I don't understand this email from Facebook about my app [duplicate] - facebook

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Dec 5th beaking changes - facebook says app will be effect
I got an email that my app is impacting some new rules. Unfortunately english isn't my native language and I found no possibility to ask the facebook support - I'm not sure if I understood the email correctly. I hope you can help me:
Your desktop web game hosted primarily off Facebook currently
accesses user connections when authenticating and/or requests
additional permissions beyond age, email, and publishing permissions.
This is no longer allowed per Facebook Platform Policy I.13a:
Desktop web games off of Facebook.com may only use Facebook Login
(Authentication, excluding user connections such as friend list),
Social Plugins and publishing (e.g., Feed Dialog, Stream Publish, or
Open Graph). When authenticating, these games may not request
additional permissions other than age, email, and our Publishing
If your app is accessing user connections
(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/) or asking
for additional permissions beyond age, email, and our Publishing
Permissions, please remove these requests. After December 5th, we will
place restrictions on your app if your app continues to access user
connections or request additional permissions other than
'user_birthday', 'email' or our publishing permissions such as
'publish_actions' or 'publish_stream'.
Do I understand this right, I can ask for following additional permission like email or publishing stream but nothing else?
I changed my login-url from
to this:
Is it now okay?
I also use $facebook->api('/'.$FacebookID.'/friends'); to get the list of friends and build a form where the user can send his friends an invitation. Is this not alowed anymore?
• Your Canvas/mobile game currently shares the same app ID with a
desktop web game off Facebook.com, which is no longer allowed per
Facebook Platform Policy I.13b:
(Games on Facebook.com and mobile must not share the same app ID with
desktop web games off of Facebook.com. You must not use Canvas apps to
promote or link to game sites off of Facebook, and must not use emails
obtained from us to promote or link to desktop web games off of
Please create a separate app ID for your Facebook Connect integration.
After December 5th, your Connect app will no longer be accessible if
it continues to share an app ID with its Canvas/mobile counterpart.
You have received this message because your app uses a Connect
integration. If you believe this to be an error, please reference the
developer docs to ensure your app is categorized correctly.
This one I don't understand at all. What and where can I do that? My app has a own URL and a canvas page at facebook. Would it be enough to remove the canvas page and only keep the direct URL?

I changed my login-url from "scope=email,publish_stream,read_stream,user_games_activity" to this: "scope=email,publish_stream" Is it now okay?
Yes, it should be ok now because according to the breaking changes "these games may not request additional permissions other than age, email, and our Publishing Permissions." So you should be fine.
I also use $facebook->api('/'.$FacebookID.'/friends'); to get the list of friends and build a form where the user can send his friends an invitation. Is this not alowed anymore?
/friends doesn't require any additional permissions, so I think it should be ok.
What and where can I do that? My app has a own URL and a canvas page at facebook. Would it be enough to remove the canvas page and only keep the direct URL?
Yes, you need to separate your canvas/mobile game from the desktop web game. Currently, they both have the same app ID, you can choose to either remove the canvas page entirely or create a new app for the canvas/mobile game and use that new app ID. Regardless, the end result is that only one of your games can use your exisiting app ID.


New facebook image requirements and third party plugins

We have been trying to get facebook approval for the use of an existing, already approved (with other people using it) third party extension for magento 2 that helps a user design photo albums. We would like to enable our customers to have access to their facebook photos when designing photo albums.
The initial app review was submitted at about the time facebook started making all of it's changes and thus sat idle for three months as they changed some of their internal policies and handled the subsequent backlog. It was even cancelled at one point requiring us to re-submit it.
Most recently, it finally received a review and was rejected because facebook confused the photo behavior with the login behavior.
I'm not trying to re-submit the review request with more details to show that it's a different piece of software performing a different function from the login-with-facebook but now (unlike the first time) I'm getting an error when using one of the test accounts:
Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To
be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App
Domains field in your app settings.
This error didn't appear when I created the 'experience' video 3 1/2 months ago so presumably it's something new from facebook's end as the settings in the app haven't changed. I can only guess as to the cause, but the third party app uses an end-point that is not on our domain but is instead one of their domains for their designer hub which actually handles the album design. The plugin is the MediaClip album designer and the end point is on photos.mediacliphub.com
But the facebook app settings won't allow me to add photos.mediacliphub.com to the App Domains saying:
App domains must match the domain of the Facebook
Web Games URL (https), Mobile Site URL, Unity Binary
URL, Site URL or Secure Page Tab URL. Please correct
these domains: photos.mediacliphub.com
Of course since we are the only one of their customers sitting in the middle of a review process at the moment, I'm having a hard time convincing mediaclip that it is a problem with the urls/changes-at-facebook. (especially since I am not entirely sure of that myself)
Facebook, meanwhile has closed itself off from the world in regard to any means to contact support with an actual specific question or inquiry. I've tried joining the Facebook Developers group on facebook and posing the question but so far it hasn't received a single reply or comment.
If anyone knows what might be going on or has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated for as of this point, I can't even re-submit the review request if I'm receiving errors in the experience as it will just get rejected.

Facebook App Center Game that doesnt use FB API?

Is it possible to submit my 3D WebGL HTML5 / Facebook Canvas app to the App Center, even though it does not use the Facebook API? It isn't integrated with Facebook in any way, other than, being embedded in..
..from a Dropbox-hosted URL, if that even counts as a technical "Facebook integration" - which I doubt, as no API usage or Facebook signup or login required to even play it.
I keep on trying to submit it for App Center review but it insists to think I'm using the FB API when I'm not. Does this mean usage of the FB API is absolutely required for App Center submission? What if I dont want my app logging in to people's Facebook accounts? What if I don't want it accessing their personal information, or posting for them, or any of that jank? What if I just want it to be a game to simply be played embedded in a FB app URL, with no actual FB integration or interaction? Can that not be put on the App Center?
It thinks I need 3 permissions, one of which is logging in to people's accounts, I think these 3 permissions are put there in settings by default, how do I removed those permissions from my app settings, as those permissions listed aren't being used in my game, as it isn't using any FB permissions?
A smaller question on the side, what is the "tagline"? Like, it is the keywords / searchable tags, right? I'm used to them being called just "tags" and not a "tagline" so just to be sure I know what it is.
Thank you so much for any help or suggestions!
Yes you can always submit the html5 game on facebook canvas but for App Centre listing its necessary. Also using dropbox, github hosted sited will have less server resources allocted to them and hence high load time - i recommend to use any other hosting services out their, but remember https is a must.
Tagline is like a punch line for any product just go on the same theme.

What parameters are allowed in Desktop web game policy change?

We have a browser based game which uses Facebook Connect through an AppID that we used to run the same game in a canvas until Fb Credits were introduced and we were forced to shut it down. Now, we only use the App the same way as a product page with the FbConnect integration on our own site.
Today's mail states for our case:
If your Connect app is accessing user connections or asking for additional permissions beyond age, email, and our Publishing Permissions, please remove these requests.
(This refers to this policy change: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2012/09/05/platform-updates--operation-developer-love/)
We are using oauth FbConnect with scope=email,user_birthday. This is exactly what was specified in an earlier mail so it should be ok.
Once the user is authenticated, we simply call
and read what comes there.
Is it possible, that we are not allowed to call the GraphAPI's me anymore? It contains info like gender, location and locale...
The Oauth data contains the fbuid, first/lastname and the email, but it does not contain the age, what we are supposed to be allowed to ask?
Do I have to call https://graph.facebook.com/me?fields=birthday explicitly?
Did anyone actually succeed in getting an "desktop web game hosted primarily off Facebook" to comply with their new policy without creating a new AppID?
Note: There have been a couple of questions about the "Sep 5th policy change" like Facebook: Notice of Violation this one and many previous closed as duplicates, but none I found so far contains questions or answers on a technical level.
Maybe you could skip the "Website with Facebook Login" part in developer settings and only provide your game directly via canvas. (eg. apps.facebook.com/logogame). that's what "on facebook.com" is all about, I guess.

How to share from iphone app to any windows phone 7 app?

Let's say I have app on iPhone and Windows Phone 7. How to share (ex. Note) between my both apps, regardless any platform.
Guess this question is very broad, my bad.
Be more specific, I want the user to go through his contact list and share through my app. How do I identify if the other user installed my app? and what platform he/she using?
Using the contact list isn't a good way to "share" in this regard.
You're asking two questions here:
How to build a system to share data between two mobile clients, irrespective of platform?
How to best enable users to find their friends to share data?
Let's start with the 2nd question.
I would leverage services like Twitter and Facebook and have your app connect with your users facebook account. This is a well known approach, and avoids having to roll your own account system.
With facebook as an example:
Facebook connect, you can get the facebookID of your user, as well as their friends facebookID. You'll need a backend webservice which you can query users by fbID.
When a user opts to use their facebook account, store their FacebookID on your backend service. Then using facebook's api's get a list of their friends facebookID's. Your app will lookup each ID using your backend service, and if it finds one, then you know that friend has also installed the app, and connected it to facebook.
So if Alice installed your app, connects to facebook, and she is friends with Bob, who also has installed your app, your back end service would return that Bob's facebookID is known to your app, and thus the two of them can share to each other using some protocol that you design.
If their friend's ID isn't known to your system, I would send them a facebook message, or post on thier wall with a restful link that invites them to check out the note you want to share on the web, and place the link to the app on the same page.
Due to the high level of your question, this answer is a bit of a 20,000ft view, and assumes you know how to build a web service.
If you want to see a great example of an app that makes use Facebook and or Twitter to find friends who also use the same app, I recommend checking out Groupme. It's free, and available for WP7, iPhone, and Android. It's a group SMS app, and uses your contact list, facebook, and twitter, to setup friends.
For the first question, you'll need to make use of a backend webservice. User would elect to share either in-app, or by posting to their facebook, with a weblink. In-app sharing, I would use an inbox approach. A user posts a message to their friend, and it gets stored in a queue. The app periodically checks the users queue to see if any new "shares" have been posted. If so, get that data, and present it to the user. Your back end service should also take advantage of newer app concepts like push notifications, because thats what users expect.
I would suggest using a web service such as Parse. This will allow you to focus on your app development and not worry about server coding.
Currently they do not have a Windows Phone 7 SDK but it is just a matter of making the REST requests manually to the service.

Facebook Development and the Invite system

I'm developing a test Facebook app to just get a feel for the platform.
Programatically I can send invites with the FB API.
I send my friend an invite and he can accept the invite which takes him to my app. If he leaves the app, he can't get back to it because it does not show up in his Apps list. His Apps link says App Requests. (Is Facebook A/B Testing this?) Of course, he could bookmark the app but he shouldn't have to. The other thing I noticed. Is in my Facebook dev apps dashboard my User count is still 0.
Main question: He can't see a link to the app anywhere? And also me as the developer can't see a link without going into the Developer app.
Is this because the app is not listed/published yet in the directory? This is very confusing. Help.
Facebook is redoing the invite system. They introduced the new Requests system early in the year, and recently released v2.0. Requests under the new system will remain until you delete them programmatically or the user clicks the "X". http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/requests/
As for user count, unless you request authorization and they grant it, your user count will stay at 0.