how to show vue testing-library tests in vs code? - visual-studio-code

I've installed #testing-library/vue for a Vue project. I use VS Code as my IDE. Seems like I remember test runner integration in VS Code which will auto-display an aggregated list of all tests which exist in the app (files ending in test.js) but I don't see a way to display that test runner view in my default VS Code installation/configuration.
Looks like there's a "Test Explorer UI" Extension that I can install in VS Code which has 1.9M downloads so I'm guessing that's the most popular test runner for VS Code integration. I installed that extension and selected View > Testing from the toolbar. That displayed a "TESTING" panel on the left side of the IDE although no tests are displayed in that panel.
So is there anything special that I need to do in order for tests to display in this panel? Not sure if I need to install another dependency, configure an additional file, run some type of npm script, etc.


Visual Studio Code does not see changes in F# Solution

Currently I am trying to use Visual Studio Code with Ionide to build a F# Solution. To describe my problem, i first describe what i have done, and what works.
I created a solution with two Projects. One Project is a Queue that contains a F# library. Another project is Queue.Test that is a console application that uses the Queue library, and should contain the Tests for the Queue library.
I'm using .Net6 and created the solution and Project with the dotnet cli tool.
In general, i can build the project with dotnet and i also can use everything in Visual Studio Code. I load the Folder that contains both projects, and Visual Studio Code loads the library.
I am able to edit the Library and my Console application. In my Console application i also can access the Queue and so on. Autocompletion works, and so on.
But, there is one problem. When i add a new function to my library, let's say then in my Console application, i cannot see that function. It doesn't show in autocomplete, and when I write code that uses that function i get a compiler error telling me that function doesn't exists.
I can Build/Rebuild from VS Code or from CLI but the problem goes not away.
The only way Ionide starts to see the new function is by building the library AND restarting VS Code. As long i don't restart, it seems to not update the generated dll (i guess).
This is sure annoying, as i don't want to reload/restart VSCode everytime I add a new function to my library.
So my question: How i can I fix this?
What i want is to be able to change my library, and at the same time write tests in the other project and get full Code autocompletion.
Does somebody else have the same problem, or should I change my workflow?
What can i do, to debug this problem on my own?
Some tips?
This issue is fixed by the recent version of Ionide 5.10.1

Flutter driver Test Explorer

is there a way to get some kind of Flutter Test Explorer into the IntelliJ IDE?
I am thinking of something like JUnit has in Visual Studio. Let's say that it should be something like this. My tests are stored in Feature Files.
If yes please send me a link to an addon or tool.
I am talking about the tool which "sees" all feature files and scenarios in it before the run. User than can select which scenario will be executed from the list of scenarios.
If you run tests in IntelliJ you should see something very similar to what you have screen shotted above for VS. You may find if you're using a build tool (Gradle/Maven) that running tests defaults to using the build tool to do so but you can switch this back to IntelliJ alone. What are you currently seeing/not seeing in IntelliJ?
See for more info + screen shot very similar to VS.

vscode test explorer cannot run single test, but works for full test class

Since about 2 month I cannot execute a phpunit test individually - only the full class (using the vscode test explorer).
This is my setting in vscode for my test files
When I click run in the test explorer (see picture)
I get the following output
However, clicking run on the full class works
The full explanation can be found here:
The basic work around is to downgrade to version 2.0.72
It seems that a change in the used regex (/^.*::testCallAndRequestIsAjax.*$/) is causing this issue in the most recent version.
Downgrade by
going to extensions
right click PHPUnit Test Explorer
install another version
chose 2.0.72

NUnit 3.2: Autorun tests after compile (Windows)

On a new VS solution, I've started using NUnit 3.2. Older versions (2.6) had a external NUnit GUI, that made it possible to watch assemblies and automatically run tests on modifications. But I cannot find anything similar to this for 3.2 - neither in the docs nor through Google.
I've installed NUnit.3.2.0.msi, I've also installed the NUnit3 Test Adapter in VS + NUnit3.2 nuget package for my project.
I can easily run all my tests through VS' Test Explorer. But I miss some way to run them automatically. Anyone know how?
In older versions of Visual Studio, there used to be an option to run tests after every build, but it was removed. It was always buggy and tended to lock files and prevent you from rebuilding.
You could set a post build command on your test project to automatically run NUnit console whenever your test project recompiles. You have NUnit console installed, so you could point to that, or use the NUnit.Runners package to install it into the packages folder of your solution.
Open your test project settings and go to the Build Events tab. Click on Edit Post-Build. Enter the following;
"C:\Program Files (x86)\\nunit-console\nunit3-console.exe" "$(TargetPath)"
Now, whenever you build, your tests will be run and the results will appear in the output window.
Maybe not ideal if there is a lot of build output after your tests but it works.
FYI, the colour in the build output is a side-effect of the VSColorOutput Visual Studio extension, it is not from NUnit.
Visual Studio captures STDOUT, so I haven't been able to get it to open a CMD window and run the tests. If anyone knows how to do that, add a comment and I will update.
There is a GUI for NUnit 3 under developement on GitHub - but it's not advised for production use yet.
We set our tests up using the NUnitLite runner. This allows you to turn your test assembly into an executable - and on run, will launch the console and run all tests. [Documentation]

Setting up libgdx in IntelliJ Idea with GWT Support?

So far the documentation doesn't include the set up of GWT project in IDEA, and my limited google skill can't find the solution. Is it possible?
If you generated your libgdx project using the gdx-setup.jar file, then you should import your project by using the following link:
HTML: View -> Tool Window -> Terminal, in the terminal, make sure you are in the root folder of your project. Then execute gradlew.bat html:superDev (Windows) or ./gradlew html:superDev (Linux, Mac OS X). This will take a while, as your Java code is compiled to Javascript.
Once you see the message The code server is ready, fire up your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/html. This is your app running in the browser! When you change any of your Java code or assets, just click the SuperDev refresh button while you are on the site and the server will recompile your code and reload the page! To kill the process, simply press CTRL + C in the terminal window.
Once this bug in the Gradle tooling API is fixed, we can simplify running the HTML5 by using the Gradle integration. At the moment, the Gradle process will run forever even if canceled.
Also just a heads up, after you have run the gradle command it might say something like this:
The code server is ready.
Next, visit: http://localhost:9876/
Building 91% > :html:superDev
Even though it says 91%, don't worry it will still work, just go here to run it: http://localhost:8080/html/, NOT the url mentioned in the log.
Also to deploy you need to run ./gradlew html:dist to generate production code, you want to copy everything inside ./html/build/dist/ to your server. Running that command produces the code in that directory.
I was able to make GWT work with libgdx simply by:
downloading ( the GWT SDK,
extracting it,
then in the project structure -> project-name-html -> dependencies,
just press the + and add the extracted GWT directory
A dialog appears and I just unticked all the samples
The "Dependencies Storage Format" needed to be "Intellij IDEA", not Eclipse for this to work for me.