Why Instagram advertising not accepting Play Store URL? - facebook

I have an instagram account about 300 followers. I switched this instamgra account to professional account. and i add my app link to a post to advertise but i get "ad not serving" error.. when i try another website it is approved.. why play store links are not approved? Example URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.instagram.android
Note: I tried shortening the link but it doesn't work


Vimeo unity SDK: Is there a way to use a team member's authorization to gain access to main user's videos?

We're working on a unity project involving using unity vimeo sdk (https://github.com/vimeo/vimeo-unity-sdk#setting-up). The client who we are working for has a vimeo account with the videos that needs to be displayed in the application. The client has created a vimeo account for us and added it to team members of their main account, with administrator rights. The client has a vimeo pro account.
After clicking the get token-button and logging in with the team member account created for us and adding the received api token, we now have access to only videos uploaded to that team member's account, but not to the videos that are on the main account. Using an url of the main user's video gives an error in unity:
"[VimeoPlayer] You do not have permission to access to this video. You must be a Vimeo Pro or Business customer and use videos from your own account. https://vimeo.com/upgrade".
We can switch the team account to the client's account in a web browser and modify the videos according to given usage rights, but we can't use the videos of the main user. We also tried logging in to the team account on a browser, switching team role to the client's account, and then doing the authentication through unity, but this didn't give us access to the videos in unity.
We would like to know if there's a way to use the main user's videos on team member account WITHOUT logging in and authorizing with the main account. The only solution we came out is that if the client doesn't want to share the main account's user credentials, they will have to use Unity to log in to vimeo in their end, then send us the token. According to our tests that approach will work, but it's a bit of a hassle.
A few things:
1) This isn't a programming question, it's more of a product support question, and thus isn't a good fit for StackOverflow. Read the guidelines for asking a good question on StackOverflow, and contact Vimeo while logged into your paid account to request support.
2) Vimeo's team membership system doesn't extend to the API since the API can be used outside of that team system. The API can only be used to interact with your own Vimeo account, and you can only read public metadata for other user accounts.
I just ask the original account holder who purchased the Pro subscription to provide the access token by asking them to visit:
He then provided the token, which then worked as expected in Unity.
Vimeo docs do not indicate this requirement.
Additionally #Moderators, on the Vimeo link provided, Vimeo officially indicates to request support via StackOverflow! So the issue was not the original poster, but Vimeo tech staff waiting to use Stackoverflow as a product support channel.

How to create a Facebook App?

I'm not a Facebook user, I never had any Facebook account, so I'm not familiar at all with the Facebook website.
I need to create a Facebook App
Today I need to implement "Facebook Connect" (authentication) for the website of a client. I'm using an existing extension which requires me to enter my App ID and Secret key, which can be obtained by creating a Facebook App.
1: Where to get started?
According to both the Facebook Documentation and the extension I'm using, a Facebook App can be created by going to the following URL: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
2: Account required
When I go to that URL I am asked to login. Very well, so I go ahead and create my very first Facebook Account. On the registration form it says that if the account is created for a business then I don't need to enter my personal name. This account is not for me but for my client's website, and my client being a business, I go on and open a business account.
3: Account verification
To complete, I am required to verify my email address, which I do successfully. After that, it asked me to verify my personal phone number, which I do successfully.
4: Account created & verified: still can't access the App Creation page
Now, I finally have a Facebook Business Account. I go again to that same URL to create a Facebook App: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/. However, I still can't access the page as according to the Facebook Documentation it seems that I need to convert my account to a "Developer Account".
5: Developer Account required
Very well, I follow the process of converting my account to a Developer Account, provide all kind of information about me and the company hiring me, and finally, I now have a Developer Account, yeey!!
6: Second attempt
Ok, now it should certainly work and I will FINALLY be able to create this dawn app to start implementing Facebook Connect on my client's website!
Double checking that the URL is the correct one from the documentation of the plugin, and also from the Facebook Documentation itself, I go ahead and refresh this page: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
7: Still fail: now getting redirected to Facebook Advertising
But now, when loading the above URL, I am automatically redirected to the following page: https://www.facebook.com/advertising
I have tried to log-out, erase all my cookies, login again, but nothing will do, when I go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ I am always redirected to https://www.facebook.com/advertising which is about creating ads but what I need is to create an app!
8: Personal Account required
I searched all over the place for an explanation or maybe for a newer URL, but no luck. I finally found on StackOverflow (Can't access Facebook Developers App!!?! Redirected to my page repeatedly) that I can't create a Facebook App with a Business Account, and that I need a Personal Account instead.
9: Personal Account creation
Very well, I go ahead and create my very first personal account on Facebook.
10: Can't create a personal account, email and phone already used!
Oops, it says that my email was already used for another account. Hmmm OK so I go ahead and create a new email address especially, and then try to register a personal account again. Now it is asking to verify my phone number, which I do, but unfortunately it says that my phone number was already used to verify another account earlier today!
Dawn, I'm really starting to feel exhausted by Facebook. Let's think about a solution. I have only one phone number, and I wouldn't use the phone of a friend as they all have Facebook and all probably verified their own accounts using their phones.
11: Deleting my Business Account created earlier
Solution founds! I will delete my business account, so my real email and my phone number will be available again! Yeey!!!
12: Facebook won't delete my account today
A few minutes later, I understand that my Facebook Account cannot be deleted today. I can deactivate it. But this won't free my email nor my phone number. After some research on the web I found a hidden form that allows to really delete my account. I go ahead through the deletion process, enter my password about 10 times, and fill 10 really hard CAPTCHAS, and finally my account is deleted! Oh wait... it says it won't be deleted before 2 weeks!!!
13: Final attempt: fail again
Anyway, I still try to use my phone number again to create a personal account, but still no luck, Facebook won't let me use my own phone number to activate my account.
What are my options?
Have you looked at all into dummy phone numbers, such as with Google voice (free) or with Skype (nominal fee)? Some sites, such as Craigslist, can sniff those numbers out and still not allow them to be used for verifying, but others can't tell the difference. Could be useful.
Depending on how big your client's budget is, maybe grab a throwaway prepaid phone from the store and use it. Just a few thoughts on how to avoid the phone issue. Everything else seems straightforward after that.
Building an app on Facebook gives you the opportunity to deeply integrate into the core Facebook experience. Your app can integrate with many aspects of Facebook.com, including the News Feed and Notifications. All of the core Facebook Platform technologies, such as Social Plugins, the Graph API and Platform Dialogs are available to Apps on Facebook.
In this document we will explain the following concepts:
Canvas Page: The Page in which your app is loaded.
Social Channels: The key channels that help you grow your user base and re-engage existing users.
Analytics: Accessing analytics for your application.
If you wish to start building an App on Facebook now, please refer to our getting started tutorial. If you want to build an app to add to the tab of a Facebook Page then you should refer to Page Tabs.
Visit this site

I don't understand this email from Facebook about my app [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Dec 5th beaking changes - facebook says app will be effect
I got an email that my app is impacting some new rules. Unfortunately english isn't my native language and I found no possibility to ask the facebook support - I'm not sure if I understood the email correctly. I hope you can help me:
Your desktop web game hosted primarily off Facebook currently
accesses user connections when authenticating and/or requests
additional permissions beyond age, email, and publishing permissions.
This is no longer allowed per Facebook Platform Policy I.13a:
Desktop web games off of Facebook.com may only use Facebook Login
(Authentication, excluding user connections such as friend list),
Social Plugins and publishing (e.g., Feed Dialog, Stream Publish, or
Open Graph). When authenticating, these games may not request
additional permissions other than age, email, and our Publishing
If your app is accessing user connections
(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/) or asking
for additional permissions beyond age, email, and our Publishing
Permissions, please remove these requests. After December 5th, we will
place restrictions on your app if your app continues to access user
connections or request additional permissions other than
'user_birthday', 'email' or our publishing permissions such as
'publish_actions' or 'publish_stream'.
Do I understand this right, I can ask for following additional permission like email or publishing stream but nothing else?
I changed my login-url from
to this:
Is it now okay?
I also use $facebook->api('/'.$FacebookID.'/friends'); to get the list of friends and build a form where the user can send his friends an invitation. Is this not alowed anymore?
• Your Canvas/mobile game currently shares the same app ID with a
desktop web game off Facebook.com, which is no longer allowed per
Facebook Platform Policy I.13b:
(Games on Facebook.com and mobile must not share the same app ID with
desktop web games off of Facebook.com. You must not use Canvas apps to
promote or link to game sites off of Facebook, and must not use emails
obtained from us to promote or link to desktop web games off of
Please create a separate app ID for your Facebook Connect integration.
After December 5th, your Connect app will no longer be accessible if
it continues to share an app ID with its Canvas/mobile counterpart.
You have received this message because your app uses a Connect
integration. If you believe this to be an error, please reference the
developer docs to ensure your app is categorized correctly.
This one I don't understand at all. What and where can I do that? My app has a own URL and a canvas page at facebook. Would it be enough to remove the canvas page and only keep the direct URL?
I changed my login-url from "scope=email,publish_stream,read_stream,user_games_activity" to this: "scope=email,publish_stream" Is it now okay?
Yes, it should be ok now because according to the breaking changes "these games may not request additional permissions other than age, email, and our Publishing Permissions." So you should be fine.
I also use $facebook->api('/'.$FacebookID.'/friends'); to get the list of friends and build a form where the user can send his friends an invitation. Is this not alowed anymore?
/friends doesn't require any additional permissions, so I think it should be ok.
What and where can I do that? My app has a own URL and a canvas page at facebook. Would it be enough to remove the canvas page and only keep the direct URL?
Yes, you need to separate your canvas/mobile game from the desktop web game. Currently, they both have the same app ID, you can choose to either remove the canvas page entirely or create a new app for the canvas/mobile game and use that new app ID. Regardless, the end result is that only one of your games can use your exisiting app ID.

Users getting 404 when accepting my App invite - why?

After creating an iOS app on Facebook, I've tried sending out app invites to FB users. However, the invite directs them to the URL http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=175116205946673 which is just a 404 page.
I've tried connecting the app to a Community Page in the hope that the invite would send them there instead, but no luck. The app is not in sandbox mode.
I've seen this question asked before, but no solution worked for me. I can't tell the invite to direct users to my Community Page, my App Center page or just my iTunes store page - because I don't know how to manually set the target URL in an invite.
Go to Facebook Developer Apps center ,
make sure that 175116205946673 is your app ID and also check:
1.Is your application on? (not sandbox)
2.Is your application authorized?

How can I use cocoafish/cocoafish-ios-sdk/samples/DemoApp on github.com, facebook check-in sample?

Nowadays, I develop facebook checkin of iPhone app.
So, I searched sample on github.com and found cocoafish/cocoafish-ios-sdk/samples/DemoApp.
I built this and executed this app and I clicked "Login with Facebook" on user tab.
After typing email and password and clicking "Login", this app doesn't login with Facebook.
It prompts "Failed to login with Facebook, Authentication needed".
My email and password are correct.
Also my cocoafishAppKey, oauthConsumerKey, oauthConsumerSecret and facebookAppId are correct.
My cocoafishAppKey, oauthConsumerKey and facebookApp are same and these are the AppId/AppKey that i made when i add app into facebook.
And oauthConsumerSecret is Secret Key.
then, how can i execute this app?
I am going to reference this app.
I will wait answer.
This is Wei from Cocoafish. We provide a server backend so that developers can build checkins and other networked features into their mobile apps. Currently, our Facebook support allows users in your app to also login with their Facebook account.
If you have already signed up for the Cocoafish Private Beta, please refer to http://cocoafish.com/docs/ios#facebook for instructions on how to connect your app to allow Facebook logins. If you don't yet have access to Cocoafish, please sign up at http://cocoafish.com/beta/signup and note that you are coming from StackOverflow so that we can give you a beta access code. If you have any more detailed questions, please email wei#cocoafish.com.