My Teleport Script Always Teleports You When You Say Something and I Don't Want It To Do That - roblox

Every time I say a single word or letter it will always teleport me even though I don't want it to. I just want me to teleport me when I say what I put in it.
Here is the code:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local msg = raw_msg:lower()
if msg == ":cmds" or ";cmds" or "/cmds" or ":cmd" or ";cmd" or "/cmd" or
":commands" or ";commands" or "/commands" or ":command" or ";command" or "/command"
local char = player.Character
local humanroot = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
humanroot.Position = game.Workspace["Secret room
1"]:WaitForChild("Punish").Position +, 1, 0)

if msg == ":cmds" or ";cmds" or "/cmds" or ":cmd" or ";cmd" or "/cmd" or ":commands" or ";commands" or "/commands" or ":command" or ";command" or "/command"
This is not the correct way to test if msg is equal to any one of these multiple values. The strings themselves are not nil or false so they evaluate to true.
Try the following:
if msg == ":cmds" or msg == ";cmds" or msg == "/cmds" or msg == ":cmd" or msg == ";cmd" or msg == "/cmd" or msg == ":commands" or msg == ";commands" or msg == "/commands" or msg == ":command" or msg == ";command" or msg == "/command" then
-- Code
However, this can be simplified:
if ({["/"] = true, [":"] = true, [";"] = true})[msg.sub(1, 1)] and ({["cmd"] = true, ["cmds"] = true, ["command"] = true, ["commands"] = true})[msg.sub(2, -1)] then
-- Code


Roblox not checking when bool value is updated?

So I've been trying to make a script on Roblox where tubes turn black when a Boolean is changed to false but it doesn't detect when it becomes false.
local Coolant = workspace.Temperature.CoolantActive
local CoolTube = workspace.TheCore.Coolant.Cool1
while true do
if Coolant.Value == true then
CoolTube.Material = ("Neon")
CoolTube.BrickColor ="Toothpaste")
elseif Coolant.Value == false then
CoolTube.Material = ("Metal")
CoolTube.BrickColor ="Really black")
I have no idea why this is happening, help?!
Rather than having a loop run forever, try using the Changed signal to detect when the Value changes.
local Coolant = workspace.Temperature.CoolantActive
local CoolTube = workspace.TheCore.Coolant.Cool1
if newValue == true then
CoolTube.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
CoolTube.BrickColor ="Toothpaste")
CoolTube.Material = Enum.Material.Metal
CoolTube.BrickColor ="Really black")

Multiple OR conditions in time difference

I want to make a script that send me mail whith the content of what I've enterd in a form some days after the form is submitted. As a help for students to study. In the form enter what to study, then 1 day, 7 days and 28 days later get that in a mail.
I've made a form that collect time, recipient adress, subject and body for the mail. These are saved in a Google spreadsheet.
The code kind of work. But it send all of the mail from my test input in the sheet. I've added one 6 days ago, one yesterday and one today.
Today I should only get one mail and tomorrow two. But I get all of them today.
I think it's this line:
if (diffDays == 1 || diffDays == 7 || diffDays == 28) continue;
I've trided to change it, searched other ways of writing it, as array for example.
Here's the full code:
function createTimeDrivenTriggers() {
.atHour(16) // Change time of day here
function reminder() {
var today = new Date(); // Today
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var data = range.getValues();
var headerRows = 1;
for (i=0; i<data.length; i++){
if (i < headerRows) continue;
var row = data[i];
var time = row[0];
// Get time difference
var timeDiff = Math.abs(today.getTime() - time.getTime());
var diffDays = Math.ceil((timeDiff) / (1000 * 3600 * 24)-1);
if (diffDays == 1 || diffDays == 7 || diffDays == 28) continue;
var recipient = row[1];
var subject = row[2];
var body = row[3];
// Send mail
GmailApp.sendEmail(recipient, subject, body)
Make sure to execute the code only when your if statement is true.
Include all code after if statement in the statement itself, only executing it when diffDays = 1, 2 or 28.
function reminder() {
var today = new Date(); // Today
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var data = range.getValues();
var headerRows = 1;
for (i=0; i<data.length; i++){
if (i < headerRows) continue;
var row = data[i];
var time = row[0];
// Get time difference
var timeDiff = Math.abs(today.getTime() - time.getTime());
var diffDays = Math.ceil((timeDiff) / (1000 * 3600 * 24)-1);
if (diffDays == 1 || diffDays == 7 || diffDays == 28) {
var recipient = row[1];
var subject = row[2];
var body = row[3];
// Send mail
GmailApp.sendEmail(recipient, subject, body)
Note that continue means "stop processing this iteration of whatever loop is getting executed, and begin the next iteration." So your script sends reminders on every day except the days you want to remind them.
Changing your test to an "AND NOT", moving the code for reminding inside the existing check, or using a more expressive syntax like switch will satisfy your intent.
switch (diffDays) {
case 1:
case 7:
case 28:
sendReminder(your, Args, Here);
case 0:
sendWelcome(some, other, Args);
function sendReminder(your, Args, Here) {
/* Code that uses function arguments to build and send an email */
"And not" meaning if (diffDay != 1 && diffDay != ...), i.e. "if it's not this, and not that, and not this other thing, and not..."

Read first element and next element from a file SCALA

I am reading a file that contain 277272 lines with Int triples (s,p,o) like:
From this file I create a Random access file object in order to navigate trough this file. However I want to extract some specific values that are in the first column, an example can be that I want to extract the values of the row that contains 16 in the first column, then I choose a pointer that is in the half, something like:
var lengthfile = (file.length().asInstanceOf[Int])
var initpointer = lengthfile/2
Then I analize if the first value is 16, if not I did a procedure to move the pointer to the nextlines, or as in this case in the back lines. Once I detect that the first value is 16, I need to know if it was in the first row, the sceond or the last one. The functions that I present here are to get the first value of the line where I have the pointer, and to know the first value from the next line.
def firstvalue(pf: Int, file:RandomAccessFile): List[Int] ={
//val file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r")
var pointer = pf
var flag = true
var fline = Option("a")
if (pointer <= file.length()-1){
fline = Option(file.readLine)
else {
pointer = file.length().toInt-12
fline = Option(file.readLine)
while (flag)
if (fline.get != "")
if (pointer == 0)
fline = Option(file.readLine)
pointer -= 1
flag = false
pointer -= 1
fline = Option(file.readLine)
else if (fline.get == ""){
flag = false
pointer += 1
val line = Option(file.readLine)
val spl = line.get.split(',')
val p = spl.apply(0).toInt
val l = pointer :: p :: Nil
//def nextvalue(pf: Int, filename:String): List[Int] = {
//val file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r")
def nextvalue(pf: Int, file:RandomAccessFile): List[Int] = {
//val file = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r")
var pointer = pf
var p = 0
var flag = true
var lastline = false
var fline = Option ("a")
if (pointer <= file.length()-1){
fline = Option(file.readLine)
//fline = Option(file.readLine)
while (flag){
if (fline.get != "")
if (fline == None)
flag = false
lastline = true
pointer = file.getFilePointer.toInt
fline = Option(file.readLine)
flag = false
else if (fline.get == ""){
fline = Option(file.readLine)
flag = false
if (lastline == false)
if (fline != None){
val spl = fline.get.split(',')
p = spl.apply(0).toInt
val l = pointer :: p :: Nil
However I have a prformance problem, because I am reading character by character, I am trying to fix that during a lot of days, and I don't have a solution. I don't know If perhaps the file object have a function to read back lines, or something that allows to me improve this code? How can I improve this code?
Will give you all lines, that start with "16", along with their indices in the file. That should be faster then seeking back and forth ...

Dictionary String Equivalancy Problems

I am trying to code A* Pathfinding in Swift.
At this point I am encountering a problem in retrieving the G-Costs of my closed list.
This problem is that when I try to search the dictionary for an entry, a nil is returned even though I believe I am entering the right key.
Here is the relevant code (note: Dictionary is in string:Int format as it does not want CGPoints).
GCost = GCost + (Int)(closedList["\(currentPosString)"]!)
CurrentPosString is a String, and CurrentPos is a CGPoint (I have tried both).
Here is the read out from this code (I have omitted lots of code).
4, 4
["4.0, 4.0": 0]
(The last line returns an error due to a nil).
My question is how do I make the 'closedList[currentPosString]' have the right format to successfully access the entry and return 0?
Code to generate closedPosString:
closedList["\(currentBest)"] = openList["\(currentBest)"]
openList["\(currentBest)"] = nil
openListOrder["\(currentBest)"] = nil
for i in 0 ..< mapTerrain.numberOfColumns{
for j in 0 ..< mapTerrain.numberOfRows{
if currentBest == "\(i), \(j)"{
currentPos = CGPoint(x: i, y: j)
currentPosString = "\(i), \(j)"
closedList["\(currentPos)"] = closedList[currentBest!]
print("a") //not printing for some reason
foundNextNewPos = true
if foundNextNewPos == true{
if foundNextNewPos == true{
Tried a rebuilt with this code, it still broke:
currentPosString = currentBest!
currentBest = nil
Generation of currentBest:
for key in openList.keys{
let tester = openList["\(key)"] //find way to not get a nil later
//print("\(openList["\(currentBest)"]!)") //gives nil
if key == "\(endPoint)"{
currentBest = key
foundEnd = true
}else if openList["\(currentBest)"] == nil{
currentBest = key
}else if tester! < openList["\(currentBest)"]!{
currentBest = key
} else if tester == openList["\(currentBest)"]{
if openListOrder["\(key)"]! > openListOrder["\(currentBest)"]!{
currentBest = key
The problem is that there is no entry "4, 4", the entry "4.0, 4.0" comes from an earlier line of code that relied on CGFloats to make the key, editing this to use the same format ("Int, Int") made it work.
if hexCounter < 3 && openList["\(currentPos.x), \(currentPos.y)"] == nil{
closedList["\(currentPos.x), \(currentPos.y)"] = 0
if hexCounter < 3 && openList["\(currentPosString)"] == nil{
closedList["\(currentPosString)"] = 0

Code for modify DB?

I have no idea what kind of language of programming is this, or what the method does, any help?
It could be some code for modify some DB tables?
ClassMethod CreateNewConfiguration(pintInsTypeConf As %Integer) As %Integer
Set objRecord = ##class(Table.tInsTypeConfigurations).%OpenId(pintInsTypeConf)
Set objNewRecord = ##class(Table.tInsTypeConfigurations).%New()
Set objClassDef = ##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinition).%OpenId("Table.tInsTypeConfigurations")
Set intTotal = objClassDef.Properties.Count()
For intCount = 1:1:intTotal
If (((objClassDef.Properties.GetAt(intCount).Relationship = 0) &&
(objClassDef.Properties.GetAt(intCount).Calculated = 0)) ||
((objClassDef.Properties.GetAt(intCount).Relationship = 1) &&
(objClassDef.Properties.GetAt(intCount).Cardinality = "one")))
Set strName = objClassDef.Properties.GetAt(intCount).Name
Set $zobjproperty(objNewRecord,strName) = $zobjproperty(objRecord,strName)
Set objNewRecord.Name = objNewRecord.rInstrumentTypes.%Id() _ " Config B “
Set intResult = objNewRecord.%Save()
If ((intResult '= 1) || ($ZERROR '= ""))
Quit 0
Quit objNewRecord.%Id()
yes, #duskwuff is right, it is Caché ObjectScript code.
And in this code, just make a copy properties for some object, from class Table.tInsTypeConfigurations with id pintInsTypeConf, to new object. It is not optimized code, but anyway, it should does this task.