Programming Language (Swift 4 Edition)"
Swift provides five different access levels for entities within your code. These access levels are relative to the source file in which an entity is defined, and also relative to the module that source file belongs to.
open access and public access enable entities to be used within any source file from their defining module, and also in a source file from another module that imports the defining module. You typically use open or public access when specifying the public interface to a framework. The difference between open and from another module that imports the defining module. You typically use open or public access when specifying the public interface to a framework.
internal access enables entities to be used within any source file from their defining module, but not in any source file outside of that module. You typically use internal access when defining an app’s or a framework’s internal structure.
fileprivate access restricts the use of an entity to its own defining source file. Use file-private access to hide the implementation details of a specific piece of functionality when those details are used within an entire file.
private access restricts the use of an entity to the enclosing declaration, and to extensions of that declaration that are in the same file. Use private access to hide the implementation details of a specific piece of functionality when those details are used only within a single declaration.”

Specifying other Path to ResourceBundle / i18n for Vaadin

Is it possible to specify another path than the classpath for the properties files of Vaadin MVP plugin?
My main objective is to try to decouple these properties files at e.g. live deployment of the product being developed.
The plugin uses ResourceBundle.getBundle(baseName, locale) internally in the ResourceBundleUiMessageSource class. This means that it only looks at the class path and you cannot specify arbitrary locations externally.
However, all source code is included with the plugin, so you can extend it to use PropertyResourceBundle. See this question for more details.