redux-logger does not show detail when state changes - redux-logger

I have tried many examples and even went to CodeSandbox to see "working" examples, but everywhere only outputs three lines 'prev state, action, next state' with no detail. I am not able to see what the previous state is, what action was called, or what the next state is.


Navigate To at start up simulation

When I run the model, I want my model to go to the viewarea of the simulation parameters in the agent of this user interface. So at the simulation and java actions I added this by the next code (also a screenshot is added at the bottom):
The strange thing is when I run the model for the first time, he goes for like 1 second to this view area, but then automatically returns to the main agent. When I stop the model and restart it again (and keep the run window open), this problem is not happening and it is staying in the good user-interface agent view area.
What could be the reason behind this? and how can this be solved.
Added later:
At the moment I fixed it by creating an event which is triggered by the variable start==true, and after that navigates to the interface and sets this value to false. see figure below
This works, and seems to be a solution.
But I'm still curious why the first method is not working..
Seems to be the code in "Initial experiment setup" that messes here.
Remove both code snippets and only call uI_startUP.SimulationParameters.navigateTo() on the "On startup" of Main.
This is how you should do it anyway :)

How does one check the state of a menu item in an XCUI test

Here is my use case...
My application has a number of menu items that have their state toggled between on and off based on a boolean that is also tied to a user default. That is, when the user clicks the menu item it not only toggles the state, it also saves that in the user defaults.
This is all working well but I'm trying to add tests to my XCUIApplication tests to check that the state is indeed saved from one application run to another. However I am unable to determine how to actually test the state of the menu item.
I find the menu item and confirm that it exists, has the correct title, and is enabled, as seen here:
let item = app.menuItems["viewHighlightChanges"]
XCTAssertEqual(item.title, "Highlight Changes")
I can then toggle the item by clicking it:
And I can confirm visually that this is all working.
But what I cannot figure out is how to determine if the menu item is check (state is on) or not checked (state is off). I had thought that it may be encoded in item.value but that is returning nil both before and after the click. I also thought it may be in item.isSelected but selected is not the same as state and in this case is always false both before and after the click.
My goal is to record the state after clicking, then exit and restart the app, and test the state again to see that it properly retained itself. I know that it is working because I can verify the state visually as the test runs, but the whole purpose of an automated test is that the computer should tell me if it worked.
Any ideas?

Plotly Dash - Callback triggers sometimes & the same callback doesnt trigger sometime

I am facing issue with callbacks. I have 3 drop downs, one scattermap , one table and one slider on the screen and they all need to work in tandem and i have 5 call backs. When i execute the application all my callbacks associated with these controls execute in random order. After that when i click on scattermap it may or may not work. Say we assume it worked. Then i can navigate all around without any hassle. Then if i execute the application then click on the scattermap then as i mentioned it may or may not work. Say suppose it didn't work this time. If so is the case it will not work at all no matter what i do and simulaneously one specific dropdown also becomes dysfunctional. However if click any of the other two drop downs then evrything will start functioning as normal.
I have digged really deep into this and figured out that this has nothing to do with my code. The underlying issue is that when the click doesn't work the reason the reason behind that is the callback isn't getting triggered. I found out this by applying some debugging techniques and i am 100% sure the callback is not firing. Can anyone help me resolve/understand this please.

Process page, or be notified that elements are present even if page not fully loaded

The page I'm using watir-webdriver on will often not load completely for maybe like a minute because of the many external scripts I'm loading/using. This of course means that I have to wait needlessly for a minute when I could have performed the checks I wanted to in 10 seconds after the browser I'm controlling (Firefox) started loading the page.
I noticed that even though my target elements become immediately available in the page, the browser.div(:id => 'some_id').present? method hangs until the page is fully loaded. I noticed that if I press on the stop button in the browser window, watir will immediately continue successfully with my tests (the present? method un-hangs). Is there a way to avoid this behavior of the present? method and be able to tell that my target elements are present without having to wait for the page to fully load?
I've experienced this issue before as well. The method I employed, which rides on the idea you mentioned about hitting the stop button, is as follows:
browser.wait_until{browser.div(:id => 'some_id').present?}
browser.send_keys :escape
expect(browser.div(:id=> 'some_id').present?).to be true
This, by default, gives that div 30 seconds to appear (you can insert a smaller value then 30 if you prefer), otherwise it causes watir to hit 'escape' which will stop any remaining background page loading and resume the test.
As I understand it checks to see if an element exists AND is visible.
What I would suggest you try, is
This will simply check that the element exists, and doesnt care if its visible or not.
Just for reference, there is also a
Which just makes sure the item is visible, though I dont ever use that one.

How do you get the Eclipse menubar to update on demand?

I'm working on a plugin aiming to hide a swathe of menu contributions, then slowly reintroduce them to the UI according to how confident/experienced the user is, with help and introductory information given to the user at each step. So far I can happily hide menu contributions using activities. Getting them back has proved to be slightly more difficult, however.
I have menu contributions being hidden and shown via activities, but the problem I've run in to is that the menu isn't instantly updating to reflect the activites. When my provided variable is changed, the activities are being started/stopped appropriately, but the menu doesn't immediately change. That is, until you change view or perspective- actions which cause the menu to be refreshed.
I've tried calling refresh() on the MenuManager, as per this question, to no avail.
Obviously my expression is being evaluated immediately, but how can I get the menu itself to update/refresh immediately?
It turns out there were issues with fireSourceChanged().
Calling: fireSourceChanged(int sourcePriority, Map sourceValuesByName) doesn't work for me.
But calling fireSourceChanged(int sourcePriority, String sourceName, Object sourceValue) does work.
I really don't know why that is - could be an Eclipse bug??