How do I exit coqtop REPL? - coq

I am using the coqtop REPL because I don't want to use the coqide. But how do I exit the REPL? I have tried a lot of different ways but nothing works.

You can exit using Quit. or Ctrl-D. I am afraid it is not documented anywhere at least not somewhere it could be found easily. Issue raised here.

Type "ctrl-D" on the keyboard.


Eclipse Perl Debugging - Conditional Breakpoints?

Does the perl debugger for Ecipse, EPIC, support conditional breakpoints yet? If so could someone tell me how to add one as all the documentation I've read says nothing about conditional breakpoints in perl. I see them for the Java debugger but not for Perl. Or they aren't supported, is there a way to add one manually? For example, continue running script until $var = 10008, then allow me to step through the code.
Thank you
Devel::Trepan has gdb-style conditional breakpoints. Perhaps there is or someone will write an Eclipse plugin.

Is there a emacs valgrind interface?

I was wondering if there is a reliable emacs interface for valgrind and its different tools?
I have searched and sadly not found anything.
It would be interesting to have something to jump to the concerning lines via memcheck.
Thank you in advance.
The compilation mode has regexps for this. You may like compilation-shell-minor-mode as well.

What's the difference between "abort" and "terminate-thread" in emacs?

When I use emacs, I often meet some errors in my code.
When there are some errors in my code, emacs ask me whether I want to "abort" or "terminate-thread".
I want to know what the difference is between "abort" and "terminate-thread" in emacs.
Which one should I choose that will be better?
I don't think this question comes from Emacs. So please give us more information (OS in which you run Emacs, which processes you might be running within Emacs, what kind of error happens, where is the actual question displayed (within Emacs's minibuffer, or some popup dialog), ...
Are you using SLIME?
In that case, "abort" will just stop your program, whereas "terminate-thread" will also kill the Lisp thread that SLIME is talking to.

IPython auto-completion emacs24 doesn't work

I'm using emacs24.0.92 with IPython 12.
I took ipython.el file from IPython repository and also tried this patch however auto-completion still does not work for me.
Can someone give any hint about it ?
That's an old question but since I was looking for it:
1- python-mode.el
A quick search lead me to this working solution:
2- jedi
You still can use the completion given by jedi.el:
Install with packages.el and call M-x jedi:setup. Now the completion fires at the third character. We still can not inspect an object with TAB like in a terminal, but with the 1st solution we can.
edit: false, it's just a matter of configuration: (use jedi:complete-on-dot to complete as soon as we enter a dot).

Launch Scala REPL programmatically?

I would like to launch a Scala Swing application from the command line, then after the application is started, drop into the Scala REPL to use as a control interface.
Ideally I would also like to pre-bind some variable names. Even better would be using a Java2D terminal emulator for the REPL, but I couldn't find anything appropriate.
Does the Scala REPL have a public API?
You are may be asking about the same thing, as this question, are you? There is other stuff you can do. There's a way to just call REPL with a code, and get an answer back, which, depending on what you want, may be more appropriate. If that's what you want, just clarify it and I'll research into it.
As for Java2D terminal, I think it is enough to use Console's setIn, setOut and setErr, but I might be mistaken. You might want to take a look at how some other efforts which embed REPL in the environment do. I think there are at least three of them, but a quick search only Kojo, which is based on Netbeans.