Chrome/Chromium has this amazing coverage report feature (DevTools > Coverage Tab). Chrome allows to me export this report as JSON. But I cant find a way to import this report to Chrome again.
How do I import the JSON export created by the Coverage Tab?
My Chrome Version is 105.0.5195.127
Background: I want to analyze a coverage report created by Puppeteer (which is in fact Chrome).
I am also happy if you point me to a tool that visualizes coverage from these JSON files.
I've installed #testing-library/vue for a Vue project. I use VS Code as my IDE. Seems like I remember test runner integration in VS Code which will auto-display an aggregated list of all tests which exist in the app (files ending in test.js) but I don't see a way to display that test runner view in my default VS Code installation/configuration.
Looks like there's a "Test Explorer UI" Extension that I can install in VS Code which has 1.9M downloads so I'm guessing that's the most popular test runner for VS Code integration. I installed that extension and selected View > Testing from the toolbar. That displayed a "TESTING" panel on the left side of the IDE although no tests are displayed in that panel.
So is there anything special that I need to do in order for tests to display in this panel? Not sure if I need to install another dependency, configure an additional file, run some type of npm script, etc.
How can we generate HTML Report of Integration Test in Flutter Automation Testing.
Being an Automation Tester, I've been working on an existing Flutter Automation Project which is running as Integration Test. Like Selenium I also want to generate HTML report of whatever .dart file or testscript being executed.
Hope we get some solid solutions for the same.
Once you could generate the coverage report in ( line coverage).
Then you can create the web report as :
Generate HTML report.
Note: on macOS you need to have lcov installed on your system (brew install lcov) to use this:
genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html
Open the report
open coverage/html/index.html
Does anyone know a good way to see generated code coverage reports for a Flutter project in Windows, preferably using VS Code? I know I can generate coverage reports using flutter test --coverage which generates a coverage file (coverage\
But how can I use this in VS Code? I found an extension called Coverage Gutters that I can use to visualize covered lines with a green color. It's not perfect for dart/flutter code but it works OK. An example is that it does not mark green lines for line separated arguments to a method or constructor even if those arguments are included in tests.
But the main problem is that I can't get any visual report of the coverage. There are tools (primarily genhtml) that are used to generate HTML reports from the but this does not seem to be available on Windows. Do I need to install the Linux subsystem for Windows 10 and install genhtml that way?
Please let me know if you have tips on how to use code coverage for Flutter in Windows (reports and/or line visualization in VS Code). Thanks!
A way--I wouldn't call it a good way, but at least it's easy and it works--is to install Atom text editor and the Dart and lcov-info packages. Then open your Flutter project and click Ctrl+Alt+c and the coverage report in graphical format will be displayed.
On the Official Flutter Packages website, it is written that the plugin for Code Coverage, dart_codecov_generator (, is DART 2 INCOMPATIBLE. So, is there a way we can use Code Coverage for Flutter projects?
Yes it possible to get the code coverage for a flutter project.
if you run flutter test --coverage, it will output a file ( in the coverage folder and then multiple solution are possible:
you can use genhtml program on this file to get the coverage (you will have to do some parsing)
use online tool like codecov to upload you code coverage into the service.
My team uses VSTS with hosted agents and a Visual Studio Test build task to run all tests and produce code coverage. However the tab Code coverage remains empty afterwards, only showing a link to download the *.coverage file.
I actually expect the code coverage results to be shown, with tables and graphs which projects are tested and it's respective coverage.
We are using the Visual Studio Test build task to test net461 assemblies with the Code Coverage enabled checked.
Somewhat related are both this and this issue, but not entirely, because we are just using MSTest Framework with built-in Visual Studio Test build task, which (I understand) should also automatically publish the code coverage results.
Am I missing something to get this Code coverage view working? Thanks!!
In Code coverage Tab, you need to use Publish Code Coverage Results task to show tables and graphs there.
While for Publish Code Coverage Results task, it only supports Code Coverage data in Jacoco or Cobertura formats. So the result of the *.coverage file can not be shown by tables and graphs in Code coverage Tab.
More details, you can refer the blog Browse Code Coverage reports and the issue How to publish the code coverage result with a .coverage file.