having trouble downloading Wget for windows - wget

I have tried to download Wget from https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/ but it does not open. Well, after it is downloaded then it will open-after clicking it several times-but if I try to type something or move the terminal then the terminal will just shut off/exit out. This is for windows and I have downloaded the latest version in an EXE format. I am not sure if this is the correct way to download these items. Thank you.

Please open terminal where wget.exe is located and then do
wget.exe http://www.example.com
if it is working it should download example domain site


How to open a file from apache2 in VS Code using 'code .'

I am using apache2 server where I have my Git repo cloned. I want to be able to open the folder in VS Code using code . but when I run that command it says -bash: code: command not found - Do I have to install a package on the server and if so, where would I need to install it. Many thanks.
Thanks for all the help which is really appreciated. Anyone who comes across this problem, I simply downloaded the Remote-SSH extension in VS code which allowed me to do open the files on the server directly in the code editor and edit as normal.

Code-OSS doesn't open folder or files from terminal command 'code-oss .'

A few days ago I installed Kali Linux. I'm trying to use Code-OSS instead of VSCode, since newest version of Kali doesn't have the libraries needed to install the normal one.
If I try to open a folder in Code-OSS from terminal using code-oss . or code ., it just opens Code on a new 'untitled-1' document, or opens the folder I was before closing Code-OSS. It doesn't open the folder I was in the terminal.
In these cases I need to open the folder I want through File > Open folder > search for folder and then open it.
The same just occurred with git commit or git commit --amend; it opens a new document, not the one I want to open.
I spent sometime searching for a solution on documentation, stackoverflow, google but could not find anything.
I cannot find any way to resolve this problem on Code-oss. Apparently it happened just with me.
Surprisingly for me, I was able to install VSCode following this tutorial, and it apparently managed to ignore the lack of libraries of Kali Linux that I mentioned above.
I hope this solution prevent any person in the future to get stuck on this.
I had the same issue when I first installed Kali-linux on my VM. Pretty anoying.
Just intall vscode by running :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install code
It will unistall code-oss and install VsCode, and it works now.

Trying to download some python scripts from PythonAnywhere to my computer but it keeps opening another browser tab instead

I have some python scripts on PythonAnywhere.com that I am trying to download into my computer. Whenever I click the download icon next to the file, it opens into another web tab (Chrome) instead. I'm not sure what I did that caused this because I've been able to download files to my computer for the last couple of weeks but suddenly I cannot. Any help would be appreciated - thank you.
Use your browser right-click menu on the download link to save the file to your disk.

run file in browser from vscode

just installed vscode and I'm missing a trick which I think should be obvious but I just can't seem to find the answer.
I run apache as my local test server. When I'm in vscode and have a root folder open I would like to be able to send any file I'm editing to my browser and use the root folder name + relative path to file in the url sent to browser.
so what I actually want to send to browser is full url :
the file could be the open open one or one listed in vscode explorer which is not open.
suggestions much apprceiated.
p.s. I have searched possible vscode extensions and haven't found anything that seems to do it.
Fixed. I edited View-In-Browser extension locally to make it work the way I want.

Can't use drop down menus of Mulestudio on Ubuntu13.10

I just newly upgraded my ubuntu to 13.10, and I found the menus of Mule Studio (64-bit linux) upon the unity bar freezing up, i.e. can't open any menu from there.
Has anyone else come across the same issue? And is there a possible solution?
Create a file with any Name. Example. Mule
Add the following line in to the file
Exec=env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 /opt/MuleStudio/MuleStudio
Make sure the path /opt/MuleStudio/MuleStudio is your MuleStudio executable path
Save the file and Exit
Got to command prompt and execute the below like to give executable permission to the file.
~$ cd [your file path]
~$ chmod 777 Mule
and then execute the file using the below command,
~$ ./Mule
Now you can get your Menu in your Mule studio...
Hope it helps.
The problem is caused by a bug in Ubuntu affecting both eclipse and studio. I was able to work around it by following the steps available here