swift using map to convert from array to dictionary - swift

#Published private var rates = Dictionary<String, Double>()
This works
for e in res.rates {
self.rates[e.currencySymbol] = e.rate
This is returning 0 elements
let _ = res.rates.reduce(into: self.rates){ $0[$1.currencySymbol] = $1.rate }
What am I doing wrong?

You are getting an empty dictionary because you haven't used the result of reduce(into:_:), you need to use the result of it and set it to your rates dictionary.
self.rates = res.rates.reduce(into: self.rates) { $0[$1.currencySymbol] = $1.rate }
You are thinking that when you pass self.rates reduce will use it to fill the result but it is just the initial result, so you can even set empty dictionary [:].
self.rates = res.rates.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.currencySymbol] = $1.rate }


Swift: How to keep updating a Dictionary inside another Dictionary correctly?

This is a little hard to explain, but I'll try my best. I am trying to update a Dictionary inside another Dictionary properly. The following code almost does what I need.
var dictionary = Dictionary<String, [Int : Int]>()
func handleStatsValue(tag: Int ) {
let currentValue: Int = dictionary["Score"]?[tag] ?? 0
dictionary["Score"] = [
tag : currentValue + 1
However, it seems the dictionary is overridden when the tag value changes (e.g. 1 to 2). I need Dictionary to have multiple dictionaries inside of it. Any tips or suggestions are deeply appreciated.
Edit: I'm trying to have multiple dictionaries nested inside a dictionary. It seems whenever the tag value is changed, the dictionary is overridden.
One way to write this would be:
func handleStatsValue(tag: Int) {
dictionary["Score", default: [:]][tag, default: 0] += 1
or, written without [_:default:]
func handleStatsValue(tag: Int) {
var scoreDictionary = dictionary["Score"] ?? [:]
scoreDictionary[tag] = (scoreDictionary[tag] ?? 0) + 1
dictionary["Score"] = scoreDictionary
However, it's not a good idea to use nested dictionaries to keep your data. Use a custom struct instead and try to avoid tags too:
struct DataModel {
var score: [Int: Int] = [:]
I think you need something like this to either increase the value for an existing tag or add a new tag if it doesn't exist
func handleStatsValue(tag: Int ) {
if var innerDict = dictionary["Score"] {
if let value = innerDict[tag] {
innerDict[tag] = value + 1
} else {
innerDict[tag] = 1
dictionary["Score"] = innerDict
Although the code looks a bit strange with the hardcoded key "Score", maybe it would be better to have multiple simple dictionaries instead, like
var score: [Int, Int]()
or if you prefer
var score = Dictionary<Int, Int>()

Swift dictionary, a key with multiple values

I would like to know how I can make a key of a dictionary have multiple values according to the data that comes to it.
Attached basic example:
var temp = [String: String] ()
temp ["dinningRoom"] = "Table"
temp ["dinningRoom"] = "Chair"
In this case, I always return "Chair", the last one I add, and I need to return all the items that I am adding on the same key.
In this case, the "dinningRoom" key should have two items that are "Table" and "Chair".
You can use Swift Tuples for such scenarios.
//Define you tuple with some name and attribute type
typealias MutipleValue = (firstObject: String, secondObject: String)
var dictionary = [String: MutipleValue]()
dictionary["diningRoom"] = MutipleValue(firstObject: "Chair", secondObject: "Table")
var value = dictionary["diningRoom"]
You can declare a dictionary whose value is an array and this can contain the data you want, for example:
var temp = [String: [String]]()
temp["dinningRoom"] = ["Table", "Chair", "Bottle"]
If you want to add a new element you can do it this way:
if temp["dinningRoom"] != nil {
} else {
temp["dinningRoom"] = ["Flower"]
Now temp["dinningRoom"] contains ["Table", "Chair", "Bottle", "Flower"]
Use Dictionary like this:
var temp = [String: Any]()
temp["dinningRoom"] = ["Table", "Chair"]
If you want to fetch all the elements from dinningRoom. You can use this:
let dinningRoomArray = temp["dinningRoom"] as? [String]
for room in dinningRoomArray{
It is not compiled code but I mean to say that we can use Any as value instead of String or array of String. When you cast it from Any to [String]
using as? the app can handle the nil value.

How to extract a subset of a swift 3 Dictionary

I've looked through the methods here but I can't quite find what I'm looking for. I'm new-ish to Swift. I would like to extract a subset from a Dictionary based on a Set of key values, preferably without a loop.
For example, if my key Set is of type Set<String> and I have a Dictionary of type Dictionary<String, CustomObject>, I would like to create a new Dictionary of type Dictionary<String, CustomObject> that contains only the key-value pairs associated with the keys in the Set of Strings.
I can see that I could do this with for loop, by initializing a new Dictionary<String, CustomObj>(), checking if the original Dictionary contains a value at each String in the set, and adding key-value pairs to the new Dictionary. I am wondering if there is a more efficient/elegant way to do this however.
I'd be open to finding the subset with an Array of Strings instead of a Set if there is a better way to do it with an Array of keys.
Many thanks!
Swift 5 - You can do this very simply:
let subsetDict = originalDict.filter({ mySet.contains($0.key)})
The result is a new dictionary with the same type as the original but which only contains the key-value pairs corresponding to the keys in mySet.
Your assumption is correct, there is a more concise/swift-ish way to accomplish what you need.
For example you can do it via reduce, a functional programming concept available in Swift:
let subDict = originalDict.reduce([String: CustomObject]()) {
guard mySet.contains($1.key) else { return $0 }
var d = $0
d[$1.key] = $1.value
return d
Or, in two steps, first filtering the valid elements, and then constructing back the dictionary with the filtered elements:
let filteredDict = originalDict.filter { mySet.contains($0.key) }
.reduce([CustomObject]()){ var d = $0; d[$1.key]=$1.value; return d }
forEach can also be used to construct the filtered dictionary:
var filteredDict = [CustomObject]()
mySet.forEach { filteredDict[$0] = originalDict[$0] }
, however the result would be good it it would be immutable:
let filteredDict: [String:CustomObject] = {
var result = [String:CustomObject]()
mySet.forEach { filteredDict2[$0] = originalDict[$0] }
return result
Dummy type:
struct CustomObject {
let foo: Int
init(_ foo: Int) { self.foo = foo }
In case you'd like to mutate the original dictionary (instead of creating a new one) in an "intersect" manner, based on a given set of keys:
let keySet = Set(["foo", "baz"])
var dict = ["foo": CustomObject(1), "bar": CustomObject(2),
"baz": CustomObject(3), "bax": CustomObject(4)]
Set(dict.keys).subtracting(keySet).forEach { dict.removeValue(forKey: $0) }
print(dict) // ["foo": CustomObject(foo: 1), "baz": CustomObject(foo: 3)]

Assign string to Dictionary

I have this one:
var str:[String] = ["John:Computer Engineer","Melinda:Saler"]
and i want to assign to that
var myDictVal:[String:String]?
Doing some operation. After done, the value of myDictVal will be:
myDictVal = ["John":"Computer" , "Melinda":"Saler"]
how I can assign string array to Dictionary variable?
Sorry for my english. Typing on my iphone.
The following will work, although you probably should add some sort of validation to make sure your strings have the proper format, especially if you're getting them from user input.
var stringArray:[String] = ["John:Computer Engineer", "Melinda:Saler"]
var myDictVal:[String:String] = Dictionary<String, String>()
for item in stringArray {
var myArray = item.componentsSeparatedByString(":")
var name:String = myArray[0]
var title:String = myArray[1]
myDictVal[name] = title
There are many ways of doing that - the solution I would choose is:
loop through all array elements, split each element by :, and create an array of (key, value) tuples
loop through all tuples, add to the dictionary
var res = str.map { (element: String) -> (key: String, value: String) in
var components = element.componentsSeparatedByString(":")
return (key: components[0], value: components[1])
for (key, value) in res {
myDictVal?[key] = value
Note that this version can throw a runtime exception if any of the array elements doesn't have the key:value format.

Nested Swift Dictionaries

I want to initialize a dictionary with a dictionary nested inside like this:
var a = [Int:[Int:Float]]()
a[1][2] = 12
But I get an error:
(Int:[Int:Float]) does not have a member named 'subscript'
I've hacked at a variety of other approaches, all of them running into some kind of issue.
Any idea why this doesn't work?
You can create your own 2D dictionary like this:
struct Dict2D<X:Hashable,Y:Hashable,V> {
var values = [X:[Y:V]]()
subscript (x:X, y:Y)->V? {
get { return values[x]?[y] }
set {
if values[x] == nil {
values[x] = [Y:V]()
values[x]![y] = newValue
var a = Dict2D<Int,Int,Float>()
a[1,2] = 12
println(a[1,2]) // Optional(12.0)
println(a[0,2]) // nil
The point is you access the element via a[x,y] instead of a[x][y] or a[x]?[y].
It's giving you that error because your first subscript returns an optional so it may return a dictionary or nil. In the case that it returns nil the second subscript would be invalid. You can force it to unwrap the optional value by using an exlamation point.
var a = [1 : [ 2: 3.14]]
If you aren't positive that a[1] is non-nil you may want to safely unwrap with a question mark instead.
var a = [1 : [ 2: 3.14]]
You can also assign using this method. (As of Beta 5)
var a = [Int:[Int:Float]]()
a[1] = [Int: Float]()
a[1]?[2] = 12.0
a[1]?[2] //12.0
Another way to do it is with an extension to the standard dictionary:
extension Dictionary {
mutating func updateValueForKey(key: Key, updater: ((previousValue: Value?) -> Value)) {
let previousValue = self[key]
self[key] = updater(previousValue: previousValue)
var a = [Int:[Int:Float]]()
a.updateValueForKey(1) { nestedDict in
var nestedDict = nestedDict ?? [Int:Float]()
nestedDict[2] = 12
return nestedDict