AutoHotKey, Repeat key press - autohotkey

All I want is a simple keypress of lowercase "v" 4 times with a 1 second delay between. I have tried so many iterations of this simple-sounding action to no avail and the most infuriating thing is that I can get it to work with a capital "V" – but that also emulates a shift+v key press. I just don't understand.
Loop, 4
sleep 10
SendInput {V} ; capital V works perfectly fine but includes Shift+v, I don't want a shift
sleep 1000
Whereas ...
Loop, 4
sleep 10
SendInput {v} ; Lowercase v, Does absolutely nothing...
sleep 1000
What am I missing?

Loop, 4
sleep 10
SendInput v
sleep 1000
The $ prefix works by forcing the keyboard hook to be used and prevents the Send command from triggering the hotkey itself.
Alternative #UseHook can be specified somewhere above, so the keyboard hook is implemented for every hotkey after it

Another solution:
#IfWinActive ahk_class your_app_ahk_class
SetKeyDelay, 1000
Send {v 4}
I don't know what's the purpose of this, but since the shortcut does not include any control keys, it might be better to limit this to a specific app. The first line in my snippet tries to achieve this.


Simple keypress script with loop in Autohotkey

Whenever you press w you get into a loop that press e around every 10 seconds. Another button has to be pressed to get out of it again at any moment (and making it possible to start over again). This is what I have so far:
Send, e
Random, SleepAmount, 9000, 10000
Sleep, %SleepAmount%
I don't understand why it is not working yet. It presses e once and doesn't do anything anymore after that.
is the short form for
and therefore terminates the current subroutine. Never define a hotkey within any other execution bodies. Instead, define the x-hotkey outside the w hotkey and make it stop the loop.
Example using goTo (note that goSub is different for the latter will not terminate the subroutine):
Loop {
send e
Random, SleepAmount, 9000, 10000
Sleep, %SleepAmount%
goTo after_loop
; or, more compact:
; x::goto after_loop
Since gotos are pretty bad programming style, you might consider using a timer (instead of the loop). But to be honest, it's not worth it because your sleep amount is not fix.

AHK Prevent Multiple Hotkey Triggers

It's a quite simple code.
I just want my Mousewheeldown to Send P only once.
Even if I scroll it like 3 times, I only want it to send P only once every 100ms or sth.
Here is my really small bit of code so far:
SetKeyDelay , -1, 50
#MaxMem 2
Send {p}
Sleeping a bit after sending the keystroke would solve this problem.
Send, p
Sleep, 100
Also, you do not need to put the p between {}-s (curly braces), as it is not a special key.
The sleep command takes it's parameter as milliseconds, so if for example you would want to allow it only one 'p' in a second, you would write Sleep, 1000.

Holding control, shift and v, using only one key

I am using lightroom for this hotkey. I dont know why is this doesn't work for me.
::{control}{sleep 5}{shift}{sleep 5}v
And Alt+F+↓(5x) then Enter.
And Alt+F+↓(5x) then Enter.
I don't know what you mean by that, because I can't see anything like that in your script. So I will just ignore it and do what the thread title and your script says/implies.
The following script will simulate pressing Ctrl+Shift+V when you press the A key
SetKeyDelay, 5 ;wait 5 milliseconds between every keystroke
About your comment, I guess I know what you are on to, try this:
SetKeyDelay, 5 ;wait 5 milliseconds between every keystroke
SendInput, !f
Sleep, 50
SendInput, {Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Down}{Enter}

Autohotkey: I'm unable to make a script for pressing 2 keys with a delay beteween them

Well i want to make a script with the objetive:
3{DOWN} key, and later hold or quickly press Z x3, and loop all that.
I have been trying to work with loop command but i just can't, im new with AutoHotkey and english it's not my native languague so it's been pretty hard.
Here is the code i tried but didn't work as i expect, since it press Z before the 3 {DOWN} keys.
SetTimer, Code, 150
Send, Z{DOWN}
If you know anyway to improve what i'm doing like, add a toggle like F8 to turn on/off, it would be aweosome.
Thanks for any help.
Helena, What your script does right now is the following. As soon as the script starts it will start to send [Z] and [Arrow down] every 150 mili seconds. This is independent of what application is running at that time.
You write that you want to loop sending codes and that you want to toggle this ON/OFF.
Here is an example that comes closer to your goal.
F8:: ; This is your [F8] Toggle hotkey
If Toggle:=!Toggle ; Here you "test" the value of the variable "toggle" and after testing switch it to the opposite (true/false)
SetTimer, Trigger, -1 ; This is to create a separate thread for the loop. -1 means start in 1 ms but only do this one time, not every 1 ms's.
While (Toggle)
Send, +z{Down} ; + is the shift key, thus +z makes captial Z
Sleep, 500 ; Wait 500 ms (1/2 a second)
Send, +{z Down} ; Press Shift z Down. This will NOT start a repeat like ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Sleep, 500 ; Wait 500 ms (1/2 a second)
Send, +{z Up} ; Lift Shift z Up
Sleep, 1 ; Required. Without it The F8 keypress to toggle off can not be read anymore

Autohotkey - Key loop making shift key combos not work

I made a script meant to be spammed on button down , its working but when I wanto use another key combo with [Shift] while holding down the key [Xbutton2] it doesnt work e.g If I wanto press Shift+q it only sends q and its the same for any other keys.
I have been using this script forever but since the Software updated it doesnt seem to work as intended anymore.
#ifWinActive ***********
SetKeyDelay, 20
if not GetKeyState("XButton2", "P")
Send 3456789
sleep +q
sleep +e
sleep +f
sleep +r
sleep +c
sleep +q
I just dont understand why any key combo with Shift doesnt work.
I tried adding sleep on the shift keys that I use but it made no diffarence.
Adding an asterisk to the front of a hotkey makes it ignore modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt, Shift).
;do stuff