How do I place my terminal in the left side at visual studio code? Version 1.64.1 (2022) - visual-studio-code

I used to position my terminal at the left side of my visual studio code (as presented on the first image) but now the option to do that is gone, i think some recently update removed it (which seems strange, why would they remove a feature?).
After some googling, i found this How do I move the panel in Visual Studio Code to the right side?
But it doest help me, as my problem is different
Someone knows how i can achieve the same result nowadays?
What i already tried:
Tried to add this command at settings.json "workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "left" but it says it has been deprecated
Right click at terminal header does not show the "Move to Left" option anymore, instead there's only a Move Views to side panel, which results in a right-side placement, not left
View > Appearence does not have the desired option anymore

v1.64.2 is out 02/10/2022 and this can now be done in that release.
Use the command:
View: Move Panel Left from the Command Palette.


How to move the terminal as a column next to the side bar?

After today 4.02.22 VSCode introduced the "Side panel" in update 1.64.0
It should give more flexibility and such, but in my case, it actually breaks my layout and takes the option that I was using out.
I have my layout - | Code | Terminal | Side bar |
Each in a column.
Now I cannot move the terminal anywhere but left as a column (before the code vide) and bottom.
Does anyone know how to revert this, or achieve my old layout?
Testing this in Insiders today 02/09/2022. Put the Side Bar on the right and use the command View: Move Panel Right. In one workspace with the setting Workbench > Panel: Default Location : right it put the Panel to the right of the Side Bar (so far right) but triggering the command fixed that. Editor | Terminal (Panel) | Side Bar. And working if put on the left too.
They are working on a fix for the change wrought by v1.64, should be in Insiders v1.65 02/08/2022 and as a recovery build to Stable later the same week if all goes well.
So, I will be pushing a fix which is simply to bring back the ability
to move the, as some have called it, primary panel. The plan for this
fix is to release it into the insiders build tomorrow and the recovery
build for stable later this week. Going forward, we will continue to
improve the new side panel while playing nicely with the primary panel
in different locations. Future changes will always be in insiders
first, and we hope you continue to share your ideas with us.
Try creating a terminal in an editor "to the side" and then put the Side Bar on the right, like this:
There is a command: Terminal: Create New Terminal in Editor Area to the Side.
And as you know the setting to put the Side Bar on the right.
If you want to create more terminals in the same column, click the little lock icon first to unlock that group and then you can add more terminals in the same editor group/column.
This might be as close as you are going to get for now. Upvote the issue about this.
I have another workaround to this:

need to move intellisense popup window in visual studio code

I want to move the intellisense popup window to the left side.
How can I do this?
I tried this solution but it did not help me.
How to make VSCode Intellisense window wider
change width
For adjusting the width, you can drag the right side of the window now, see this SO post for an old animation.
On mac the right of the popup will turn blue when hovered (cursor isn't captured in screenshot) and can be resized. You can also resize vertically by hovering the bottom. It looks like this on mac (not sure about other OS):
change position
The new version (October 2021 (version 1.62)) makes it easy to move the position... sort of. You can now choose to have the editor above or below what you hover. So glad they added it as a feature. This wasn't exactly the problem you had, but when I first searched for moving the intellisense menu, it led me here, so figured I'd add this for others Google sends here.
Simply add the following to settings.json file:
"editor.hover.above": false
Add a comma after it if you have more settings below it:
"editor.hover.above": false,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false
You can try to configure intellisense within VScode using the steps in, though I am not sure if your particular issue could be solved this way.

How to move Output or Terminal back into the panel in the window layout?

Recently in VS Code, somewhere around v1.42 or v1.43, we gained the ability to move around the following windows/panels that used to be stuck in the panel:
Debug Console
They could be split into multiple items in the panel itself (side-by-side or top/bottom, depending on whether the panel was at the bottom or left/right), and even dragged into the side-bar.
This was great, but after moving all of these windows to the side-bar while experimenting, I can't find any way to move them back into the panel. The panel is now empty, except for 3 dots (an ellipsis) in the upper left corner. You can still hide/show the panel, and move it left, bottom, or right, but there is nothing in it, and you can't drag anything to it. Dragging the terminal into the panel shows an icon that looks like it will successfully move (it's not the icon with the circle/cross-out you get other places it won't drop), but when releasing the click-drag, nothing happens.
I had just upgraded to v1.45.0 when this happened. It appears to be a defect, unless I'm missing something. Does anyone have a way to put the terminal or one of these other windows back in the panel, or reset their position? I combed the settings, and tried to find default setting's files (system or user) that might hold info on what is in the panel vs. the sidebar, etc., but couldn't find anything via search or on my PC. Any ideas?
Note: This is NOT about moving the panel between the left/right/bottom positions, or selecting the terminal/output/etc. in the panel itself. That's "old news", this is a recent feature.
Here is a view with the Terminal, Output, Debug Console, and Problems put at the top of the sidebar toolbar, and Terminal focused. The Panel is just to the right of the sidebar window, set to the "left" position, completely blank and useless. The "welcome" window on the far right side:
And here are my current settings:
See this issue (Empty panel behaves weird)
Suggested fix:
Run the command View: Reset View Locations in the command palette.
Please see:
Menu Window / Reset Window Layout worked for me in VS 2019

Visual Studio Code Version: 1:30.0 - How do I move Terminal output to the bottom

I can't find this in the documentation. Currently, when I click Terminal > New Terminal, it appears to the right of the IDE. I prefer to see this at the bottom. How do I move it to the bottom please? I have looked but I do not understand all the Newspeak.
You can right-click on Terminal and choose Move Panel to Bottom option, as you can see here:
If you go to settings there is an option to put the terminal on the bottom or right. You can change it there. If you are actually editting the settings.json file look for "workbench.panel.defaultLocation" statement and change it to "bottom"

How to Display VS Code output window to side rather than below

In my VS Code set up I see the output/FSI frame below the main text editor pane like this:
whereas I would love it to appear to the right in the side-by-side view like it does on the images in this link:
Is there a config option I cannot find somewhere?
I tried Googling but drew a blank and cannot see anything obvious in the config options mentioned on the vs code site page describing the config options
as of version 1.51.1 right click in the right corner on the output panel. then select option 'move panel right'
I don't believe you can detach/move the output windows in Visual Studio Code. You can move the side bar to the left/right side, but that's it. There is no config option, sorry.
You could try posting a feature request on the GitHub page:
EDIT: This was changed in VS Code 0.10.8, it was once on the side but was moved to the bottom. See this GitHub issue:
This feature is not available yet in VS Code. However as of today (March 30, 2017) it's on 6 months roadmap so it should be done in a near feature.
This feature is available from version 1.18.0+
Simply click this icon to dock to the right:
Just follow the steps mentioned:
In Visual Studio Code -
View Tab > Appearance > Toggle Panel Position
That's it.
Your original link to the view your desire is obsolete, so it is a guess as to what you wanted. But here is a demo of setting up a terminal/output look side-by-side. It is a little tricky - you drag your Outline header over the Terminal header which will then allow you the option of putting it to the left or right of the Terminal:
its easy. just right-click on the terminal, select 'move panel right' like in the image below and voila
the image can be found here
Vertical Split:
From VS Code Menu bar:
View >> Appearance >> Move Panel Right
Version 1.47.0 of VS Code (at the moment of posting this, the latest one) allows you to drag output (or any other panel tab, e.g. terminal) to the activity bar. This way you can obtain output to the side of the editor.
Just right click on the panel of output section then select "Move panel left or right" as per your wish.
here your can see the move panel left option.
Press CTRL + SHIFT + P
Select Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)
Insert (or change if it is there --search for it) the following config line:
"workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right",
Save file.
That will work for new workspaces. VS-Code saves your preferences for each folder you start it in. So, if you navigate to a folder you previously called VS-Code in (I mean, from the terminal), it will open the output panel in the same location it was the last time you have used VS-Code from the same location.
After making the change above, go to a new place, like /opt and start VS-Code there to make a test.