Assign string to Dictionary - swift

I have this one:
var str:[String] = ["John:Computer Engineer","Melinda:Saler"]
and i want to assign to that
var myDictVal:[String:String]?
Doing some operation. After done, the value of myDictVal will be:
myDictVal = ["John":"Computer" , "Melinda":"Saler"]
how I can assign string array to Dictionary variable?
Sorry for my english. Typing on my iphone.

The following will work, although you probably should add some sort of validation to make sure your strings have the proper format, especially if you're getting them from user input.
var stringArray:[String] = ["John:Computer Engineer", "Melinda:Saler"]
var myDictVal:[String:String] = Dictionary<String, String>()
for item in stringArray {
var myArray = item.componentsSeparatedByString(":")
var name:String = myArray[0]
var title:String = myArray[1]
myDictVal[name] = title

There are many ways of doing that - the solution I would choose is:
loop through all array elements, split each element by :, and create an array of (key, value) tuples
loop through all tuples, add to the dictionary
var res = { (element: String) -> (key: String, value: String) in
var components = element.componentsSeparatedByString(":")
return (key: components[0], value: components[1])
for (key, value) in res {
myDictVal?[key] = value
Note that this version can throw a runtime exception if any of the array elements doesn't have the key:value format.


Swift dictionary, a key with multiple values

I would like to know how I can make a key of a dictionary have multiple values according to the data that comes to it.
Attached basic example:
var temp = [String: String] ()
temp ["dinningRoom"] = "Table"
temp ["dinningRoom"] = "Chair"
In this case, I always return "Chair", the last one I add, and I need to return all the items that I am adding on the same key.
In this case, the "dinningRoom" key should have two items that are "Table" and "Chair".
You can use Swift Tuples for such scenarios.
//Define you tuple with some name and attribute type
typealias MutipleValue = (firstObject: String, secondObject: String)
var dictionary = [String: MutipleValue]()
dictionary["diningRoom"] = MutipleValue(firstObject: "Chair", secondObject: "Table")
var value = dictionary["diningRoom"]
You can declare a dictionary whose value is an array and this can contain the data you want, for example:
var temp = [String: [String]]()
temp["dinningRoom"] = ["Table", "Chair", "Bottle"]
If you want to add a new element you can do it this way:
if temp["dinningRoom"] != nil {
} else {
temp["dinningRoom"] = ["Flower"]
Now temp["dinningRoom"] contains ["Table", "Chair", "Bottle", "Flower"]
Use Dictionary like this:
var temp = [String: Any]()
temp["dinningRoom"] = ["Table", "Chair"]
If you want to fetch all the elements from dinningRoom. You can use this:
let dinningRoomArray = temp["dinningRoom"] as? [String]
for room in dinningRoomArray{
It is not compiled code but I mean to say that we can use Any as value instead of String or array of String. When you cast it from Any to [String]
using as? the app can handle the nil value.

How to extract a subset of a swift 3 Dictionary

I've looked through the methods here but I can't quite find what I'm looking for. I'm new-ish to Swift. I would like to extract a subset from a Dictionary based on a Set of key values, preferably without a loop.
For example, if my key Set is of type Set<String> and I have a Dictionary of type Dictionary<String, CustomObject>, I would like to create a new Dictionary of type Dictionary<String, CustomObject> that contains only the key-value pairs associated with the keys in the Set of Strings.
I can see that I could do this with for loop, by initializing a new Dictionary<String, CustomObj>(), checking if the original Dictionary contains a value at each String in the set, and adding key-value pairs to the new Dictionary. I am wondering if there is a more efficient/elegant way to do this however.
I'd be open to finding the subset with an Array of Strings instead of a Set if there is a better way to do it with an Array of keys.
Many thanks!
Swift 5 - You can do this very simply:
let subsetDict = originalDict.filter({ mySet.contains($0.key)})
The result is a new dictionary with the same type as the original but which only contains the key-value pairs corresponding to the keys in mySet.
Your assumption is correct, there is a more concise/swift-ish way to accomplish what you need.
For example you can do it via reduce, a functional programming concept available in Swift:
let subDict = originalDict.reduce([String: CustomObject]()) {
guard mySet.contains($1.key) else { return $0 }
var d = $0
d[$1.key] = $1.value
return d
Or, in two steps, first filtering the valid elements, and then constructing back the dictionary with the filtered elements:
let filteredDict = originalDict.filter { mySet.contains($0.key) }
.reduce([CustomObject]()){ var d = $0; d[$1.key]=$1.value; return d }
forEach can also be used to construct the filtered dictionary:
var filteredDict = [CustomObject]()
mySet.forEach { filteredDict[$0] = originalDict[$0] }
, however the result would be good it it would be immutable:
let filteredDict: [String:CustomObject] = {
var result = [String:CustomObject]()
mySet.forEach { filteredDict2[$0] = originalDict[$0] }
return result
Dummy type:
struct CustomObject {
let foo: Int
init(_ foo: Int) { = foo }
In case you'd like to mutate the original dictionary (instead of creating a new one) in an "intersect" manner, based on a given set of keys:
let keySet = Set(["foo", "baz"])
var dict = ["foo": CustomObject(1), "bar": CustomObject(2),
"baz": CustomObject(3), "bax": CustomObject(4)]
Set(dict.keys).subtracting(keySet).forEach { dict.removeValue(forKey: $0) }
print(dict) // ["foo": CustomObject(foo: 1), "baz": CustomObject(foo: 3)]

Swift 3: Change item in dictionary

I'm saving lists in a dictionary. These lists need to be updated. But when searching for an item, I need [] operator. When I save the result to a variable, a copy is used. This can not be used, to change the list itself:
item = dicMyList[key]
if item != nil {
// add it to existing list
// item?.list.append(filename)
I know, that I need the uncommented code above, but this accesses and searches again in dictionary. How can I save the result, without searching again? (like the commented line)
I want to speed up the code.
In case you needn't verify whether the inner list was actually existing or not prior to adding element fileName, you could use a more compact solution making use of the nil coalescing operator.
// example setup
var dicMyList = [1: ["foo.sig", ""]] // [Int: [String]] dict
var key = 1
var fileName = "baz.h"
// "append" (copy-in/copy-out) 'fileName' to inner array associated
// with 'key'; constructing a new key-value pair in case none exist
dicMyList[key] = (dicMyList[key] ?? []) + [fileName]
print(dicMyList) // [1: ["foo.sig", "", "baz.h"]]
// same method used for non-existant key
key = 2
fileName = "bax.swift"
dicMyList[key] = (dicMyList[key] ?? []) + [fileName]
print(dicMyList) // [2: ["bax.swift"], 1: ["foo.sig", "", "baz.h"]]
Dictionaries and arrays are value types. So if you change an entry you'll need to save it back into the dictionary.
if var list = dicMyList[key] {
dicMyList[key] = list
} else {
dicMyList[key] = [filename]
It's a little bit late, but you can do something like this:
extension Optional where Wrapped == Array<String> {
mutating func append(_ element: String) {
if self == nil {
self = [element]
else {
var dictionary = [String: [String]]()
You can try this in the Playground and then adapt to your needs.

How to sort an array of Structures with/by dynamic property

Given an NSTableView that has an array of structures as its datasource. A user can click on any column heading to sort by that column. The column identifiers match the property names of the properties within the structure.
Given a structure
struct MyStructure {
var col0data = "" //name matches the column identifier
var col1data = ""
and an array of structures
var myArray = [MyStructure]()
The goal is that when a column heading is clicked, use that column's identifier to sort the array of structures by that column identifier/property
With an array of dictionaries, it was easy...
self.myArrayOfDictionaries.sortInPlace {
(dictOne, dictTwo) -> Bool in
let d1 = dictOne[colIdentifier]! as String;
let d2 = dictTwo[colIdentifier]! as String;
return d1 < d2 //or return d1 > d2 for reverse sort
The question is how to access the properties of the Structure dynamically, something like
let struct = myArray[10] as! MyStructure //get the 10th structure in the array
let value = struct["col0data"] as! String //get the value of the col0data property
If there is a better way, suggestions would be appreciated.
I should also note that the structure may have 50 properties so this is an effort to reduce the amount of code needed to sort the array by any one of those properties.
One solution is to change the structure to a class derived from NSObject. Then the properties could be accessed via .valueForKey("some key"). However, I am trying to keep this Swifty.
Maybe I have a solution to your problem. The advantage of this code over your solution is here you don't need to add a subscript method to your struct to create an hardcoded String-Property-Value map via code.
Here's my extension
extension _ArrayType {
func sortedBy(propertyName propertyName: String) -> [Self.Generator.Element] {
let mirrors = { Mirror(reflecting: $0) }
let propertyValues = { $0.children.filter { $0.label == propertyName }.first?.value }
let castedValues = { $0 as? String }
let sortedArray = zip(self, castedValues).sort { (left, right) -> Bool in
return left.1 < right.1
}.map { $0.0 }
return sortedArray
struct Animal {
var name: String
var type: String
let animals = [
Animal(name: "Jerry", type: "Mouse"),
Animal(name: "Tom", type: "Cat"),
Animal(name: "Sylvester", type: "Cat")
animals.sortedBy(propertyName: "name")
// [{name "Jerry", type "Mouse"}, {name "Sylvester", type "Cat"}, {name "Tom", type "Cat"}]
animals.sortedBy(propertyName: "type")
// [{name "Tom", type "Cat"}, {name "Sylvester", type "Cat"}, {name "Jerry", type "Mouse"}]
The worst limitation of this solutions is that it works only for String properties. It can be change to work with any types of property by it must be at compile time. Right now I have not a solution to make it work with any king of property type without changing the code.
I already asked help for the core of the problem here.
I would definitely recommend simply embedding your dictionary into your struct. A dictionary is a much more suitable data structure for 50 key-value pairs than 50 properties – and you've said that this would be an acceptable solution.
Embedding the dictionary in your struct will give you the best of both worlds – you can easily encapsulate logic & you have have easy lookup of the values for each column ID.
You can now simply sort your array of structures like this:
struct MyStructure {
var dict = [String:String]()
init(col0Data:String, col1Data:String) {
dict["col0data"] = col0Data
dict["col1data"] = col1Data
var myArray = [MyStructure(col0Data: "foo", col1Data: "bar"), MyStructure(col0Data: "bar", col1Data: "foo")]
var column = "col0data"
myArray.sort {
$0.dict[column] < $1.dict[column]
print(myArray) // [MyStructure(dict: ["col0data": "bar", "col1data": "foo"]), MyStructure(dict: ["col0data": "foo", "col1data": "bar"])]
column = "col1data"
myArray.sort {
$0.dict[column] < $1.dict[column]
print(myArray) // MyStructure(dict: ["col0data": "foo", "col1data": "bar"])], [MyStructure(dict: ["col0data": "bar", "col1data": "foo"])
Here's an answer (but not the best answer); use subscripts to return the correct property, and set which property you are sorting by within the array.sort:
struct MyStructure {
var col0data = "" //name matches the column identifier
var col1data = ""
subscript(key: String) -> String? { //the key will be the col identifier
get {
if key == "col0data" {
return col0data
} else if key == "col1data" {
return col1data
return nil
And then here's how the sort works:
let identifier = the column identifier string,say col0data in this case
myArray.sortInPlace ({
let my0 = $0[identifier]! //the identifier from the table col header
let my1 = $1[identifier]!
return my0 < my1
If you do not know what types the values of MyStructure can be you will have a hard time comparing them to sort them. If you had a function that can compare all types you can have in MyStructure then something like this should work
struct OtherTypeNotComparable {
struct MyStructure {
var col0data = "cat" //name matches the column identifier
var col1data: OtherTypeNotComparable
let structures = [MyStructure(), MyStructure()]
let sortBy = "col1data"
func yourCompare(a: Any, b: Any) -> Bool {
return true
var expanded : [[(String, Any, MyStructure)]]
= { s in Mirror(reflecting: s) { ($0!, $1, s) } }
expanded.sortInPlace { (a, b) -> Bool in
let aMatch = a.filter { $0.0 == sortBy }.first!.1
let bMatch = b.filter { $0.0 == sortBy }.first!.1
return yourCompare(aMatch, b: bMatch)

Swift language: How do I implement a dictionary of array values, and assign (ie. append) new values to the array?

Language: Swift
I declared a dictionary whose value is an array, like this:
var unloadedImagesRows = [String:[Int]]()
private func addToUnloadedImagesRow(row: Int, forLocation:String!) {
print("addToUnloadedImagesRow 0: row: \(row)")
var unloadedRows = imagesRowForLocation(forLocation)
private func imagesRowForLocation(location:String!) -> [Int]! {
var unloadedRows = unloadedImagesRows[location];
if unloadedRows == nil {
unloadedRows = [Int]()
unloadedImagesRows[location] = unloadedRows
return unloadedRows
private func someMethod() {
addToUnloadedImagesRow(rowIndex, forLocation: event.iconImg)
The "unloadedRows!.append(row)" works and I saw in my debugger works as I saw the count increased to 1.
However, the next time I retrieve the value as in line "var unloadedRows = unloadedImagesRows[location]", I get a result of an array containing 0 values.
How do I implement a dictionary of array values, and assign (ie. append) new values to the array?
var unloadedRows = imagesRowForLocation(forLocation)
unloadedImagesRows[forLocation] = unloadedRows!
You retrieve the array by value, i.e. another instance of the array stored inside the dictionary gets created. Therefore you should set it back into the dictionary after appending a value