How to write FCGI_PARAMS using unix sockets - sockets

I ask for your help to understand part of the specification of the FastCGI protocol.
Currently this is the code I have:
use std::os::unix::net::{UnixStream};
use std::io::{Read, Write};
fn main() {
pub const FCGI_VERSION_1: u8 = 1;
pub const FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST:u8 = 1;
pub const FCGI_RESPONDER: u16 = 1;
pub const FCGI_PARAMS: &str = "FCGI_PARAMS";
let socket_path = "/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock";
let mut socket = match UnixStream::connect(socket_path) {
Ok(sock) => sock,
Err(e) => {
println!("Couldn't connect: {e:?}");
let requestId: u16 = 1;
let role: u16 = FCGI_RESPONDER;
let beginRequest = vec![
// FCGI_Header
(requestId >> 8) as u8, (requestId & 0xFF) as u8,
0x00, 0x08, // This is the size of `FCGI_BeginRequestBody`
0, 0,
// FCGI_BeginRequestBody
(role >> 8) as u8, (role & 0xFF) as u8,
0, // Flags
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Reserved
let data = vec![
(100) as u8, // this value is just an example
let contentLength = data.len();
assert!(contentLength <= usize::MAX);
let requestHeader = vec![
(requestId >> 8) as u8, (requestId & 0xFF) as u8,
(contentLength >> 8) as u8, (contentLength & 0xFF) as u8,
0, 0,
I have this code thanks to the answer of my last question related to this topic, so, with that example code (which works perfectly for me) I would like to ask you my question.
How can I write the FCGI_PARAMS?
I mean, if I understand correctly, the documentation says:
FCGI_PARAMS is a stream record type used in sending name-value pairs from the Web server to the application
This means that the FCGI_PARAMS are Name-Value Pairs. And the part of the documentation that describes the Name-Value Pairs says:
FastCGI transmits a name-value pair as the length of the name, followed by the length of the value, followed by the name, followed by the value
Then this way I think that it would be (represented in code):
let param = vec![
]; // it is just an example, but i think it represents what i am talking about
But if I add this code, and then I write it to the socket with the following line:
And then when reading the socket, the socket does not return anything. What am I doing wrong? How should I send the data? I hope you can help me with this, I want to clarify that I am quite new to FastCGI and unix sockets so I am very sorry if any line of my displayed code is poorly exemplified.

Rust doesn't support heterogeneous vectors, so your let param =… shouldn't compile. The way to send the params is to use multiple writes:
let param_name = "SCRIPT_FILENAME".as_bytes(); // could also be written `b"SCRIPT_FILENAME"`
let param_value = "index.php".as_bytes();
let lengths = [ param_name.len() as u8, param_value.len() as u8 ];
socket.write_all (&lengths).unwrap();
socket.write_all (param_name).unwrap();
socket.write_all (param_value).unwrap();


How do I count unique grapheme clusters in a string in Rust?

For example, for
let n = count_unique_grapheme_clusters("πŸ‡§πŸ‡· πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί πŸ‡§πŸ‡· πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ πŸ‡§πŸ‡·");
println!("{}", n);
the expected output is (space and three flags: " ", "πŸ‡§πŸ‡·", "πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί", "πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ"):
We can use the graphemes method from unicode-segmentation crate to iterate over the grapheme clusters and save them in a HashSet<&str> to filter out the duplicates. Then we get the .len() of the container.
extern crate unicode_segmentation; // 1.2.1
use std::collections::HashSet;
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
fn count_unique_grapheme_clusters(s: &str) -> usize {
let is_extended = true;
fn main() {
assert_eq!(count_unique_grapheme_clusters(""), 0);
assert_eq!(count_unique_grapheme_clusters("a"), 1);
assert_eq!(count_unique_grapheme_clusters("πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ"), 1);
assert_eq!(count_unique_grapheme_clusters("πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ίé"), 2);
assert_eq!(count_unique_grapheme_clusters("πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡§πŸ‡·"), 3);

Getting information about process in Swift

I am trying to get some data about a process in Swift.
I am using this code as a starting point:
pid_t pid = 10000;
rusage_info_current rusage;
if (proc_pid_rusage(pid, RUSAGE_INFO_CURRENT, (void **)&rusage) == 0)
cout << rusage.ri_diskio_bytesread << endl;
cout << rusage.ri_diskio_byteswritten << endl;
taken from Per Process disk read/write statistics in Mac OS X.
However, I have trouble converting the code above to Swift:
var usage = rusage_info_v3()
if proc_pid_rusage(100, RUSAGE_INFO_CURRENT, &usage) == 0
The function prod_pid_rusage expects a parameter of type rusage_info_t?, but I can not instantiate an instance of that type.
Is it possible to use the function in Swift?
As in C you have to take the address of a rusage_info_current
variable and cast it to the type expected by proc_pid_rusage().
In Swift this is done using withUnsafeMutablePointer()
and withMemoryRebound():
let pid = getpid()
var usage = rusage_info_current()
let result = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &usage) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: rusage_info_t?.self, capacity: 1) {
proc_pid_rusage(pid, RUSAGE_INFO_CURRENT, $0)
if result == 0 {
// ...
You have to add
#include <libproc.h>
to the bridging header file to make it compile.

ocaml simplistic http server with the Unix module

I'm trying to make a very simple http server with the low-level Unix module
to get a better understanding of how a http server actually works.
This is my current code:
let () =
let socket_fd = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let _ = Unix.bind socket_fd (Unix.ADDR_INET ((Unix.inet_addr_of_string ""), 8888)) in
let _ = Unix.listen socket_fd 1 in
let (file_descr,sockaddr) = Unix.accept socket_fd in
let b = Bytes.create 1024 in
let _ = Unix.recv file_descr b 0 0 [Unix.MSG_PEEK] in
print_endline b;
When I open a webbrowser & surf to localhost:8888 the program displays a
newline and exits. Why isn't it printing out the request?
According to the Unix module documentation recv has the following signature:
val recv : file_descr -> bytes -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
Receive data from a connected socket.
What is the meaning of the ... -> int -> int -> ... ? I have no idea what I should be passing in those two ints.
Also how do I know beforehand what size a should give to bytes ?
Part of the answer lies in the C mapping of recv (sendrecv: .opam/version/build/ocaml/otherlibs/unix/sendrecv.c ).
CAMLprim value unix_recv(value sock, value buff, value ofs, value len,
value flags)
int ret, cv_flags;
long numbytes;
char iobuf[UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE];
cv_flags = convert_flag_list(flags, msg_flag_table);
Begin_root (buff);
numbytes = Long_val(len);
if (numbytes > UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE) numbytes = UNIX_BUFFER_SIZE;
ret = recv(Int_val(sock), iobuf, (int) numbytes, cv_flags);
if (ret == -1) uerror("recv", Nothing);
memmove (&Byte(buff, Long_val(ofs)), iobuf, ret);
return Val_int(ret);
So first int is an offset within the buffer, and second int is the length of the retrieval - that you shoud not set to 0.
Happy new year anyway ;)

Iterating based on a variable number of inner loops

In the below code I am trying to go through all possible combination of alphabets for number of characters which are runtime variable.
The purpose of this code is to build a kind of password cracker, which basically brute-force guess the string. I want to use loop, because I will be able to break the loop as soon as the correct combination is hit thus saving on time and resources which otherwise will be required if I try to build an array of all possible combinations in first step.
I have a static code which works for a string 5 characters long but in reality my string could be any length. How can I make my code work with any length of string?
let len = textField.text?.characters.count //Length of string
let charRange = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" //Allowed characterset
for char1 in charRange.characters {
for char2 in charRange.characters {
for char3 in charRange.characters {
for char4 in charRange.characters {
for char5 in charRange.characters {
// Do whatever with all possible combinations
I think I have to utilize for totalChars in 1...len { somehow but can't figure out how the for loops are going to be created dynamically?
Idea: form the string using an array of indices into your alphabet; each time increment the indices.
[0, 0, 0] -> [1, 0, 0] -> [2, 0, 0] ->
[0, 1, 0] -> [1, 1, 0] -> [2, 1, 0] ->
[0, 2, 0] -> [1, 2, 0] -> [2, 2, 0] ->
[0, 0, 1] ... [2, 2, 2]
Here's an example using a length of 3 and an alphabet of abcd
let len = 3
let alphabet = "abcd"{ String($0) })
var allStrings = [String]()
let maxIndex = alphabet.endIndex
var indicies = Array(count: len, repeatedValue: 0)
outerLoop: while (true) {
// Generate string from indicies
var string = ""
for i in indicies {
let letter = alphabet[i]
string += letter
print("Adding \(string)")
// Increment the index
indicies[0] += 1
var idx = 0
// If idx overflows then (idx) = 0 and (idx + 1) += 1 and try next
while (indicies[idx] == maxIndex) {
// Reset current
indicies[idx] = 0
// Increment next (as long as we haven't hit the end done)
idx += 1
if (idx >= alphabet.endIndex - 1) {
print("Breaking outer loop")
break outerLoop
indicies[idx] += 1
print("All Strings: \(allStrings)")
As suggested by Martin R, you can use recursion
This is the function
func visit(alphabet:[Character], combination:[Character], inout combinations:[String], length: Int) {
guard length > 0 else {
alphabet.forEach {
visit(alphabet, combination: combination + [$0], combinations: &combinations, length: length - 1)
The helper function
func combinations(alphabet: String, length: Int) -> [String] {
var combinations = [String]()
visit([Character](alphabet.characters), combination: [Character](), combinations: &combinations, length: length)
return combinations
Now if you want every combination of 3 chars, and you want "ab" as alphabet then
combinations("ab", length: 3) // ["aaa", "aab", "aba", "abb", "baa", "bab", "bba", "bbb"]
Please note that if you insert duplicates into your alphabet, you'll get duplicate elements into the result.
Time complexity
The visit function is invoked as many times as the nodes into a perfect k-ary tree with height h where:
k: the number of elements into the alphabet param
h: the length param
Such a tree has
nodes. And this is the exact number of times the function will be invoked.
Space complexity
Theoretically The max number of stack frames allocated at the same time to execute visit is length.
However since the Swift compiler does implement the Tail Call Optimization the number of allocated stack frames is only 1.
Finally we must consider that combinations will be as big as the number of results: alphabet^length
So the time complexity is the max of length and elements into the result.
And it is O(length + alphabet^length)
It turns out you want a brute force password breaker so.
func find(alphabet:[Character], combination:[Character] = [Character](), length: Int, check: (keyword:String) -> Bool) -> String? {
guard length > 0 else {
let keyword = String(combination)
return check(keyword: keyword) ? keyword : nil
for char in alphabet {
if let keyword = find(alphabet, combination: combination + [char], length: length - 1, check: check) {
return keyword
return nil
The last param check is a closure to verify if the current word is the correct password. You will put your logic here and the find will stop as soon as the password is found.
find([Character]("tabcdefghil".characters), length: 3) { (keyword) -> Bool in
return keyword == "cat" // write your code to verify the password here
Alternative to recursion; loop radix representation of incremental (repeated) traversing of your alphabet
An alternative to recursion is to loop over an numeral representation of your alphabet, using a radix representative for the different number of letters. A limitation with this method is that the String(_:,radix:) initializer allows at most base36 numbers (radix 36), i.e., you can at most perform your "password cracking" with a set of characters with a unique count <=36.
Help function
// help function to use to pad incremental alphabeth cycling to e.g. "aa..."
let padToTemplate: (str: String, withTemplate: String) -> String = {
return $0.characters.count < $1.characters.count
? String($1.characters.suffixFrom($0.characters.endIndex)) + $0
: $0
Main radix brute-force password checking method
// attempt brute-force attempts to crack isCorrectPassword closure
// for a given alphabet, suspected word length and for a maximum number of
// attempts, optionally with a set starting point
func bruteForce(isCorrectPassword: (String) -> Bool, forAlphabet alphabet: [Character], forWordLength wordLength: Int, forNumberOfAttempts numAttempts: Int, startingFrom start: Int = 0) -> (Int, String?) {
// remove duplicate characters (but preserve order)
var exists: [Character:Bool] = [:]
let uniqueAlphabet = Array(alphabet.filter { return exists.updateValue(true, forKey: $0) == nil })
// limitation: allows at most base36 radix
guard case let radix = uniqueAlphabet.count
where radix < 37 else {
return (-1, nil)
// begin brute-force attempts
for i in start..<start+numAttempts {
let baseStr = String(i, radix: radix).characters
.flatMap { Int(String($0), radix: radix) }
.map { String(uniqueAlphabet[$0]) }
// construct attempt of correct length
let attempt = padToTemplate(str: baseStr,
withTemplate: String(count: wordLength, repeatedValue: alphabet.first!))
// log
//print(i, attempt)
// test attempt
if isCorrectPassword(attempt) { return (i, attempt) }
return (start+numAttempts, nil) // next to test
Example usage
Example usage #1
// unknown content closure
let someHashBashing : (String) -> Bool = {
return $0 == "ask"
// setup alphabet
let alphabet = [Character]("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".characters)
// any success for 500 attempts?
if case (let i, .Some(let password)) =
bruteForce(someHashBashing, forAlphabet: alphabet,
forWordLength: 3, forNumberOfAttempts: 500) {
print("Password cracked: \(password) (attempt \(i))")
} /* Password cracked: ask (attempt 478) */
Example usage #2 (picking up one failed "batch" with another)
// unknown content closure
let someHashBashing : (String) -> Bool = {
return $0 == "axk"
// setup alphabet
let alphabet = [Character]("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".characters)
// any success for 500 attempts?
let firstAttempt = bruteForce(someHashBashing, forAlphabet: alphabet,
forWordLength: 3, forNumberOfAttempts: 500)
if let password = firstAttempt.1 {
print("Password cracked: \(password) (attempt \(firstAttempt.0))")
// if not, try another 500?
else {
if case (let i, .Some(let password)) =
bruteForce(someHashBashing, forAlphabet: alphabet,
forWordLength: 3, forNumberOfAttempts: 500,
startingFrom: firstAttempt.0) {
print("Password cracked: \(password) (attempt \(i))")
} /* Password cracked: axk (attempt 608) */

access element of fixed length C array in swift

I'm trying to convert some C code to swift.
(Why? - to use CoreMIDI in OS-X in case you asked)
The C code is like this
void printPacketInfo(const MIDIPacket* packet) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<packet->length; i++) {
printf("%d ", packet->data[i]);
And MIDIPacket is defined like this
struct MIDIPacket
MIDITimeStamp timeStamp;
UInt16 length;
Byte data[256];
My Swift is like this
func printPacketInfo(packet: UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIPacket>){
// print some things
print("length", packet.memory.length)
print("time", packet.memory.timeStamp)
for i in 0 ..< packet.memory.length {
print("data", i,[i])
But this gives a compiler error
error: type '(UInt8, UInt8, .. cut .. UInt8, UInt8, UInt8)'
has no subscript members
So how can I dereference the I'th element of a fixed size array?
in your case you could try to use something like this ...
// this is tuple with 8 Int values, in your case with 256 Byte (UInt8 ??) values
var t = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
// ....
func arrayFromTuple<T,R>(tuple:T) -> [R] {
let reflection = Mirror(reflecting: tuple)
var arr : [R] = []
for i in reflection.children {
// better will be to throw an Error if i.value is not R
arr.append(i.value as! R)
return arr
let arr:[Int] = arrayFromTuple(t)
print(arr) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
let t2 = ("alfa","beta","gama")
let arr2:[String] = arrayFromTuple(t2)
arr2[1] // "beta"
This was suggested by
func printPacketInfo(packet: UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIPacket>){
// print some things
print("length", packet.memory.length)
print("time", packet.memory.timeStamp)
let len = Int(packet.memory.length)
withUnsafePointer(& { p in
let p = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(p)
for i:Int in 0 ..< len {
print(i, p[i])
This is horrible - I hope the compiler turns this nonsense into some good code
The error message is a hint: it shows that is imported not as an array, but as a tuple. (Yes, that's how all fixed length arrays import in Swift.) You seem to have noticed this in the preceding line:
Tuples in Swift are very static, so there isn't a way to dynamically access a tuple element. Thus, in some sense the only "safe" or idiomatic way to print your packet (in the way that you're hinting at) would be 256 lines of code (or up to 256, since the packet's length field tells you when it's safe to stop):
/// ...
Clearly that's not a great solution. Using reflection, per user3441734's answer, is one (cumbersome) alternative. Unsafe memory access, per your own answer (via jckarter), is another (but as the name of the API says, it's "unsafe"). And, of course, you can always work with the packet through (Obj)C.
If you need to do something beyond printing the packet, you can extend the UnsafePointer-based solution to convert it to an array like so:
extension MIDIPacket {
var dataBytes: [UInt8] {
mutating get {
return withUnsafePointer(&data) { tuplePointer in
let elementPointer = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(tuplePointer)
return (0..<Int(length)).map { elementPointer[$0] }
Notice that this uses the packet's existing length property to expose an array that has only as many valid bytes as the packet claims to have (rather than filling up the rest of a 256-element array with zeroes). This does allocate memory, however, so it might not be good for the kinds of real-time run conditions you might be using CoreMIDI in.
Should this:
for i in 0 ..< packet.memory.length
Be this?
for i in 0 ..<